【中考考纲词汇详解】英语人教版八年级上册 Unit7_Will_people_have_robots

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《【中考考纲词汇详解】英语人教版八年级上册 Unit7_Will_people_have_robots》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中考考纲词汇详解】英语人教版八年级上册 Unit7_Will_people_have_robots(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学而优教有方Unit7 Will people have robots?paper, pollution, future, pollute, environment, planet, earth, plant, part, peace, sea, build, sky,space, human, dangerous, already, factory, Japan, believe, even, agree, shape, fall, inside, possible, impossible, side, probably, during, holiday, word1. paper pep

2、(r)n. 纸; 论文真题例句2. pollutionn.词形变化经典例句Most people are against building a paper factory near here. 大多数人反对在这附近建造纸厂。plu n污染pollute v. 污染The pollution problem here are more and more serious. 这里的污染问题越来越严重。3. future fjut (r)n. 未来常考短语真题例句in the future 在未来This summer vacation is the time for you to prepare y

3、ourself for the future.这个夏天是你为未来做准备的时机了。4. pollute plutv. 污染真题例句We should not pollute our rivers with waste. 我们不应让废弃物污染我们的河流。1 / 8学而优教有方5. environment nvar nm ntn. 环境词形变化真题例句environmental adj. 环境的It is a great chance to teach them to care for the environment around us.这是一个教他们爱护身边环境的好机会。6. planet pln

4、 tn. 行星; 星球With less pollution, our planet will become greener and our真题例句health will be better.少一些污染的话, 我们的星球将变得更绿, 我们将会更健 康。7. earth n. 地球If we dont take environmental problem seriously, the earth will真题例句be worse and worse.如果我们不认真对待环境问题的话, 地球将会变得越来越糟 糕。8. plant plntn. 植物v. 种植真题例句The trees must be

5、 planted this week. 这些树本周必须要种了。2 / 8学而优教有方9. part ptn. 部分; 成分常考短语take part in参加真题例句10. peacen.词形变化真题例句11. sean.常考短语经典例句12. buildv.词形变化真题例句He likes the feeling of being part of the team.他喜欢成为这个队伍的一部分。pis和平peaceful adj. 和平的In a program in New York, adults and teenagers live together inpeace.在纽约的一个节目里面

6、, 成年人和青少年和睦相处。si海by sea 乘船We are looking forward to living near the sea.我们盼望着住在海边。bld建造过去式, 过去分词:builtbuilding n. 建筑物A growing Web will help build “better relationships” between different cultures.不断发展的网络将帮助建造不同文化之间的更好的关系3 / 8学而优教有方13. skyn.真题例句14. spacen.真题例句15. humann.真题例句16. dangerousadj.词形变化真题例句

7、17. alreadyadv.真题例句ska天空If I were a bird, I would fly in the blue sky.如果我是一只鸟, 我就会在蓝天飞翔。spes空间More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space.越来越多的鸟处于危险中, 因为它们没有足够的生存空间。hjum n人类If you are trying to do something to improve human life, you may have the chance to get this

8、 prize.如果你努力做一些事情改善人类的生活, 你可能有机会获得 这个奖项。dend r s危险的danger n. 危险Its dangerous to swim in the river.在河里游泳很危险。lredi已经He has worked in this factory for 20 years already.4 / 8学而优教有方18. factoryn.真题例句19. Japann.词形变化真题例句20. believev.词形变化真题例句21. evenadv.他已经在这家工厂工作 20 年了。fktri工厂The worst job Ive ever done was

9、 at an egg-packing factory.我曾做过的最糟糕的工作就是在一家鸡蛋包装工厂工作。d pn日本Japanese n. 日本人; adj. 日本的In Korea and Japan, its the custom to remove your shoes before entering a house.在韩国和日本, 进屋之前移动你的鞋子是一种习俗。bliv相信; 认为belief n. 信仰believable adj. 可相信的Believe in yourself and tell yourself not to give up.相信自己并告诉你自己不要放弃。ivn

10、甚至; 更加; 连都常考短语even if/ though即使真题例句Even the best student cant work out the math problem. 连那个最厉害的学生都不能解出这道数学问题。5 / 8学而优教有方22. agree riv.同意常考短语agree with sb.同意某人真题例句23. shapeagree to do sth 同意去做某事Does your father agree with you? 你爸爸同意你吗?epn. 形状常考短语in the shape of以 的形状经典例句24. fallMooncakes have the sha

11、pe of a full moon on mid-autumn night. 月饼有着中秋夜满月的形状。flv.降落词形变化过去式:fell; 过去分词:fallen fall down 跌倒; 掉落下(from) fall off 跌倒; 掉落下常考短语扑倒fall overfall behind 落后fall asleep 入睡fall in love with爱上真题例句25. insideprep.adv.In autumn, their leaves start to fall onto the ground. 秋天, 它们的叶子开始掉落到地面上。nsad在里面在里面6 / 8学而优

12、教有方真题例句26. possibleadj.词形变化It is raining heavily, why not stay inside? 外面下着大雨, 为何不待在这里面呢?ps bl可能的possibly adv. 可能常考短语as as possible尽可能真题例句27. impossibleadj.真题例句28. siden.Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.每个人应该尽早停止浪费。mps bl不可能的I cant spend all day complaining because its impossible to have any fun.我不能整天抱怨, 因为这样不可能会开心的。sad边; 面词形变化beside在旁边; outside在外面; inside在里面经典例句29. probablyadv.真题例句The park is



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