高三英语 Unit15 Integrating skills课课练 大纲人教版第三册

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1、Unit 15 Popular youth culture课堂检测三Integrating skills训练要点能用本单元所学的词汇提高翻译能力、完形填空及写作能力、阅读能力。 知能训练.汉译英 1.他是一个聪明的孩子,渴望学习。(eager to do)答案: He is a smart boy who is eager to learn. 2.这种衣服已经不流行了。(out of fashion)答案:This kind of clothes is out of fashion.3.这首歌很受青少年欢迎。(be popular with)答案:This song is popular wi

2、th teenagers.4.我认为到山上野营是值得的。(it is worthwhile to do)答案:In my opinion,it is worthwhile to go camping on the hill. 5.首先,他不应该开我的车。(begin with)答案:To begin with,he shouldnt drive my car.用适当的介词或副词填空。6.Hollywood discovered her and turned her _ a star.答案:into解析:turn.into把变成。7.Before I could say anything mor

3、e,Holmes had rushed _ towards the station.答案:off解析:rush off跑开。8.They had nowhere to stay,so I could turn them _.答案:away解析:turn sb. away 把撵走 。9.As _ my own work,much of it is due to being in the right place at the right time. 答案:to/for解析:as to/for 至于。10.Compared with our small flat,Bills house seemed

4、 _ a palace.答案:like解析:seem like似乎,好像11.Over the years weve grown very fond each other,far more than _a friend in need.答案:of解析:be fond of喜爱。12.Theres no reason why you shouldnt continue working until youre 60 or over,if youre _ good health.答案:in解析:in good health健康,体质好。13.I cant understand why they ch

5、ose him instead _ youyoure much better qualified for the job.答案:of14.The restaurants success was due largely _ its new manager.答案:to 解析:due to由于。15.It seems that every time I turn_ ,he is checking up on me.答案:around解析:turn around转过身。.完形填空 Many youths begin to date at a very young age.Fifteen-year-ol

6、d Oneyda 16 ,“Almost everyone in school has a boyfriend or a girlfriend.”A young woman named Jennifer recalls,“I remember kids in the third grade who were going 17 .”She adds,“I started to feel the pressure to date when I was 14 years old.” Understandably,then,if you are not dating someone,you may f

7、eel 18 .Indeed,you may even be joked for not doing so. 19 that she was too young to date,Jennifer 20 boys who asked her out.Their reaction?Jennifer 21 ,“They made fun of me and joked about it.” 22 likes to be laughed at.But should you date just because others are doing so?Just what is dating?And wha

8、t purpose does it serve? “Were not dating.Were just friends,”many youths claim, 23 they are spending a lot of time with someone of the opposite sex.But 24 you call itdating,going together,or just seeing each otherwhen a boy and a girl single each other out and start 25 time together socially,more th

9、an friendship is 26 involved.And dating does not have to be 27 .Discussions in Internet chat rooms,on the telephone,through the mail,or by e-mail 28 also be forms of dating. Id like to draw all the youths attentionwait,wait and wait.Waiting until you are ready to 29 will not be easy.But it is worth

10、the wait. 30 using “the bloom of youth” to grow up into a mature, 31 adult,you will spare youself a host of problems.You will give yourself the time to develop into the kind of person 32 can handle the pressures and responsibilities of marriage.You will also 33 yourself time to grow into a spiritual

11、 person.That way,when you are 34 ready to date,others may very well see you as someone really 35 getting to know better.16.A.speaks B.says C.talks D.tells答案:B解析:say可用于直接引语。17.A.steady B.happy C.easy D.popular答案:A解析:go steady这里指男女之间固定交往。18.A.left behind B.left over C.left out D.left off答案:C解析:leave o

12、ut 遗漏,落下。19.A.Feel B.To feel Cfeeling D.Felt答案:C解析:此空应该用非谓语动词。与主语Jennifer构成主动关系,故用feeling。20.A.met with B.turned down C.turned in D.agree with答案:B解析:turn down拒绝。21.A.knows B.excuses C.recalls D.believes答案:C解析:recall回忆。22.A.No one B.Every one C.Some one D.All答案:A23.A.so B.as if C.as though D.even tho

13、ugh答案:D解析:even though即使,句意为“即使他们花了很多时间和别人交往,他们也说自己不是在约会,仅仅是朋友”。24.A.whenever B.whatever C.however D.wherever答案:B解析:句意为“无论你叫它什么”。25.A.spending B.costing C.taking D.passing答案:A解析:start doing开始做某事。26.A.seldom B.altogether C.usually D.commonly答案:C27.A.in public B.in private C.in person D.in silence答案:C解析:in public 当众;in private私下里;in person亲自;in silence沉默地。28.A.cant B.must C.need D.can答案:D29.A.date B.dating C.grow D.mature 答案:A30.A.With B.By C.In D.For答案:B解析:by doing通过做某事。31.A.beautiful B.responsible C.smart D.successful答案:B解析:responsible负责任的。句意为“长大成为成熟的、负责任的成年人”。32.A.who B.which


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