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1、摘 要此次设计是矿用通风机,采用的是对旋通风机,由于矿井开采时会有瓦斯气体溢出,可能引起爆炸,给工作人员增加了危险系数,对矿井的安全生产都是不利的。此次设计是局部通风,采用了对旋隔爆轴流通风机,通风方式为压入式,采用了相同型号隔爆电机驱动叶轮,提高了矿下安全生产和人员的安全。此通风机具有风量大、体积小等特点,并且在通风机的两级筒体及扩散器外面用超细玻璃棉的吸声结构, 并在导流装置内填充吸声材料,达到了降噪的要求。 根据所给的设计参数及有关的设计要求。具体内容包括:总体结构方案的确定,叶轮的设计,流线罩,扩散器和集流器的设计,风机叶轮翼型尺寸的确定,通风机消声装置的设计。本次设计更加注意对旋通风

2、机的消音问题,注重了电动机的隔爆设计。关键词:对旋;隔爆;轴流通风机AbstractThis design for mine fan,using the disrotatoru ventilator,because of the mine mining will have gas overflow,may cause blast,increases the risk to staff,the safety of the mine production will be unfavourable.This design is local ventilation,adopted for explos

3、ion-proof axial flow fan,ventilation mode is pressed into the type,using the same model, flame-proof motor driven impeller,improve the mine production safety and personnel safety.The fan has the the characteristic such as big air volume small volume,and in the two stage of the ventilator outside of

4、the cylinder and the diffuser with superfine glass wool sound-absorbing structure,and fill in the diversion sound-absorbing material,has reached the requirement of noise reduction.According to the given design parameters and design requirements.The concrete content includes:the determination of gene

5、ral structure scheme,the design of the impeller,streamline cover,the design of the diffuser and the current collector,streamline cover,the design of the diffuser and the current collector,the determination of fan aerofoil impeller size,fan muffler device design.Pay more attention to the design of ro

6、tary fan sound attenuation problem,pay attention to the flame-proof motor design.Keywords: counter rotating;flameproof;aerofoil fan 目 录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1 选题意义11.2 通风机的原理及发展历史11.3 通风机的分类21.3.1 按工作原理的通风机分类21.3.2 按气流运动方向的通风机分类21.3.3 按压力大小的通风机分类31.3.4按应用领域的通风机分类31.4 设计理论基础分析3第2章 通风机主要结构设计62.1 通风机主要

7、结构参数的确定62.1.1 确定电机的转速62.1.2 叶轮直径与叶顶圆周速度的确定72.1.3 流量系数及全压系数82.1.4 电机的选择92.1.5 叶轮的结构设计92.2 第一级叶轮叶片环的气流参数和空气动力负荷系数计算122.2.1 第一级叶轮叶片环的气流参数计算122.2.2 第一级叶轮叶片环的空气动力计算152.3 叶片几何尺寸的确定172.3.1 翼型的确定172.3.2 叶片数目的选择计算202.3.3 各计算截面的叶片尺寸参数212.3.4 各截面上的叶片安装角222.4 第一级叶轮叶片的绘制232.4.1 弦长在叶栅额线及叶栅轴向的投影232.4.2 各计算截面翼型的重心坐

8、标242.4.3 重心距翼形前后缘的距离在叶栅额线及叶栅轴向上的投影242.4.4 键的校核252.5 第二级叶轮叶片环的气流参数和空气动力负荷系数计算272.5.1 第二级叶轮叶片环的气流参数计算272.5.2 第二级叶轮叶片环的空气动力计算292.6 第二级叶轮叶片几何尺寸的确定322.6.1 第二级叶轮翼型的确定322.6.2 第二级叶轮叶片数目的选择计算342.6.3 第二级叶轮各计算截面的叶片尺寸参数352.6.4 第二级叶轮各截面上的叶片安装角362.7第二级叶轮叶片的绘制372.7.1 弦长在叶栅额线及叶栅轴向的投影372.7.2 各截面翼型的重心坐标372.7.3 重心距翼型前

9、后缘的距离在叶栅额线及叶栅轴向上的投影38第3章 集流器与流线罩的结构设计393.1 集流器的选择393.1.1 集流器型线的选择393.1.2 集流器尺寸的确定393.2 流线罩的选择403.2.1 流线罩型式的选择403.2.2 流线罩尺寸的确定403.3 集流器与流线罩的结构40第4章 扩散器424.1 扩散器的型式424.2 扩散器尺寸的确定43第5章风机筒体的设计44第6章噪声的控制466.1 环境噪声污染的危害466.2 噪声治理的措施466.3 消声结构设计 47结论48致谢49参考文献50CONTENTSAbstractIChapter1 Introduction11.1 To

10、pic selection significance11.2 The principle of the ventilator and development history11.3 Fan classification21.3.1 According to the working principle of the ventilator classification21.3.2 According to the classification of the ventilator airflow direction21.3.3 According to the size of the pressur

11、e ventilator classification31.3.4 According to the application in the fan classification31.4 Design theory base analysis3Chapter2 The ventilator main structure design62.1 The ventilator main structure of Parameters62.1.1 Determine the speed of the motor62.1.2 Impeller blade tip and the diameter circ

12、le determine the speed72.1.3 The flow coefficient and the pressure coefficient82.1.4 Motor choice92.1.5 The design of the structure of impeller92.2 Calculation The first level of the impeller blade ring gas Parameters and airpower load coefficient122.2.1 CalculateThe first level impeller blades of a

13、irflow Parameterring122.2.2 The first level impeller blades of air power calculation ring152.3 The determination of blade geometry size172.3.1 Wing to determine the type172.3.2 Leaf number of choice is calculated202.3.3 The calculation of the blade section size Parameters212.3.4 Each section of the

14、blade installation Angle222.4 The first level of impeller blade drawing232.4.1 Long strings in decreasing the amount and decreasing the axialline of projection232.4.2 The calculation of air foil section barycenter coordinates242.4.3Center of gravity from the hydrofoil margin of distance before and a

15、fter the blade is line and decreasing the axis of projection of upward242.4.4Key to check252.5 Thesecond level of the impeller blade ring gas Parameters and air power laod coefficiention272.5.1 The second impeller blades of airfiow Parameter caculation ring272.5.2The second level of impeller blade air power calulation ring 292.6The second impeller blade geometry size determined322.6.1 Thesecond type of impeller wing to determine322.6.2 Thesecond impeller blade number of choice is c



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