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1、Reading Work SheetName_ Class_Every student is required to read at least three articles (at least 1000 words each) every week; two for extensive reading, and one for comprehensive reading. It is suggested that the three articles for every week should be about the same topic. As to the article for th

2、e comprehensive reading, every student is asked to hand in one copy and the following exercises to the teacher. Possible sources: China Daily, Beijing Review, the New York Times or The Thames, or any source from the Internet. Exercises for the comprehensive Reading:1. What is the topic of your readi

3、ng this week? What are the titles of the three articles that you have read? Why do you choose this topic to read?2. Among the three articles, which one is for your comprehensive reading?3. In 2-4 sentences write a summary for the article that you read comprehensively.4. In the article that you have

4、read comprehensively, in what are you interested most? Why?5. In the article that you have read comprehensively, in what aspect do you agree/ disagree with the writer? Why? 6. If you could respond to the writer of the article that you have read comprehensively, what would you say to him?7. What word

5、s have you found useful to you in this weeks reading. Write down at least 5 words and explain them in English without looking up the dictionary. (Write your explanations in the back of the paper.)中国式爱情保险policy(of insurance)保险单matrimony婚礼;婚姻生活surrender value退还金额,退保金额malleable可锻的;可塑的;易适应的litmus test石蕊

6、试验;立见分晓的检验办法When insurance is a girls best friend时下,保险是女孩最好的朋友One of the advantages of not having an insurance industry with hundreds of years of continuous history is that you get to make things up as you go along. So for last Thursdays “Qixi”, or Chinese Valentines day, mainland insurance companie

7、s offered “love insurance” for the spouse who has everything. The policies bear different names and different terms they may be life policies, accident policies, medical or endowment insurance but all are marketed as the perfect alternative to chocolates and flowers. Some offer returns linked to len

8、gth of matrimony. And many stipulate that only the woman can collect on them. 如果某国保险业没有长达数百年的历史,好处之一便是它很容易根据形势的发展灵活加以应对。我们在上周四“七夕”那天(也就是中国的情人节)就认识到了这一点:当天,中国的保险公司瞄准生活美满的已婚人士推出了“爱情险”。这类保险的名称和条款多种多样,它们可能是寿险、意外险、医疗险或养老险。不过,所有这些保险都被宣传为巧克力和鲜花的完美替代品。其中一些保险的回报与婚姻持续时间长短挂钩。此外,许多这类保险都规定,受益人只能是女方。Of course “in

9、surance” is largely in the eye of the beholder, in any society: in the west, diamonds are not just a girls best friend, they are also a girls best insurance policy. In these days of upside-down mortgages, at least the ring has a surrender value higher than zero. 当然,说到究竟什么才是“保险”,答案主要取决于每个人自己的认识在任何社会中

10、都是如此:在西方,钻石不仅是女人最好的朋友,也是她们最佳的保单。在负资产抵押贷款比比皆是的今天,起码戒指的“退保金”还是正值。But in China, notions of risk and how to insure against it are even more malleable: after decades when citizens relied on a combination of children and communism to take care of them when things got rough, insurance penetration is still

11、exceptionally low, even to protect against those staples of Chinese life, illness and car accidents.但在中国,风险的概念以及如何投保来抵御风险都更具可塑性:数十年来,中国人遭遇困境时一向依靠子女和共产主义制度来照顾自己;今天,中国的保险普及率依然非常低,即使是寿险、疾病险和车险这些最基本的保险也是如此。Chinese insurance companies offer a baffling array of policies, from life policies with health ins

12、urance riders, to “love” policies with accident riders, to endowment policies with annual wedding anniversary bonuses with a big lump sum if the couple gets to golden. Insurance brokers say last years reinterpretation of the Chinese marriage law which appears to favour men over women by awarding the

13、 family home to the party whose parents bought it (usually the groom) has boosted demand from women for policies to underwrite marital bliss. 中国保险公司提供的保险种类令人眼花缭乱,从附带健康险的寿险、附带意外险的“爱情险”,到赠送结婚周年纪念奖金的养老险(如果投保人熬到“金婚”,奖金的数额将相当可观)。保险经纪人指出,去年中国婚姻法的新司法解释显然对男方有利,它规定婚后一方(一般是男方)父母为子女购买的住房归该方所有,这一解释提升了女方购买保险确保婚姻

14、幸福的需求。During last weeks Qixi, or Seventh Night festival, which occurs on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, some men dangled love insurance in front of their wives as a token of undying affection, according to a broker peddling Valentine insurance imaginatively labelled Red Rose. But these

15、days, not only romantic or guilt-struck mates are coughing up for such policies: even parents-in-law are buying them as a wedding gift to make the bride feel she is a valued member of her new family. 一位兜售某情人节保险(该险的品牌颇具想象力,叫做“红玫瑰”)的经纪人表示,上周农历七月七日“七夕”那天,一些男士为妻子购买了“爱情险”,作为他们对爱情忠贞的象征。不过,现在已不仅仅是那些浪漫或有负疚感

16、的男士在购买这类保险,就连公婆也在购买这类保险作为送给新娘的结婚礼物,以便让新娘感受到她在这个新家中是个受重视的成员。One woman in northern Chinas Hubei province posted on her microblog the paperwork for an accident insurance policy procured on her behalf by her boyfriend (her appreciation apparently boosted by the fact that a recent car accident had landed her in hospital withou



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