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1、金戈铁骑整理制作小学英语学习材料金戈铁骑 整理制作2014人教版五年级英语上下册综合试卷听力部分(45 分)、听音,选择(共10题,每小题1分)()1、A.haveB.headC.hand()2、A.whatB.wetC.want()3、A.bagB.bedC.dad()4、A.leavesB.leftClove()5、A.thi nB.thi nkC.tha nk()6、A.wash clothesB. watch TVC . what colour()7、A.write a letterB. write an e-mailC. write a report()& A.Oct.10B. Oc

2、t. 20C.Oct.12()9、A. Sherunning tous .B. He running to us .C. They are running to us .()10、 A. Two tigers come . B. Here come two tigers .C. Here are two tigers .、听音,判断对错(共10题,每小题1 分)金戈铁骑整理制作金戈铁骑整理制作1. ()2. ()3.()4.()5.()6do my homework. ()7. Zoom is coun ti ng in sects .()8. Look , the little panda

3、is sleep ing .()9. Tigers can climb trees .() 10.Today is Tree-pla nti ng Day.( )三、听问题,选答句(共 5小题,每小题2分)()1、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes,I am. C.Yes, I can.()2、A. It warm. B. It hot.C. It cool.()3、A. He reading a book .B. I m writingan e-mail .C. Shewriti ng a letter .()4、A. Happy birthday to you. B. Yes, th

4、ank you. C. Thank you.()5、 A. It swimming . B. It flying.C. It climbing.四、听音,填词(共5题,每空1分)1、 I often get up at .2、What yourseaso n? I like fall best.3、Why do you like fall? it s always cool.4、When is your birthday? It in.5、Sarah isin sects .五、听一段对话,判断下列五个句子的对错。(10分)()1、It is usually very hot.()2、I ge

5、t up early on my birthday.()3、After school, I go home and play computer games.金戈铁骑整理制作金戈铁骑整理制作()4、I take candy to my class.()5、We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.笔试部分(55 分)六、选择填空。(共10分)( )1.Hello.Sarah. Can I speakyour mom, please?A. That is; onB. I am; for C. This is; to( )2

6、. Cousin Alice s birthday isApril.A. atB. inC. on()3. I play football at 3:00the after noon.A. onB. forC. in( )4. Is he watchi ng an ts? No, he.A. isB. isn tC. doesn t()5. Can pan das swim? Yes, they.A. can t B. couldC. can( )6. -Whats your favourite seas on?A. I like fall best. B. February is my fa

7、vourite. C. I swim in summer.( )7. August is themonth of the year.C. eighthA. seve nB. ninth()8. - What is Mike doi ng?HeA. runningB. swims in the river C. is walk ing( )9. -do you like summer?-I can swim in the river.C. Which, BecauseC. atA. Why, Because B. Why, And()10. Apples are sweetfall.A. onB

8、. i n七、选择合适的句子,补全对话,写字母编号。(共5小题,每小题2分)(A. What day is it today ? B. Why do you like fall? C. What the date D.Which seas on do you like best ? E. Why do you like summer ? F. Is yourbirthday in fall ,too? G. How many seas ons are there in a yea)?A: ?B:There are four seasons in a year.A: ? B:l like fal

9、l best.A:? B: Because my birthday is in fall.?A: No, my birthday is in win ter. It in Janu ary.B:? A: It January 10h.八、阅读理解(共15分)A.判断对错。(10分)My n ame is Tomam twelve years old. My birthday is in fall. The weather iscool and windy. It golden and farmers are busy. It my favourite seas on .Becausel can

10、 eat many fruits. My father birthday is in fall, too. Our birthdays are on the same day. On our birthdays we usually go hiki ng. Sometimes we have a pic nic. We have a lot of fun on that day.()1、Tom is 12 .()2、Tom likes summer best.()3、Tomfatherbirthday is in fall.()4、It scool and windy on Tombirthd

11、ay .()5、Tom and his father usually have a picnic on their birthday.B.选答案。(5分)Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All the students like her verystmuch.Today is November 1 . In the evening,Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, becau

12、se her birthdayis the next month. The second letter isTailor sorry for the birthday card .It is un til next mon th.also from Jack. It says:”Dear Miss a mistake. Please don read the card金戈铁骑整理制作A. NovemberA. Miss TailorA. stude ntA. JackB. DecemberB. JackB. teacherB. Miss Tailor()1. Miss Tailor birth

13、day is in.()2. The birthday card is for.()3. Miss Tailor is a.()4. The two letters are from()5. Miss Tailor gets the letters. A. in the morning B. in the evening九、短文选词填空(共10分)apples win ter rainspla nt skisno wma nincold hot ofte n swim cool sometimesI love summer .It always. I canin the sea .Spring

14、 is beautiful , but it often. It hard toflowers inthe rain .In fall , I can pick. I can eat a lot .comes .It very. it snows . Icanand make a、根据答句写问句。(共5分)1、A :?B:I often watch TV on the weekend.2、A :?B:No, I am an sweri ng the pho ne .3、A :?B:They are fighti ng .4、A :?B:It scold and windy today.5、A :?B:It sJanuary十一、根据所给的单词组合成句子。(共5分)1、seas on do like which you best_2、doing what are now you3、7:00 get the usually I up at morning in4、birthday is your when?5、 book am a readingI五年级综合练习(A )听力材料及答案一、1.Th


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