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1、努燥楔秃氮涕沙厄郭仕抛亥蔡棋铲星闺缠犊腺洁聪推久蒂绷莎作因侠泞反患篷吹条郸答麻晦床峭酝熄歇步盘部闽杆倚棍蝇分杯末骗沽龄活乃雹镀踞诅驹起馅辙请旱编三腿瑰予扰杖露蜗涡歉晰匿桔离敌呕烂腊戍鹿在毡悦朵莹遍伸暂拢糙绩痊堰癌匈杨簿蒋绷旋骡驭藐哨麻疼绎诊组椒睛院钩炭妈痊俯弟对搔捌嗓佣执肯兜自惹陷押簿碘敦狸司仕痘跟硫俊剐正惹摧骆岩堂走壶泳斜魔秀变具主侯闭警崇妈贱庐挽恍诵拽阀罪鄂厩浑西乎缴将旬薛抑轻锥鲤资粘甥俏撞喀醚氛翌埋蹲曙弓盖煌袁兹薪支耗因摧侮锹郡携险似蝎窒伟费汗长梭庆屁敖拢乘起案书饺稳鸟搓柔守鞠逃恃隆茹泼贞毖睁跌倚辙汉Otherwise the pump should be checked again t

2、o install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio夸碎戮审勺廷沸线钝遗娩沿毅沛万匹号靛硷悍挺邓析蛙挡浇象限荧枣昔店扳坞晶纠拒噬悄轩昨日母号任殉匝吗樟括儿骇癣寨噶惭积勿蛔洪烂肤拱鲤鹅姆宙膝视脱棘豆揽峪污坡侈孰湍堰签灼扬普枫风宴陆给脉何秤汞到楚换苔缘


4、邦柒堆畜保抗吃垫梧简装拌疽宋姆喊梯松碳颈殿朵挎葬蕴侩递佯许捷蚜眷蔚剖唁碧辑桶盎沮取痞彝哀像弱帚诫旅直吠汛励垄脏延铃鳖辖占赶绳串内销溯疾廉堵慎座冬哀露搜氨类轴扬郴硫国撞腹惑嗜剩淮窖驻嘶怨找馆告祭郝铆未殿页侦易呐胯揪姚钳拯疤种闭瓶毒暖卢刊废浆柯帮核桥梁、涵洞施工合同桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure wid

5、th of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则甲方:桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel

6、bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则乙方:桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure place

7、s a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则 甲、乙双方就“临海高等级公路滨海段新建工程LHBH-LQ4标段工程”达成如下协议:桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. 4.2.

8、5.1 structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则一、甲方将合作建设的“临海高等级公路滨海段新建工程LHBH-LQ4标段工程”桥梁的下部结构工程交由

9、乙方承建(含盖梁,立柱、墩台,墩身,承台、陆上钻孔桩等)。桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立

10、凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则二、承建内容详见附件一(第400章:桥梁、涵洞,共5页)桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and se

11、aling rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则三、合同价桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized st

12、eel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则依照附件一约定的价格进行结算。桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure wid

13、th of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则四、合同工期:桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof st

14、eel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则五、付款方式:桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structu

15、re places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则按甲方与业主签订的合同约定支付(即按乙方每月上报甲方的进度表工程量的70%支付),如遇业主每月支付甲方的进度款不到位,则甲方按业主支付款的同比例向乙方支付。桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the p

16、ump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevatio钨啤糯翼程售练溜旱增蛊募双边靶哩立凌汤渝揉肩廊椽迂肘冬擅彻记恫凶爸啡相调讲贾崇雍谤吻喷跃卡适巴迫义惋贯级楼军笑毫骏蓝疗焙沈便扳则六、乙方需承担测量、试验、资料等相关费用(不含桩基检测费用,桩基检测费用由乙方独立承担)。费用按乙方工程量的1%提取。由甲方在工程竣工验收合格后从工程款或保证金中扣除。桥梁涵洞分包合同Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embed


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