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1、Unit 1 前元音 一共有4个前元音。发音时它们的舌位最高点都在舌前部,所以被称为前元音。发音时舌尖都要抵住下齿背,唇形为扁唇或中唇。/i/发音秘诀: 舌尖抵住下齿, 舌前部尽量抬高;牙床几乎全合;双唇微开,口形呈扁平状,不能收圆;发音时声带要振动,这是长元音,长度要够。语音专家示范1. theseteachersleepreceive2. sweet dreamssweet indeeddeep sea3. a hedge between keeps friendship green 君子之交淡如水seeing is believing疯狂模仿1 单词朗读练习eatteatreekneek

2、eyfieldpeachgreen2 短语朗读练习keep sheepeat meatthree weeksleave the team3 句子朗读练习1) Do you see the key on the seat?2) You can see the sea from here under the tree.3) There is a little bee on your right knee.4) This kind of fish can be seen only in the deep sea.小小绕口令1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3、 患难之中见真交2. He went to sea to see what he could see at sea to draw, but all he saw is what we always see at seasee? /发音秘诀:发音时舌位与i:相同,但略低,口腔肌肉要放松一些;牙床半合;双唇扁平,开口程度比i:大些;声带要振动。这是短元音,长度只有i:的一半。语音专家示范疯狂模仿1. bigsitfiftybusy2. feel home-sicklife in a big cityzip your lips闭上你的嘴3 Dont cry over spilt milk. 别为打

4、翻的牛奶哭泣/世上没有后悔药 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。1单词朗读练习fishbabypigstudyhillcitysixhappy2短语朗读练习in this districtmy little sistera silly mistakein the clinic3. 句子朗读练习1) His sister often sits on the hill and looks at the ships.2) A big pig is playing with a chick3) The little fish is swi

5、mming happily in the river.4) Jim likes to live in the big city.小小绕口令1. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 智慧者不上两回当。2. Bill isnt as thin as Tim. Dick isnt as fat as Jim. They do the same thing. The same house they live in.语音链接:音节音节通常是一原因音素为核心划分的,一个单词有几个响亮的元音音素,就有几个音节。如fish有一

6、个音节,busy有两个音节辨音阁:请合上书本,拿出一张纸和一支笔,然后仔细听录音,写出示范录音中的音标,再试着写出单词。/e/发音秘诀:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬起,但舌位比上低,口形比上大,但不要张得太开,上下齿见的开口距离能容一个手指即可;双唇稍扁,唇形保持不变,以防音的滑动,发音要短促。语音专家示范1. eggsweaterbestdead2. a red letter daystep by stepat all levels3. East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝, 不如自己的草窝。 Health is above wealth疯狂模仿1单词朗读练习bedpen

7、deskdressheadbreadredready2短语朗读练习refresh my memorynever remember themget a messagea yellow dress3. 句子朗读练习1) the red dress is on Beckys bed.2) Theres a yellow egg near the hens left leg.3) Lets get ready for the lesson.4) It is never to late to mend 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。小小绕口令1. Betty buys ten pieces of bread fo

8、r breakfast every Wednesday.2. Ben sent Helen ten hens and Helen sent Ben ten pens.语音链接:重读开音节它分为两种,绝对开音节和相对开音节。绝对开音节是以发音的元音字母结尾的重读音节。如go, no, he。相对开音节是以“一个元音字母+辅音字母(r除外)+不发音的e”结尾的重读音节。如late, name。 元音字母a, e, I, o, u在重读开音节中发它们在字母表中的音。辨音阁:请合上书本,拿出一张纸和一支笔,然后仔细听录音,写出示范录音中的音标,再试着写出单词。/发音秘诀: 舌尖抵住下齿, 舌前部稍稍抬

9、高,但舌位比/i:/,/e/都低;双唇向两边展开,呈扁平状,注意双唇不要上下活动;口要开得大一些,开口程度比/e/大。语音专家示范1. manstandflagblack2. as a matter of facthand in handa fat cat3. Hatred is blind as well as love 爱情和仇恨,两者皆盲目Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。疯狂模仿1单词朗读练习applefatbagbadcapgladhandhappy2短语朗读练习a happy familysad to be mad 伤心得要发疯

10、glad to be flatteredstand at the back 3句子朗读练习1)The sad man sat there with a bad bag in his hand.2) Cat, cat, catch that fat rat.3) Thats not a cat. Its a rabbit.4) The fat man in the black hat is a fat cat. 那个戴帽子的胖男人是个大亨。小小绕口令1. A fat man sat on the black cat and the black cat was squashed flat, for

11、 the man was mad.2. ack often comes back. He has a black hat. He sits on a mat. Tams in his hat.语音连接:重读闭音节中毒闭音节是以“一个元音字母+一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)”结尾的重读音节。例如cat, fat, rabbit, black.辨音阁:请合上书本,拿出一张纸和一支笔,然后仔细听录音,写出示范录音中的音标,再试着写出单词。轻松驿站Good, better, best,Never let it rest.Till good is better,And better, best.Unit

12、2 中元音中元音有3个。 发这些音时,舌位最高点都在中部,舌尖都要轻触下齿或者稍离下齿龈,双唇要自然张开。/发音秘诀:舌身平放,舌中部稍微抬起,舌位抬得较高牙床开得较小,接近半合;双唇肌肉较紧张,唇形扁平,与发/i:/时相似;声带要振动。着是长元音,长度要足够。语音专家示范1. workerpurselearnworld2. French perfumeperfect worlda personal interview3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。Early bird gets the worm. 捷足先

13、登疯狂模仿1单词朗读练习earthbirdgirlshirtnurseherfirstturn2短语朗读练习in the search worka girl nurseher third birthdaywork for the firm3. 句子朗读练习1) The girls shirt is very dirty2) This is my first journey to another country.3) First, lets look at the map of the world and learn about the earth.4) We have learned thir

14、ty English songs this term.小小绕口令1. There are thirty thirsty birds in the third tree.2. Please turn to Page Thirteen and look at the first picture.语音连接:巧分音节:一归后,二分开,复印连缀不分开一归后:在两个音节之间,若只有一个辅音字母(r除外),这个辅音字母划归后一个音节。如dirty: dir-ty.二分开:在两个音节之间,若有两个辅音字母,则分别划归为前后两个音节。如thirsty: thirs-ty.辅音连缀不分开:在两个音节之间的复印连缀或复印字母组合,如th, ph, tr, dr等不能分开,必须划在一个音节内,如果前一个音节是重读闭音节,就划归为前一个音节;如果前一个音节是非重读闭音节或开音节,他们一般划归为后一个音节。 如chicken: chick-en, April: A-pril, agree: a-gree./这是短元音,但发音长度并非是上一个的一半。舌身平放,舌中部稍微抬起,但比


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