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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2014 年高考复习-读写任务段落写作之主题句的模式Teaching goals: 1. To learn how to write the topic sentences, such as answering the key point directly, the expressions of supporting and objecting, sharing an experience, and so on. 2. To learn some important words as well as phrases that can be use

2、d in writing topic sentences. 3. To practice the use of different skillsPeriod OneTeaching procedures:1. 直接回答要点 内容回顾:对你来说,节俭是什么?(2014广一模要点1) As for me, being thrifty means valuing money and making the most of what I have. 直接回答要点:_可参考词汇: _Practice:1). 你理想中的大学生活是什么样的?(2008要点2)_2). 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应

3、? (2009要点2 ) _3).上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师? (2012要点1)_2. 重述要点内容回顾:你认为节俭是否重要? (2014广一模要点2) I think we cannot emphasize the importance of thrift too much.重述要点: 题干要求说明某事的重要性、意义、差别、利弊等,这类主题句并不直接回答要点的提问, 而是重复要点作为段落的主题句,具体回答则通过其后的拓展句体现。 例如,要点是“谈谈的重要性”,主题句则为“有重要作用”,要点是“谈谈有何重要意义”,主题句可直接说“很有意义”等。 Practice:1). 中学生活和大

4、学生活的差别,及你打算如何适应。 (2008要点3) _2). 想家给学习和生活带来的影响。(2011要点2) _3). 你怎样看待老师对学生的影响(2012要点3) _3. 表明立场 内容回顾:你是否赞同报道中那位老人的做法并说明理由 (2014清远调研考要点1) I cannot agree more with what the cleaner did.表明立场:_可参考句型:表示支持或赞同的句型:I cant agree more with the statement that ; I am in favor of ;I appreciate that I approve of the

5、idea that ;I agree with what the writer said/says.表示反对或不赞同的句型:I disagree with the idea that; I am opposed to the idea that I disapprove of the idea that; I am against the Practice:1). 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照. (09要点3)_2). 你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。 (2010要点1)_4. 引出经历 内容回顾:描述你或你的朋友在此灾难发生时的一次经历。(14年惠二调) It reminds me of

6、my experience during the typhoon which hit my hometown several days ago. 引出经历常用句式:1). This story reminds me of a similar experience of. 2). I happen to have a similar experience / I also went through such an experience. 3).The passage brings me back to 4). After reading the story above, I recall the

7、 experience of my friend who 5). It occurred to me that my friend had a similar experience. Practice:1). 讲述一次你(或你朋友)想家的经历。(11年高考要点1)_2). 你或你同学的做兼职的经历。 _综合运用随堂练习写作内容 以约120个词谈谈你对“如何对待孩子的错误”的看法,内容包括: (1)描述一次你犯错的经历及你父母对此的反应; (2)评价你父母的做法; (3)你认为家长应该如何对待孩子的错误。 _综合运用-课后练习2013 年高考读写任务: 写作内容1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容

8、。2. 以约120个词谈谈你对平凡工作的想法,内容包括: (1)描述清洁工工作的艰辛; (2)假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何? (3)你对平凡的工作的看法 _Period Two5. 总述原因 内容回顾:(汉字拼写错误) 谈谈造成这种现象的原因。 (2014惠州调研考要点2)What causes this phenomenon?/There are several reasons for this phenomenon.总述原因:_引出原因常用句式:1). My views are based on the following reasons. 2). The reasons for can

9、 be listed as follows. 3). Various reasons might result in the above phenomenon. 4). Reasons for this phenomenon are obvious/ various 5). The reason why is thatPractice:1). 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照 (2009年要点1) 重述:人们在参观动物园时喜欢和动物拍照._2). 掌握急救知识为什么那么重要。_6. 引出建议、方法、措施、步骤内容回顾:在日常生活中,我们如何做到节俭勤俭节约,杜绝浪费?(2014惠州调研考要点3)To be thrifty and fight against wasting in our daily life, we should. Besides, .题干要求就某事提出一些建议、方法、措施、步骤,可参考以下句型: 1). We should take some effective measures to solve the problem.2). We should try our best to overcome the difficulties.3). It is necessary



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