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1、北京语言大学21秋商务英语综合测试题库答案参考1. Speculators are mainly interested in stocks which give high dividends and/or are likely to rise in price in the long run.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2. to conclude(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)_A.to give ones place to eachB.to end or judge after some considerationC.to explainD.to contain参考答案:B3. Tre

2、asury Stock is listed in the stockholders&39; equity section on the balance sheet.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A4. Cash equivalents ( )A.are illegal in some companyB.will be converted to cash within two yearsC.will be converted to cash within 90 daysD.will be converted to cash within 120 days参考答案:C5. If the busi

3、ness relations establishes, what shall the addresser do?They will_ for conIf the business relations establishes, what shall the addresser do?They will_ for considerably large numbers.正确答案:place regular ordersplace regular orders6. Financial reports are used by ( )A.managementB.creditorsC.investorsD.

4、all of the above参考答案:D7. to deal with (complaints)(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)_A.处理日常事务B.论述某项事情C.处理顾客投诉D.与某人做买卖参考答案:C8. The standard protocol used for sending Internet e-mail is called _. It works in conjunction with POP servers.A.SMTPB.WWWC.TCPD.UDP参考答案:A9. at ones own expense(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)_A.花费钱B.以代价C.费用自理D.以

5、昂贵的价格购买参考答案:C10. Grain Exchange trading was suspended, and farmers sold at prices fixed by the board.(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T11. The _ lawyer made a great impression on the jury.A.protectingB.guardingC.defendingD.shielding参考答案:C12. A business using the perpetual inventory system, with its detailed

6、subsidiary records, does not need to take a physical inventory.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B13. Credit unions are profitable cooperatives organized to meet the needs of their members.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A14. Bondholders claims on the assets of the corporation rank ahead of stockholders.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A15. curtail的

7、意思是:the process of promoting a cause or plan ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F16. The automatic doors in supermarkets _ the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.A.furnishB.induceC.facilitateD.allocate参考答案:C17. A corporation is a business that is legally separate and distinct from its owners.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案

8、:A18. A balance sheet is a list of the assets, liabilities, and owner&39;s equity of a business for a period of time.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B19. Well effect in you favor a sight L/C to be settled in US dollars.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B20. Anne looks _ in red while green clothes are nice _ Helen.A.good; onB.well; i

9、nC.good; atD.well; for参考答案:A21. approach的意思是:start to deal with in a certain way ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T22. How about meeting each other half way? I don&39;t think it wise for either of us to insist on his own price.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A23. A location in RAM memory is accessed by its _.A.contentsB.addressC.stor

10、age unitD.storage capacity参考答案:B24. Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the ( )A.financing activities sectionB.investing activities sectionC.operating activities sectionD.supplemental statement参考答案:A25. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“general expenses”“一般费用”

11、。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26. The declaration of a stock dividend decreases a corporation&39;s stockholders&39; equity and increases its liabilities.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B27. The Internet began as the ARPANET.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A28. According to the economic theory of supply and demand, price is set where supply me

12、ets demand, and this price is referred to as the equilibrium price.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B29. _ is an operating system similar to Unix.A.Windows NTB.MS-DOSC.OS/2D.Linux参考答案:D30. -What&39;s your opinion about it? -You can _ at a glance that the building was poorly built.A.sayB.seeC.tellD.take it for grante

13、d参考答案:B31. According to its purposes, accounting falls into _.A.managerial accountingB.financial accountingC.public accountingD.personal accounting参考答案:AB32. The ability of a business to pay its debts as they come due and to earn a reasonable amount of income is referred to as ( )A.solvency and leve

14、rageB.solvency and profitabilityC.solvency and liquidityD.solvency and equity参考答案:B33. _ layer just above the internet layer.A.Network InterfaceB.TCPC.Host-to-Host TransportD.Application参考答案:C34. There is a feeling _ me _ we&39;ll never know what a UFO is.A.in; thatB.on; whichC.for; for whichD.by; what参考答案:A35. Committees could be independent organizations, but most of them work in combination with one of the above discussed forms of o


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