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1、2016年新课标全国高考英语模拟试题(一)第卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ABefore leaving work, Steve Lee likes to use his cell phone to turn on his heat and air conditioner system at home.So by the time he gets through traffic into his front door, the temperature inside is

2、perfect.You may wonder what a socalled smart home can do inside.Lee works for a company called Smart , testing and living with many of his companys home automation gadgets(自动化小配件), like this multifunction touch screen that controls devices around the house and even connects to the Internet traffic c

3、ameras.“I have cameras, and they follow all the way down the freeway to work, ”said Lee with pride, “Whats going on at home when you are away? No problem, install some wireless cameras and controllers and from any computer in the world with an Internet connection, you can watch your house.”“You can

4、check on the house, and I can look at the temperature.Believe it or not, if I want to turn on lights ahead of time, I can, ”added Lee.We sat in Steves California kitchen and with the right password,_turned on the kitchen counter lights at his boss house in Wisconsin.Steve did have permission to log

5、on(登录)“If you do know the password and you want to play a trick on your wife, you could turn lights on and off remotely.”This new technology, which can automatically turn on water sprinklers when humidity is low, or turn off a pool pump when it is not in use, is no longer expensive.Several hundred d

6、ollars for a basic system is enough and it is not hard to install.Sure the convenience is nice but many people who like the security advantages like making sure kids are safe with the help of camera monitors and bedside alerts.“I can notice that maybe one of my children wakes up in the middle of the

7、 night once the light switch is turned on.”What a smart home cant do is get you a snack and you have to leave the couch for that.1What does the underlined word “password” in Paragraph 5 mean? ASecurity code. BCrossword.CPassport. DTouch screen.2What can be inferred from this passage? ASteves boss tr

8、usted him very much.BSteve doesnt like to play jokes on his family.CSteve could log on his boss home because he had been given the key.DIts expensive and difficult to apply a basic smart home system.3According to the passage, the following is often a must for a smart home EXCEPT a_. Acell phone Bcom

9、puterCcamera Dcar4In which section of a newspaper will this passage probably be found? AEntertainment. BScience & Technology.CHealth & Care. DBiography.BSince the first Earth Day in 1970,Americans have gotten a lot “greener” toward the environment.“We didnt know at that time that there even was an e

10、nvironment,let alone that there was a problem with it,” says Bruce Anderson,president of Earth Day USA.But what began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement.Business people,political leaders,university professors,and especially millions of grassroots Americans are ta

11、king part in the movement.“The understanding has increased many,many times,”says Gaylord Nelson,the former governor from Wisconsin,who thought up the first Earth Day.According to US government reports,emissions(排放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 million tons.Th

12、e number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9.Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with,the world is a safer and healthier place.A kind of “green thinking ” has become part of practices.Great improvement has been achieved.In 1988 there were

13、only 600 recycling programs;today in 1995 there are about 6,600.Advanced lights,motors,and building designs have helped save a lot of energy and therefore prevented pollution.Twentyfive years ago,there were hardly any education programs for environment.Today,its hard to find a public school,universi

14、ty,or law school that does not have such a kind of program.“Until we do that,nothing else will change!” says Bruce Anderson.5According to Anderson,before 1970,Americans had little idea about_Athe social movementBrecycling techniquesCenvironmental problemsDthe importance of Earth Day6Where does the s

15、upport for environmental protection mainly come from?AThe grassroots level. BThe business circle.CGovernment officials. DUniversity professors.7What have Americans achieved in environmental protection?AThey have cut car emissions to the lowest.BThey have settled their environmental problems.CThey have lowered their CO levels in forty cities.DThey have reduced pollution through effective measures.8What is especially important for environmental protection according to the last paragraph?AEducation. BPlanning.CGreen living. DCO reduction.COne of the latest trends(趋势) in American


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