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1、课 题Unit 3Section A 3a-4主备人班级七年时间 学习 目标1.掌握3a对话中出现的词汇:China, Australia,South Africa,2.巩固和灵活使用句型why开头的特殊疑问句及其回答。3.学会问答某种动物的的主要产地重点难点使用句型why开头的特殊疑问句及其回答。 学 习 过 程一、【自主学习】(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )课前预习 :写出英语意思。A:词汇 南;南方;在南方的;南部_非洲_宾戈_丑陋的;难看的_聪明的;机灵的_ 友好的_B:句子1.狮子来自哪里? 狮子来自南非。_2A: 你喜欢什么动物?_B: 我喜欢

2、大象。他们很可爱。_A: 你喜欢别的什么动物?_B: 我也喜欢狗。_A: 为什么?_B: 因为他们友好又聪明。_Step1. Lead-in (导入)。Step2 New words. 利用音标自学单词,注意拼写。二、 【合作探究】(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )1. 小组活动:Step3 P15 3a Task1 P15 3a 将单词与图片匹配。Step4 P15 3b PairworkTask2 A: Where are lions from? B: Lions are from South Africa.Task 3 Practice 1)写出下列动

3、物的英文,并将其与右边的地名连线1. 熊猫_ Australia 2)请用下列句型进行练习。 3. 狮子_ India A: Where are from?4. 企鹅_ South Africa B: - are from 5. 大象_ Africa 3)请写下你的对话 6. 长颈鹿_ Antarctic(南极洲) A: _7. 老虎_ Korea B: _六精讲归纳1. Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪儿?Lions are from South Africa. 狮子来自南非。be from=come from 来自2. like to do/ doing; play

4、with sb和某人玩3. -Why do you like pandas?-Because they are very cute.(1) Why 是疑问副词“为什么”,常用because作答。(2)because不能与so连用。(3)pandas为名词复数,表示类指,其前不用冠词。如:Horses are useful animals. 三、 【系统总结】(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) (1) Why 是疑问副词“为什么”,常用because作答。(2)because不能与so连用。 四、【检测过关】(教师寄语:Never do things

5、 by halves)I. 单项选择。( ) 1. -_ do you like giraffes? Because they are interesting.A. What B. Where C. Why( ) 2. The elephant is _ big.A. kind of B. a kind of C. kinds of ( ) 3. Where _ lions _?A. is ;from B. are ; from C. do ;from( ) 4. Because it is raining, _ wont go out.A. so he B. he C. and he ( )

6、5. Lets _ the picture.A. to look B. look at C. look( ) 6. Tom is interested _ drawing pictures.A. in B. at C. on ( ) 7. Look! They are _ in the river.A. swim B. swimming C. swimsII .用单词的适当形式填空。1.-Where shall we go ?- Lets go to the park(one).2.-How many _(box) can you see? - I can one.3. The man loo

7、ks very _(friend). 4. -Why do look at _(he)?-Because he is cute.5.This picture is very _(interest).6.They are going to visit an _(Africa) country.7. Why not _(take) a taxi to go there?8.Lets _(is) quiet, OK?III句型转换。 1.I like dolphins because they are smart. (提问) you like dolphins?2I know the name of the animal.(一般疑问句)_ you _ the name of the animal? 3The pandas are from China. (提问)_ _the pandas _ from?4. She likes dogs ,too. (否定句) She _ _ dogs, _. 审阅人: 时间:



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