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1、2022年考博英语-南京大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Some social critics took a dim view of the industrialism of the nineteenth century, believing that it ( ) a harsh, crude life-style.问题1选项A.eradicatedB.facilitatedC.releasedD.imagined【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。eradicate “根除,消灭”;facilitate “促进,助长”;release “释放,发行”;imagine “想象,

2、猜想”。句意:一些社会批判家对19世纪的工业化持悲观态度,认为它助长了一种严酷粗糙的生活方式。选项B符合题意。2. 单选题Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure( ).问题1选项A.than more on efficiencyB.and more efficiencyC.and more on efficiencyD.than efficiency【答案】C【解析】考查语法。题目中emphasis和efficiency处于构成并列的关系。句意:一些公司采用了弹性工作

3、时间,更少地强调压力,更多地强调效率。实际上为“more emphasis on efficiency”,选项C运用了省略的结构,选项C符合题意。3. 单选题Shoes of this kind are( ) to slip on wet ground.问题1选项A.feasibleB.appropriateC.aptD.fitting【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。feasible “可行的”;appropriate “适当的,恰当的”;apt “恰当的,有倾向的”;fitting “适合的,适宜的”。句意:这样的鞋子在湿地上容易打滑。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题They are no l

4、onger on speaking terms because she( )his confidence.问题1选项A.exposedB.destroyedC.provedD.betrayed【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。expose“揭露,曝光”;destroy“毁灭,破坏”;prove“证明,检验,显示”;betray“背叛,出卖”。句意:他们不再和睦相处了,因为她背叛了他的信任。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题Mr. Smith became very( )when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.

5、empiricalC.objectiveD.indignant【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。形容词词义辨折。ingenious “有独创性的,机灵的”;empirical “经验主义的”;objective “客观的”;indignant “愤愤不平的”。句意:当被指出犯了错误时,史密斯先生感到很气愤。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题We were( ) in the middle of our conversation.问题1选项A.cut offB.cut downC.cut inD.cut out【答案】A【解析】动词短语。cut off“中断,切断”;cut down“砍倒”;cu

6、t in“插嘴,插入”;cut out“切掉”。句意:我们在谈话中途中断了。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题Hardys weakness( )his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.问题1选项A.lay inB.gave rise toC.shed light onD.derived from【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。li

7、e in “躺在”;give rise to “引起”;shed light on “使.清楚地显出;derive from“源自”。句意:哈代的缺点一方面源于没有能力控制好各种不同的创作冲动,另一方面源于他不愿意去培养和保持那些充满活力和冒险的想法。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题We will see( ) the children are properly educated.问题1选项A.to themB.to thatC.to it whetherD.to it that【答案】D【解析】考查语法。see to it that “确保,务必”,句意:我们必须确保孩子们是被正确地教育的。选项

8、D符合题意。9. 翻译题Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and what it can do for us now than formerly. Summer homes,European vacations, travel, BMW ssuch items do not seem less in demand than they did a decade or two years ago. What has happened is that people cannot admit their dreams as

9、easily and openly as they once could, lest they be thought of as pushing, acquisitive, and vulgar. For such people and many more perhaps not so outstanding, the proper action seems to be, “Succeed at all costs but refrain from appearing ambitious.”The attacks on ambition are many and come from vario

10、us angles, while its public defenders are few and ineffective. As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and cultivated in the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States. This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no

11、longer feel its urges, but only that since it is no longer openly honored, it is therefore less often openly professed. Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground or made devious.【答案】当然,相比于从前,人们对于成功以及成功给我们带来的东西兴趣似乎不会减少。人们对避暑别墅、欧洲旅行、旅游、宝马这类事物的需求相比一

12、二十年前似乎也没有减少。情况是人们现在不敢简单公开地像以前那样承认自己的梦想,怕被认为是急功近利、贪得无厌和庸俗的人。对于这样的人,或许还有很多不那么优秀的人,正确的做法是:不惜一切代价取得成功,但是要避免变得野心勃勃。人们从各个角度对野心有很多批评,但是公开批评者很少,并且显得很无力。因此,在美国,将雄心看作是一种健康的动力,一种可敬的从年轻就开始培养了的品质,这很少有人支持。这并不意味着雄心已经没有了,也不意味着人们不再感受到雄心带来的驱动力,相反地,因为不再公开推崇,那么也不会公开宣扬了。这样做带来的结果是,雄心以一种私下看不见的方式驱动着人们。10. 单选题The status of

13、women in colonial North America has been well studied and described and can be briefly summarized. Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This favorable ratio enhanced womens status and positio

14、n and allowed them to pursue different careers. The Puritans, the religious sect that dominated the early British colonies in North America, regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdeveloped country made it absolutely necessary that each member of the community perform an econo

15、mic function. Thus work for women, married or single, was not only approved, it was regarded as a civic duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and unattached women to be self-supporting and for a long time provided needy spinsters with parcels of land. There was no social sanction against married women working ; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work


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