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1、装-订-线Name_ class Mark _新概念英语青少版1A标准期末试卷满分:200分 时间:一小时卷首语:如果把这份大试卷比作一片湛蓝的大海,那么,我们现在启航,展开你自信和智慧的双翼,乘风踏浪,你定能收获无限风光! 1、按要求写句子1:(每小题2分,共10分)1)Mrs. Jenkins is Roberts mother.(变成一般疑问句并作否定简略回答)2)William is the man with the black hair.(变成一般疑问句并作肯定简略回答)3)The new pajamas are pure white.(变成一般疑问句并作否定简略回答)4)Rober

2、ts shoes are a bit big for him.(变成一般疑问句并作肯定简略回答)5)There is someone downstairs.(变成一般疑问句并作否定简略回答)2、填上适当的be动词:(每空1分,共5分)1)Pauls bicycle _(是)old.2)Lucys and Roberts bags _(是)full of books.3)Roberts and Lucys outfits _(是)for the school play.4)Roberts camera _(是)interesting, very colorful and very unusual

3、.5)Here _(是)Pauls new pajamas.3、就画线部分提问:(每小题2分,共10分)1)The silver bicycle is Roberts.(用whose)2)The boy on the silver bicycle is Robert Jenkins.(用which)3)Linda is Karens sister.(用who)4)Is Robert hungry or thirsty?(二选一回答)5)The long silver ruler is in my bag.(用where)4、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:(每空1分,共14分)1)My n_(名

4、字)is William Jenkins.2)Karen is my w_(妻子).3)Nice to m_(遇见)you.4)Its a g_(绿色)hat.5)Its a s_(银色)key.6)The boy i _(在里)the white car.7)The man w _(戴着)the black hat.8)These are my fathers t _(领带).9)The doctor is very b_(忙碌的).10)Give me the t_(手电筒),please.11)You are r_(对的).12)Her mother is f_(著名的)photogra

5、pher.13)There is a n_(噪音)in the living-room.14)No h_(伤害)done.5、联词成句:(每小题2分,共6分)1)shirts, very, pretty, those, be2)at, machines, look, washing, the3)be, Washington, from, she,6、短语/句子英汉互译:(每小题2分,共20分)1)你的伞是什么颜色?2)一朵红色的花3)怎么啦?4)谢谢你们的欢迎!5)等一会儿。6)Better safe than sorry.7)Here is the bus.8)Our school buse

6、s are all full.9)Tell me about Robert.10)Jump in, put your bag in, please.7、写出对应词:(每小题1分,共15分)teacher _ yes _ black_ boy_ man_ father _ young_ new _hot _ come_here _ tall _ long_ small _ clean _8、变成复数:(每小题1分,共8分)shelf _ policewoman _ that _ key_secretary _bus_this _she_9、填上所缺的人称代词:(每空1分,共12分)主格宾格形容词

7、性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称单数I复数us第二人称单数your复数第三人称单数hers复数10.根据句子的内容选出合适的单词,把序号填入括号中。(15分) ( )1.A: Who is that girl? B: _ A. It is a cat. B.He is Jim. C.She is Susan. ( )2. There _ ten dogs under the tree?A.are B. is C. am D/( )3. Whats your name? _ name is Lucy . A. His B. Her C. My D. Your( )4. _ is this pen

8、? Its his pen. A. Who B. what C. Where D. Whose( )5. A: _is Bill from? B:Hes from China.A.Where B. What C. Who D.How( )6. A:How are you? B: _A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. Im fine. ( )7. Is the tree tall or _? A. clever B. short C. sad D.happy( )9. A: _is a tall boy ?B:Bob is. A. who B. h

9、ow C. whose D. what( )10.A: _ is this flower? B:Its red. A. Which B. What C.Whose D. What colour( )11.A: _is that girl?B: She is in the bedroom. A. Who B. What C.Where D. How( )12.A: _that in the box?B: Its a small cat. A.Wheres B. Whos C.Whats D. whoses( )13.A: Give me my book,please? B: _ A.No har

10、m done B.Thanks C.Here you are D. Its my favourite thing( )14.A: What _your job?B: Im an actor. A. is B. are C.am D. do( )15.A: _,please?B: My name is Jenny.A.What do you do B.Who are youC.Whats your name D. Wherere you 11、情景反应。(10分)( ) 1.你第一次见到Lucy,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说: _ A.Me too B. Nice to meet you C.Go

11、od afternoon( )2.想问你同学的钢笔是什么颜色的,你应该这样说: _ A. Whats your name B. What do you do ? C.What colour is your pen?( )3.那块绿色的橡皮是谁的,你应该这样问: _ A. What colour is your bike ? B. who is the eraser? C.whose is the green eraser?( )4拿着红色雨伞的女人是谁,应该这样问: _ A.Whos that woman with red umbrella ? B. Whats the name is that woman with the white umbrella ? C. What does that woman with the white umbrella do 12、按要求写句子2。(10分)1.He is a tall boy. (改为否定句)_2.Jim is a student.(改为一般疑问句)_3. It is red.(划线提问)_4.Is Tom in the living room?(作否定回答)_5.They like apples.(改为否定句)_



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