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1、 -年武汉市部分学校九年级调研测试英语试卷4. 二、选择填空(共 小题,每题 分,满分 1 分)从题中所给的 A、D 四个选项中,选出一种最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。26. -Woud youlike playbasketball t us this fternon?- _, ut my moer i il do creB. ts very nce fyC Of cuse notD.Mypleasue27. - Who isthat lay?- ShesMiseen. Sh_u msc, a she is so ood.A. taghtB.tachesC. will

2、teachD. steacing28. - Ssorr,Tm. I cant find te book you _me- IO.I ontneed it anym.lend. aelntCwill lD. let9. I dntfel well, Jak.I afaidyo _ m ur cold. iveB d giveC. avegien. wouldge30. - Whasthe matter, Jny?- _ shn wr wit y bk, wy?.tis B.There CI have D. It as 31 -I had a plat wnter vactioih mfal in

3、 he nrth.- _.Oh,tats vry nc of ou.B.Ejoy yourse!C. Wellone!D. Glad ohea hat32. -I thik tudents c hamoblehne o p eirsuie.- _. Theyofen usthem o play gamsI think oB. I dotgreeC. NoproemD That a gd ie3 - he wooueer werebsy lookngfor theisig irl ad ve tired, t _ of the ooka res.- I thnk hey ae hees for

4、us.noneB.btC.eitr eithe34. -Ho are th?- I avet _ very mu hes ds. I ne tork ader.A. ndedB. acived. afforddD.appreciated35. - soon can I have a uk ord wth yo?- Youave t _ ndait till I finish y wrk.A. acteB. mdeC. honstD.ptnt36.- That oreign guy seaks ood Cin- Oh, he is Frank. e isAustraian Heloves Chn

5、ee cuture an has madeChin i_.A. ousB. famC. hDadres-w wa Sadyswork hee?1- Hiseperience _im pfecty or th o.A. fixed. fiteC. suporedD.ffered38. -ht hs ppendto Jaon?- He was _ byte poic and taken to the statio fr qutioning.A. pickd B. setuC. p up given p39. -sWisoon uy in css toda?- It _ behim. Isis tu

6、rn omrroA. mstB ant. sholdD needn40. - hat dide dctor say toyo?- Heskd me_.A. how ws I felinB. whndd Ig to bd.why Irefse h adve. if adeaen co food三、完形填空(共 小题,每题 1 分,满分 5 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4-55 各小题所给的 A、B、C、 四个选项中,选出一种最佳答案。D Bruns of Lma, Oi, and is 1-yr-ol sn, Aa, love bsball, and e incinati dnaicul

7、r.For, Aarons bithday last October, his daddecie to drve imt Cincinati more han to hours away, fo he 41 ga o theWorld eie. Theyha o icketst42 o y wooneher.Afterarriingat er Front Stdium, heywkd i thestets frtwo hursaro was wearinga Rdsca, his fthecard a 4that rad, W Need2 Tckt.“here were a lot o peo

8、ple h4o ell u he ticks, bt ta pce,” the father sid. “Theepet ticks were $1apiee.Iculdnt ford tha, ad Aaron .”en the bo nds athe6Mihael Tih, whooed for comany that prduceebalhiglih owfr TV Teicherulled ot a 7 ftikts nd handed mo Buns.owud you want?un askd.No harge, sai Teie,4th game.Wenasked aterwh h

9、 gam he two tickets, Tiche exlaine: ws orkingor a annamed JoePoesah dnt Worl Sris i 16yers. Bt eha wid hart atack in Septmber and uldntmke i hs time. S etol mo giv th tw tict o peop who thought wudbe ery0 Teier we around tonfo sme tmseeing Dn d Aarnus.A ot ofeople ookedlike hey m ust tke he tikes an

10、d52them, ier sid, hesaw ti uhappy guyand sson, ice-looking sinny y ey semd very53. The rmidedme o my ad ad I,we was wuld hav dd o gtoa Wrld Ser ame h m atherBver id.How54wast on Bs adhs on! Brus sad: Its he most meorablethingthat vrhappenedto s.My o sadwe must have5to each other 30 tis durin the game andsaiI cbeieve hs. ell nevr foret tht igt41. A onB otherC.freeD irt42. A.preended pomdC pedD. succeed43. ApicueB. postcd. labordD. si4. A. prepreB. reused.mage. lwed45. A.uderstoodB. sagre



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