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1、1.【题文】根据以下信息用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平教授。基本信息1、1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻苦学习,酷爱农业科学;2、自从1953年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。主要成绩1、 由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长,为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;2、 他被誉为“杂交水稻之父”;3、 虽然他很出名,但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利。写作要求只能用5个句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。【答案】Born in a poor family in Chongqing on September 7,1937,Yuan

2、 Longping studied hard, showing great interest in agriculture. As a matter of fact ,since his graduation from university in 1953,Yuan has done research on rice for over half a century, devoting all his time and energy to the study of agriculture. Because of his research, Chinas rice production is in

3、creasing rapidly ,solving the problem of the lack of food for many countries ,As a result ,he is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” and was rewarded with many prizes for his great contributions to the world. Though he is famous, he lives a simple life and cares little about money and fame.【解析】【试源】20

4、16届广东省惠阳高级中学高二上学期第一次段考【结束】2.【题文】当他醒来时,他发现自己被绑在树上He _ _ _ to the tree when he woke up.【答案】found himself tied【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】3.【题文】孩子们被分成四组,开始做游戏. The children _ _ _ four groups before they started the game.【答案】were divided into【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】4.【题文】不要总是把自

5、己的失败归咎于他人;有时候你自己才应受责备. Dont always blame your own failure on others; sometimes you _ _ _ 【答案】are to blame【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】5.【题文】当我进来时,他们正在全神贯注地讨论.When I went in,they _ _ _ a heated discussion.【答案】were absorbed in【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】6.【题文】没有人能代替妈妈。 No one can

6、_ _ _ of mum.【答案】take the place【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】7.【题文】作为老师,我们应该对学生很严格。 As a teacher, we should _ _ _ students.【答案】be strict with 【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】8.【题文】我只有找到工作才能有足够的钱继续大学的学业.Only if I get a job _ _ _ enough money to continue my studies at college.【答案】can I

7、 have【解析】【试源】2016届湖北省宜昌市金东方高级中学高二上学期期末考试【结束】9.【题文】Next Thursday is the World Book Day-a celebration of all things wonderful about books for all ages, with author events, school fancy- dress parades and a1 book token(优惠券) given to all schoolchildren under 18. Sometimes, reading a modern novel can be

8、tough (Booker Prize- winner The Luminaries ran t0 832 pages!), especially if you lack confidence in your literacy skills. In fact, one in six people in the UK never pick up a book because theyve experienced difficulties or are out of the habit of reading for pleasure. But the Galaxy Quick Reads seri

9、es are designed to introduce reluctant readers to bestselling short funny novels, which bring the joy of reading without demanding hours of concentrated time. They cover a range of subjects, from romance to comedy. You can read Jojo Moyess Paris For One , a romantic adventure inwhich 26-year-old Nel

10、l books a weekend away to Paris with her lazy,neglectful boyfriend. When he fails to turn up, she is alone in the city.That is, until she meets Fabien, who shows her the charms of theFrench capital - in more ways than one. Meanwhile, Adele Gerass moving story Out InThe Dark was set in World War I, i

11、n which young Rob came back from the battlefields. Determined to find the officers widow to return the photo of her and their daughter that the captain kept with him, he traveled several thousand miles but never gave up.Dead Man Talking is a fantastic tale of Pat, who had a terrible fight with his b

12、est friend, Joe, ten years ago-but now hears that Joe is dead, and he must attend his funeral. But Joe is not going quietly that good night-hes lying in his coffin being very chatty indeed.1. What will happen on the World Book Day according to the poster? A. Schoolchildren will be given fine clothes

13、 as gifts. B. The authors of books will attend some events. C. Experts will encourage people to write their novels. D. Theres a range of books that are priced at just l.2. If you are interested in a horror story, you may choose_. A. Galaxy Quick Reads B. Paris For One C. Dead Man Talking D. Out In T

14、he Dark3. The passage is mainly about_. A. recommendation of good books to readers B. the history of the World Book Day 2015 C. advice on how to get cheap books D. a plan to develop the habit of reading among adults【答案】BCA【解析】【试源】2015届山东省德州一中(德州市)高三3月一模考试【结束】10.【题文】When I was 10 years old, I tried o

15、ut for the cheerleading squad. I had taken gymnastics classes for two years to prepare for these tryouts. However, I didnt make the team. It was a heavy blow to me. I cried all night. Kids today wont experience that kind of rejection. Theyre growing up in everybody gets a turn world where every child gets a chance to kick the ball, sing the song, and win the award. But



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