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1、2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语迷你对话:火上加油A: You should not have criticize your son in front of his friends.你不应该当着你儿子的朋友的面批评他。B: Why? He did something wrong.为什么?他做错事情了呀。A: I know. But at that time your blame is rubbing salt into his wounds.我知道,但是你的批评是火上加油。A: I only wanted to help him.我只想帮助他。B: But it is not the

2、right time.但是时机不对。对话精讲第一、 地道表达1. 习惯用语rub salt into ones wounds2. 解词释义该习语的字面意思是“往伤口上撒盐”,引申为“火上加油”“雪上加霜”“加深某人的创伤”等意思。 其英文解释为:to make a difficult situation even worse for someone。3. 支持范例To rub salt into her wounds, he began to laugh at her.为了加深她的创痛,他开始嘲笑她。Losing was bad enough, having to watch them rec

3、eiving the trophy just rubbed salt into the wound.失利已经让我们够难受的了,看到他们领奖让我们感到更加难受。第二、 词海拾贝in front of sb:当众,当面e.g.He enjoys posturing in front of an audience.他喜欢在观众面前装腔作势。e.g.In front of me lay the whole valley like an untouched paradise on earth.展现在我面前的是整个山谷,犹如一个没人到过的人间天堂。e.g.The good harvest scene em

4、erges in front of us.丰收景象在我们面前展现出来。e.g.Can you make out who those people are standing in front of her?你能认出站在她前面的那些人是谁吗?2. right time:适宜的时间,时机,恰当的时间e.g.He came just at the right time, neither too early nor too late.他来的正好,既不早也不晚。e.g.He has the faculty of saying the right thing at the right time.他有在恰当的

5、时候说恰当的话的才智。e.g.This snow has come at the right time.这场雪很及时。e.g.The call came at the right time for Victor.这个任命的时间对维克托而言是恰到好处。第三、句海拾贝Sb should not have done something.(1)使用情境在描述某人在过去不应该做的事情而做了,不应该发生的事情而发生了的时候,可以用这个句型。(2)支持范例He should not have quarreled with his boss.他本不应该和自己的上司吵架的。A: You seem to be u

6、nhappy. What happened?你看上去并不开心,怎么啦?B: My mother is ill in the hospital.我妈妈生病住院了。A: What does the doctor say?医生怎么说?B: The disease fails to respond to drugs.这种病无药可治。对话精讲第一 地道表达1. 习语口语respond to2. 解词释义动词词组的本义是“对.有反应”,也可以转义为“对.有作用”。3. 支持范例e.g.He did not respond to her advances.他对她的友好表示无动于衷。e.g. They wer

7、e prompt to respond to our call for help.他们对我们的求助迅即回应。e.g.How would you respond to Johns arguments?你觉得约翰的话如何?e.g.I dont respond to threats.我不怕别人威胁。第二、词海拾贝fail to:未能e.g.Too many people fail to realize that real communication goes in both directions.许多人不理解真正的交流是有来有往的。e.g.Words fail to convey our grate

8、ful feelings.我们的感激之情非言语所能表达。e.g.You will be in trouble if you fail to stop at the red light.遇到红灯不停车,你就会倒霉。e.g.I fail to see any reason why we should worry ourselves about those people.我真不懂我们为什么要替那些人担忧。第三、口语句型病种+fails to respond to drugs.1. 使用请境表示某种病不能医治,是绝症。2. 典型范例e.g.An cancer fails to respond to drugs.癌症无药可治。



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