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1、 . 英国威尔士大学工商管理硕士(MBA)论文房地产产品无线营销模式探索以R公司为例作 者:指导教师:提交时间:2010年6月20日 / 声 明本论文从未接受过任何等级的学位评审,目前也未用于申请其它任何学位。本论文谨用于申请工商管理硕士学位。除有特别说明外,本论文系本人独立工作与研究之成果,其它资料的来源亦有明确的说明并附有参考文献目录。本人谨此同意:本论文如蒙通过,该文可供复印和图书馆馆际借阅之用,论文题目与摘要亦可供其它机构使用。特此声明。学生签名:日期:6月20日导师签名:日期:6月20日DECLARATIONI hereby declare that this work has no

2、t previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree. This dissertation is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MBA. It is the result of my own independent work / investigation, except whe

3、re otherwise stated. Other sources are acknowledged by giving explicit reference and a bibliography is appended. I also give consent for my dissertation, if accepted, to be available for photocopying and for inter-library loan, and for the title and abstract to be made available to outside organizat

4、ions.Candidate:Bingcai LinDate:December 8thSupervisor:Wei ShenDate:致 首先,感清华研究院培训中心和英国威尔士大学提供给我学习工商管理硕士学位(MBA)课程的机会。感我的导师师大学伟教授,在伟教授的指导下我完成了硕士论文撰写工作,从选题、构思、撰写、修改直至完成,都凝聚了导师的心血。我的导师用他渊博的知识关注和指导我本次论文的整个研究过程,使我在整个论文写作过程中接触到了之前尚未深入的知识和研究领域,从而扩大了我的视野。伟教授对我的论文提出了很多建设性意见,在此再次向他致以诚挚的敬意和衷心的感!最后,我要感所有关心和帮助我的老师


6、手机媒体的特点和发展,等等。利用相关理论知识,结合R房地产具体案例,针对房地产消费者,整合营销手段和传播渠道,分别以手机在营销中起到的不同主导方式上的重要作用建立不同类型的模式,如根据产品生命周期、不同区域、不同产品类型建立的无线营销模式和以提升品牌形象,打造知名度、美誉度为目的的无线营销模式。并期望为我国众多房地产公司创建无线营销模式创造具有可供参考的借鉴意义。关键词:营销策略、消费者心理、消费者需求、无线营销模式AbstractIn recent years, Chinese real estate and New Media are the bright stars in differe

7、nt area, both of which have created surprising records in chinas economic situation. However, after experienced investment increasing with a rush, house price upswing continuance and the speculative purchase of house tendency passing, the Chinese real estate is facing a new situation that land resou

8、rce is scarce, the requirement of housing is decreasing, and house empty rate is raising. Using creative real estate products marketing mode to improve the customers satisfaction is imperative under the situation. Meanwhile the New Medias, especially mobile media has its moment in ad, sales promotio

9、n and public relation areas. Then it became a new favorite of marketing and promulgating in every industry following internet. By this token, it provides real estate sales marketing mode creation with a new inspiration.I combine the real estate product sales marketing with mobile media in this paper

10、, and analyze the particularity of real estate product and its markets, the successes and shortages of R real estate sales marketing strategies, the surrounding of mobile media and its characters and development, and so on. Then base on relative theories and the R real estate cases, orient customers

11、, I integrate the sales marketing ways and promulgating channels, and set up various modes separately according to the effects of mobile in different dominant ways of sales marketing. Such as different product life circle and areas, the wireless sales marketing modes built for different products, an

12、d for improving brand image, creating famous and fine reputation. I expect that this paper can provide real estate companies building a wireless sales marketing mode with a useful reference.Keywords: sales marketing strategy, customer mind, customer requirement, wireless sales marketing mode.目 录声明I致

13、II摘要III目录 V第一章 绪论 11.1研究动机 11.2公司简介21.3研究目的31.4研究问题与假设31.5重要概念解释4第二章 文献探讨62.1 国外房地产营销研究现状62.1.1 国外基础营销理论62.1.2我国房地产营销理论研究 72.1.3我国房地产营销发展趋势 82.1.4国外房地产营销实用观念82.2 国外无线营销发展概况92.2.1 全球无线营销发展概况92.2.2 手机广告业务分类102.2.3 中国无线营销发展现状112.2.4 中国无线营销市场业务产业链122.2.5 中国的手机广告模式122.3 本章小结13第三章 研究方法 143.1 研究思路与需要收集的信息143.2 研究架构与步骤153.3 调查问卷和访谈的设计163.3.1 调查问卷的设计



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