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1、主题训练(五)生命的意义与价值大阅读一一提升阅读速度-内化读文规律(满分70分,限时55分钟)I .阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2022 -昆明统考)Chinese del ivery driver Gao Zhixiao, was featured on the cover of Time magazine in March because of his remarkable sense of commitment. Alongside five others, he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes ami

2、d the novel coronavirus outbreak.Ever since COVID-19 broke out, many restaurants shut down or switched to takeout-only services. Millions of people have been staying at home to avoid getting infected. People choose to order food online or buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home, ” Gao told Time. As

3、 a result, delivery orders dramatically increased, placing a huge burden on delivery couriers.Born into a poor family in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, Gao started to make a living in Beijing at age 16. After the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao hesitated for a second to continue working, but th

4、en picked up orders because he thought customers might be in need.Due to the danger of person- to-person transmission, Gao must take precautions to avoid spreading viruses during his route around Beijing, including taking a regular health test and spending 20 minutes disinfecting his motorcycle and

5、clothes each morning. Besides delivering goods, Gao once willingly cooked for an elderly customer who was living alone at her home.II is the commitment of ordinary peop1e like Gao that has made the biggest contributions in the fight against COVID-19.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要介绍了中国外卖员高治晓因在疫情期间不 顾自身生命安全,仍坚守

6、在工作岗位为隔离在家的人们配送外卖因而登上了时代杂志的 故事。1. What can we know from Paragraph 1?A. Gao manages a delivery company.B. Gao is the only one to deliver food during the novel coronavirus outbreak.C. Gao was chosen on the cover of Time magazine due to his selfless commitment.D. Gao comes from a poor family.解析:选C细节理解题

7、。根据文章第一段第一句可知,由于高治晓在疫情期间的无私with fear. I saw that he had woken up. The nurse 34 me that he hit his head hard in the accident; luckily he was only in a _35 coma and would be all right. Finally, I got 36 .This mess of 1 ife is truly not that 37 . Yes, my father and grandmother were in 38 conditions, bu

8、t there was a positive side. They are 39 with us today and my family members are all in one _40 the hospital.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。爸爸和奶奶同时生病住院,生活一片混乱,但“我”却 看到r混乱生活中积极的一面:我的家人能一起面对困难。B. deeplyD. positively21. A. personallyC. consciously解析:选 D 根据上句中的1 tel 1 myself that today wi 11 be better可知,当 你生命中最重要的两个人都住院

9、时,你很难积极地(positively)进行思考。22. (衡水中学 2022 中考模拟)A. expected B. complainedC. avoided1). conveyed解析:选D空后的句子便是“我”的邻居杰森传达(conveyed)的消息。C. neighbor解析:选B根据第三段的“my father was 爸(father)和奶奶正被紧急送往医院。24. (xx第一中学2022中考模拟)A. knewC. responded解析:选A根据下文中的Once we were 知,但“我”还不知道(knew)。25. (实验中学2022中考模拟)A. scaredC. conf

10、used解析:选C23. (华中师大附中2022中考模拟)A. aunt B. fatherD. grandfatherin a coma (昏迷)”可知,就在那时,爸B. admittedI), preparedin our car, I was told the news.可B. amazedD. depressed可知,我们都很困惑(confused).26. A. althoughC. because可知,我们都很困惑(confused).27. A. althoughC. because根据下文中的 “I was confused about” 以及 “She was confuse

11、d by”B. onceD. if解析:选 C 根据下文中的Once we were in our car, I was told the news. w 可 知,“我”不知道为什么我们要去医院,因为(because)他们没有把情况告诉“我”。B. situation27. A. decisionC. subjectC. subjectD. problem解析:选B根据本空后的how cou 1 d they both be in hospital ? ”可知,她对这种情况(s ituati on)感到很困惑一一他们怎么可能都住院了呢?28. A.hospitalB. houseC. city

12、D. company解析:选A根据上文内容可知,15分钟后,我们抵达了医院(hospital)。29. A.thought overB. took downC. referred toD. made out解析:选I)根据下文内容可知,“我”听清了 (made out)妈妈和爷爷的谈话。30. A.OtherwiseB. MeanwhileC. InsteadD. Therefore解析:选B奶奶心脏病发作,将要做心内直视手术。与此同时(Meanwhile),爸爸正处于昏迷状态。31. A. accidentB. argumentC. competitionD. fight解析:选A根据下文的

13、he hit his head hard in the accident*可知,前天晚上爸爸出了一场摩托雪车事故(accident)。32.(衡水中学2022中考模拟)A. kindB. simpleC. heavyD. weak解析:选C根据下句内容可知,“我”怀着沉重的(heavy)心情祝她手术成功。33. A.inspireB. entertainC. admireD. see解析:选D根据上下文内容及语境可知,接下来,“我”要去探望(see)爸爸。34. (xx 第一中学 2022 中考模拟)A. warned B. informedC. remindedD. convinced解析:

14、选B护士告知(informed)”我”他在事故中头部受了重伤。35.(实验中学2022中考模拟)A. normalB. certainC. typicalD. temporary解析:选D 根据上文的“I saw that he had woken up及空后的would be al 1right”可知,幸运的是,他只是暂时(temporary)昏迷,不会有事的。36. A.peaceB.powerC. reliefD.mercy以及 wwould be all rightw 可知,解析:选C根据上文的“I walked with fear”得知爸爸会好起来,“我”如释重负(relief) o

15、37. A. messyB.dullC. severe1).dead!y解析:选A生活中的这种混乱其实并没有那么混乱(messy)。38. A.specialB. similarC. terribleD. complex解析:选C根据上文内容可知,爸爸和奶奶的情况很糟糕(terrible),但这也有积极 的一面。39. A.stillB. alwaysC. already1). just解析:选A现在,他们仍然(still)和我们在一起,并且“我”的家人都在一个地方 (place)o40. A. dilemmaB. placeC. challenge1). dream解析:选B参见上题解析。精表达一一夯实语言基础提升表达能力I .单词拼写1. One reason for her preference (偏爱)for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.2. (衡水中学 2022 中考模拟)The book explores the relationship between religion and civilizat



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