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1、Unit 8 单元测试题听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择合适的单词填空。(10分)A. hotel B. hospital C. airport D. railway station E. stop1.Theres a _. 2. There is an_.3. Lets meet at the_. 4. Get off at the next _.5. The way is to the._.二、听音,给下列图片排序。(10分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )三、听录音,选出你所听到句子的正确答语。(10分)( )11. A. Yes? B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I

2、 do.( )12. A. Six. B. May 5th. C. Its a bag.( )13. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, there is.( )14. A.OK . B. Thank you. C. At the 3rd stop.( )15. A. Excuse me. B. Youre welcome. C. Im sorry.四、听录音,选择合适的汉语。(10分)( )16. A.在第二个停车站下车。 B. 在第三个停车站下车。( )17. A. 他们打算开车来我们城。 B. 他们打算坐火车来我们城。( )18. A. 在右边有个小

3、宾馆. B. 在左边有个小宾馆。( )19. A. 告诉我去火车站的路。 B. 告诉我去机场的路。( )20.A. 是的,有一个。 B.不,没有一个。 笔试部分五、选出不同类的单词(5分)( )1. A.hotel B.straight C.shop( )2. A.take B.airport C.cinema( )3. A.along B.here C.there( )4. A.on B.off C.show( )5. A. May B.hungry C. March 六、精打细算(选择填空)(20分)( )1. There _ a cinema near my home. A. is B.

4、 are C. has( )2.Turn right _ the second crossing . A. at B. for C. to( )3.Can you show me the way_ the hotel. A. at B.to C. of( )4. Lets _ something to eat now. A. get B. getting C. gets( )5. Theyre going to_ the train to the city. A. take B.by C. on( )6. Mike _ a new hat.A. theres B. there are C. h

5、as ( )7. Theres a park_ the end of the street.A. on B. at C. in( )8.-_. Is there a hotel around here? A. Sorry B.Excuse me C. Thank you( )9. There _ a lot of books in the library.A.is B. are C. be( )10.Look! Mike is_ Chinese.A. learn B.learning C. learns七、黄金搭档(选出最佳答案,将编号写在题前的括号内,10分)( )1.Where shoul

6、d I get off? A. Yes, there is.( )2. How do you get to school? B. By train.( )3. Whats on the house? C. At City Park.( )4. Is there a park near here? D.Youre welcome.八、情景交际。根据所给的情景,选择正确的选项。(10分)( )1.想知道去宾馆的路,你可以问:_A. Excuse me,can you show me the way to the hotel?B. Excuse me,can you tell where I get

7、 off?( )2. 想知道你应该在哪里下车,你可以问:_ A. Where should I get on? B.Where should I get off?( )3. 当你想告诉别人他们可以乘公交车去,你可以说:_A. You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel. B. You may take Train No.206 to the hotel.( )4. 别人感谢你,你可以说:_ A.Thats good. B. Youre welcome.( )5. 想告诉朋友他可以沿着这条街走,你可以说:_ A. You can go along this stre

8、et. B. You can turn left at this street. 九、阅读理解(10分)Mark: Excuse me, sir. Im new here. Wheres the cinema?Policeman: Oh, its next to the bookstore.Mark: How can I get there?Policeman: You can go by bus.Mark: Which bus can I take?Policeman: The No. 302 bus.Mark: Can I go by bike?Policeman: Sure, its n

9、ot far.Mark: Thanks a lot.Policeman: Youre welcome.根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将代号填入题前括号内。( )1.Mark is _ here. A.new B. tall C.short( )2.The cinema is next to the _ .A. library B.bookstore C.sometimes( )3.Mark can _ to the cinema.A. take the No. 502 bus B. ride a bike C. A and B( )4. _ tells the way.A. The policeman B. Mark C. Marks father



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