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1、2020-2021学年山西省临汾市汾东高级学校高一英语模拟试卷含解析 20xx-20xx学年山西省临汾市汾东高级学校高一英语模拟试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. We always keep _ spare paper, in case we run out. A. too much? B. a number of C. plenty of D. a good many 参照答案: C 2. _ he didnt help me with the work. Instead, he was just_. ? A. In a way; in my way B. On the way; in the

2、 way C. In the way; in a way? D. By the way; on the way 参照答案: A 22. “I dont understand what you are saying, she said, with a _ expression on her face. A. puzzling? ? ?B. puzzled? C. puzzle? D. puzzlement 参照答案: B 略 4. The water_ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt? B. i

3、s felt? C. felt? D. feels 参照答案: C 略 5. _on the fact,I firmly believe that the report should be reliable ABasingBTo be baseCBasedDTo base 参照答案: C 句中有逗号分隔,没有连词,要用非谓语动词;base与report之间构成动宾关系,要用过去分词来构成,即the report is based on the fact;句意表达的是事实,不能用不定式来表示应选C 6. By the time he was twenty, he _? a company of

4、his own. ? A. had set up B. has set up? C. sets up D. would set up 参照答案: A 略 7. Robots机器人can also shine in fields _ require creative skills, such as arts. A. thatB. whoC. whenD. where 参照答案: A 8. When the mother heard a bomb exploded _ his son was working, her heart _, wondering if her son was safe.

5、A. where ; broke? B. where; sank? C. in which; was broken? D. at which; sank 参照答案: B 9. ?单词辨音共5小题,每题1分,满分5分 1. July? A diary? B energy C reply? D daily 2. medicine A twice B medical? C perfect D clinic 3. reach? A breathe B really C pleasure D heaven 3.?united? A use? ? B ugly? ? C upstairs ? D put

6、5. thirty? A theatre ? B thus C although D father 参照答案: 15 CAAAA 略 10. Sir, you _be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only. A. oughtnt to? B. cant? C. wont D. neednt 参照答案: A 11. I know you dont like _ music very much.? But what do you think of _ music in the film we saw yest

7、erday? A. ; B. the; the? C. the; ? D. ; the 参照答案: D 【答案】 12. You seemed to be very surprised at the news that he won. Not exactly. It was his courage _ his skill _ really struck me. A. more than; which? B. other than; that? C. rather than; that? D. less than; which 参照答案: C 13. She is always serious,

8、 so you should not _ her. A. play a trick on B. make fool with C. make fun on D. play a joke of 参照答案: A 14. We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture. A. that? B. which? C. what? D. where 参照答案: D 20. Because all the roads leading to the mountain village _, the rescue workers

9、were not able to reach it to help. ? A. were blocked? B. are blocked C. have been blocked? D. had been blocked 参照答案: A 略 16. Are you still busy? Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long. A. just finish? B. am just finishing C. have just finished? D. am just going to finish 参照答案: B 17. The manager ins

10、isted that the work _finished by the end of this month. A. ought to be B. will be C. must be? D. should be 参照答案: D 18. Grandma often asks me to have some chicken soup every time I have a cold; _, it is really good for colds. A. believe it or not? B. to be honest C. in fact D. in total? 参照答案: A 二、 短文

11、改错 19. 短文改错: After school I went to home for supper. When I got home, I found my mother laying in bed She was ill. Unluckily, my father was away from home in business. What shall I do? I thought to me. Since Mother was ill, I must take well care of her. So I decided to try cooking by myself. I did t

12、he cooking with great difficulty but it got burnt at last. I had thought Mother would never like. To my joy, Mother praised me for the meat I have cooked. She said, It tastes delicious. Im very pleasing with it. I knew Mother was encouraging us to do more by myself. 参照答案: After school I went to home

13、 for supper. When I got home, I found my mother laying(lying) in bed.?She was ill. Unluckily, my father was away from home in(on) business. What shall I do? I thought to me(myself). Since Mother was ill, I must take well(good) care of her. So I decided to try cooking by myself. I did the cooking wit

14、h great difficulty but(and) it got burnt at last. I had thought Mother would never like (it). To my joy,? Mother praised me for the meat I have(had或去掉have) cooked. She said, It tastes delicious. Im very pleasing(pleased)with it. I knew Mother was encouraging us(me) to do more by myself. 20. 短文改错共10小题;每题1分;满分10分请在答题卡上做答 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只同意修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 One quiet weekend some men broke into a shop nex


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