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1、平安夜祝福短信平安夜祝福短信1, in this silent night, give me a the most beautiful blessing, the most important person real wish you peace happy, young and beautiful! Warm and cold Christmas night, e to me! Give me the cold, warm you leave!3, in the beautiful Christmas Eve, if can quietly together with you, that i

2、s Santa Claus gave me the most precious gift; If can hear your beautiful voice, will is I the most happy moment in a year, Christmas Eve is happy!4, at the dawn of Christmas Eve, I wish you and your family go in peace, HeHeMuMu; On the arrival of the Christmas, I wish you love whole life; And could

3、you bring my blessing to you want blessings!7 gave birth to the moon, the sea, peace, at this time; Wish to leisurely, gifts and to; Happiness before the reindeer, good luck doesnt e late, family health, alacrity. Sincerely wish you good fortune on Christmas Eve!8, how deep the sea? Only the fish kn

4、ow; How high is the sky? Only the birds know; How red flowers? Only butterfly know; How much love you? Only just know you look at the messages. On Christmas Eve, I want you to hug me.9, set off on Christmas Eve, rabbit head usher in peace; With joy every day, go in peace after night; Good physical h

5、ealth work, wishing you a backgammon; At nine, paying attention to your joy in front of the eye.译文参考:1、 在这个平安夜,给我最重要的人一个最美的祝福,真心愿你平安快乐,青春美丽!温馨又冰冷的圣诞夜里,到我这里来吧!把冰冷给我,温馨你留下吧!2、 在平安夜的晚上,吃上一个苹果,这一生都会平平安安的。朋友,别忘记吃哦,也别忘记提醒你的朋友。祝愿你一生平平安安,快快乐乐!3、 在美丽的平安夜,假如能与你静静地相守,那就是圣诞老人送我的最珍贵的礼物;假如能听到你美妙的声音,那么将是一年中我最幸福的时刻

6、,平安夜快乐!4、 在平安夜到来之际,我祝你和你的家人平平安安,和和睦睦;在圣诞节到来之际,我祝你爱情一心一意,一生一世;并请你把我的祝福带给你所想祝福的人!5、 多少年来,在平安夜晚上,圣诞老人总会哼哧哼哧背着个麻袋,从人们的烟囱钻进钻出。据最新消息:今年不发糖果啦,请务必把手机装进袜子里,改发短信啦。6、 冬至、平安夜、圣诞、元旦节节相连,幸福、快乐、安康、平安紧接而来,亲情、友谊、爱情、真情情情相牵,牵挂、关心、祝福扑面而来。祝天天快乐。7、 海上生明月,平安共此时;祝福款款来,礼物翩翩至;幸福驾驯鹿,好运不来迟,安康伴全家,其乐美滋滋。真诚祝您平安夜桔祥!8、 海有多深?只有鱼儿才知道;天空有多高?只有鸟儿才知道;花儿有多红?只有蝶儿才知道;爱你有多深?只有看短信的你才知道。平安夜,我要你好好抱抱我。9、 虎尾送走平安夜,兔头迎来祥和年;欢欢喜喜每一天,平平安安又一夜;身体安康工作好,万事如意步步高;烦恼抛在九霄外,欢乐近在眼跟前。10、 即将来到的节日,早早的把你想起,剩下的是祝福,全部赠于你,朋友,圣诞节来了,预祝你平平安安过平安夜,开开心心过圣诞节。第 页 共 页


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