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1、第四部分 完形填空Passage 1One day a woman got into her car and start driving home after work. Suddeny, she saw a yellow car behind her. The driver was a man. When she turned left, the yellow car turned left. When she turned right, the yellow car turned right, _21 too _. When she stopped at the traffic light

2、s, the yellow car stopped _22 behind _her. The woman was afraid, so she drove quickly to the police station. She was very surprised when she found the car stopped behind her. At that time, a young man was standing outside the police station. The woman was very happy to see him. She knew that he was

3、a policeman because he was _23 _ wearing _ a police uniform. She jumped out of her car and ran to the policeman. She asked him to arrest the man in the yellow car, so the policeman walked to the man. The man didnt try to run _24 _ Away _ when he saw the policeman. He just smiled and said to the woma

4、n, “I want to give this purse back to you, madam. I think you _dropped_25_ it on the street.” 一天一个女人下班开着回家。突然她看到一辆黄色的车跟在她后面。 司机是个男人。她左转,这辆黄色的车也跟着左转。她向右转, 这辆黄色的车也跟着右转。 她等红绿灯的时候,黄色的车在她后面停下了。她很害怕, 所以快速的把车开到了警察局。当她看到停在后面的黄车时, 她很吃惊。就在这时, 警察局外面站着一位年轻人。 这个女人看到他非常开心。她知道这是一个警察,因为他穿了一身警服。她跳下车跑到警察跟前,让这个警察把黄车里的

5、男人抓起来。所以警察向黄车走过去。看到警察后,开黄车的男人没有试图逃跑。 他笑了笑对这个女人说:“女士,我只是想把这个钱包还给你, 我觉得这个是你丢的。”A. wearing B. behind C. too D. droppedE. AwayKEY:CBAEDPassage 2 One of the latest imports is acupuncture (针刺疗法), the use of needles for _21 _ disease. Although acupuncture has been practiced in China for 2000 years, its _22

6、 _ in the Western world is still very _23_. Several hospitals in the United States are now experimenting with acupuncture as a way of treating pains.An American journalist descried the process _24 _ its effects. To keep the patient _25_ feeling pain during the operation, four needles were used, each

7、 about an inch and a half long. The tops of the needles were attached to wires which led to a small electrical device. 最新引进的针刺疗法,被用来治疗疾病。 虽然针刺疗法在中国已经被用了2000年了,但它的用法在西方还算很新, 美国的一些医院现在开始把针刺疗法作为治疗疼痛的一种方法。一个美国新闻记者描述了它的效果。 在手术中为了让病人感觉不到疼痛,要使用四根针,每根月一个半英尺长。 针的顶部连接着电线导向一个很小的仪器。A. and B. treating C. from D.

8、 new E. useKEY:BEDACPassage 3Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. Eagle can _21_ up to 70 years, but to reach this age eagle must make a hard decision.In its 40s, its long and flexible talons (爪) can no longer grab prey(掠食) which serves as food, its long and sharp beak (鸟嘴,喙) become bent.

9、 Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its chest and make it _22_ to fly. Then , the eagle is left with only two options: die or go through a painful process of change which lasts 150 days for survival.The process requires that eagle fly to a mountain top and sit

10、 on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak _23_ a rock until it plucks (拔去)it out. After plucking it out, eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back. When its new talons grow back the eagles starts plucking its old-aged feathers and after five months, eagle an take its flight of rebirth and live

11、 for thirty _24_years.Many times, in order to survive, we have to start a change process. We sometimes need to _25_ old memories, habits and other past traditions. Only freed from past burdens, can we take advantage of the present.鹰是寿命最长的鸟类, 它可以活到70岁, 然而,为了活到70岁,鹰比粗做一个很艰难的选择。当鹰活到40岁, 它原本细长灵活的双爪无法再扑捉

12、猎物,长而尖的喙变得弯曲。 由于厚重的羽毛, 鹰的又老又重的翅膀也贴在了胸前,扣扣一零七八二五二四四九因为再也无法飞翔。 这个时候,鹰只有2个选择:要么静静等死, 要么通过150天漫长而痛苦的转变过程获得重生。如果鹰选择重生,它必须飞到山崖的顶端,在那里筑巢。 然后,它要在岩石上敲打它的喙, 直到脱落,然后等待新的喙长出来。 当鹰的新爪子长出来后, 它开始拔掉老的羽毛, 五个月后,鹰可以获得30年的新生, 再次翱翔在天空。很多时候,我们为了生存必须做出改变。有时候我们需要抛掉以前的记忆,习惯以及其它过去的惯例。只有摆脱过去的负担,我们才能把握当下。A. against B. difficult

13、 C. get rid of D. live E. moreKEY:DBAECPassage 4Its always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never travelled a great deal. Foreign _21_can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand. Learning the language of the new cou

14、ntry would be difficult for the traveller, _22_ the benefits of such an effort would become obvious immediately on his arrival. It may not seem important to him when he comfortably stay at home, but knowing how to order a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country. Withou

15、t knowing the language, its very difficult _23_ the stranger to understand the people of the new country and their customs.Of course, in our small world it is often possible to find someone who understands our own, but this is only second-best for the traveller. To be sure, he can see places and thi

16、ngs without the use of a language, but places and things _24_ not the heart of any country. To get the greatest benefit from a trip _25_ another country, it is how important for the visitor to have an understanding of the language.出国旅行总是很有趣的, 尤其是对那些很少出门旅行的人。只要你兴致很高,提前做些准备,出国旅行对任何人老说都很有教育意义。学习一门新的语言对于旅行者来说会很难,但是一到达新国度


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