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1、最新七年级英语下册选词填空专项练习一、七年级英语下册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。方框中有两个词语为多余选项。 boring on by about photos taught bought exciting science Yesterday I went on a school trip. We visited the _ museum and it was really interesting. We got there so fast _ train. We saw some farms and villages along the way

2、. At the museum, I learned a lot _ robots. I didnt know they could play chess with us. It was so cool! Then the guide _ us how to make a model robot. I took a lot of great _, too. After that I went to the gift shop and _ some lovely gifts for my parents. They werent expensive. All in all, it was an

3、_ day.【答案】 science;by;about;taught;photos;bought;exciting 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要叙述参观科学博物馆的经过和感受。 boring无聊的,on在.之上,by被,凭借,about关于,photos相片,taught教,bought买,exciting激动人心的,science科学 (1)句意:我们参观了科学博物馆,真的很有趣。根据空格后museum,博物馆。可知要用名词science,作定语修饰museum,故答案为science。 (2)句意:我们坐火车很快就到了那里。根据get,到达,不及物动词。train,火车,交通工具名词

4、,乘坐交通工具,要用介词by+交通工具名词(单数),作方式状语,故答案为by。 (3)句意:在博物馆里,我学到了很多关于机器人的知识。根据learn学会,及物动词,接宾语。learn a lot about .学会很多关于,故答案为about。 (4)句意:然后导游教我们如何制作模型机器人。根据. how to make a model robot. 可知要用动词taught,故答案为taught。 (5)句意:我也拍了很多很棒的照片。根据great,伟大的,棒的;形容词,修饰名词作定语。take photos,拍照片,固定短语。选用photos,故答案为photos。 (6)句意:之后我去了

5、礼品店,给父母买了一些可爱的礼物。根据 I went to the gift shop and 6 some lovely gifts for my parents. They werent expensive. 可知一定是买了礼物,选用bought,故答案为bought。 (7)句意:总之,这是一个令人兴奋的日子。根据空格前an和空格后用day,要用形容词修饰作定语,可知选用exciting。此处表示旅游的感受,不能是boring,故答案为exciting。 【点评】考查选词填空,注意注意根据句意和语法结构,确定词性和词形,并把所给的词进行适当的变形。2阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从每个方框

6、内所给11个词汇中选择10个意义相符的词汇,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处。 put tell visit buy get collect take swim enjoy leave look Angela is going to take a holiday in Qingdao tomorrow. She is very happy. Before _, she has a lot to do. First, she has to _ everything she needs in her bag. After that, she is going to the shop because

7、she would like _ a new dress. Her old one doesnt _ nice. She is going to buy a camera too. She wants to take lots of photos. When Angela _ to Qingdao, she is going to the beach first. She likes _ different shells (贝壳) on the beach. And she is going to _ in the sea. Tomorrow she is going to see a mov

8、ie at the cinema. And she plans _ some museums (博物馆), she hopes she can _ herself during the holiday. After she comes back, she is going to write an email to her best friend John. She wants _ him about her holiday.【答案】 leaving;put;to buy;look;gets;collecting / to collect;swim;to visit;enjoy;to tell

9、【解析】【分析】主要讲了Angela明天去青岛旅行,她在旅行前、旅行中及旅行后做的事情。 put放;tell告诉;visit参观;buy买;get得到;collect收集;take带走;swim游泳;enjoy喜欢;leave离开;look看起来 (1)句意:在离开前她有许多事情要做。讲的是离开前,before是介词,后面用动词ing,leave的ing是leaving,故填leaving。 (2)句意:她不得不把她需要的所有东西放在她包里。put.in.,把放在have to do sth.不得不做某事,故填put。 (3)句意:因为她想要买一件新的裙子。would like to do,想

10、要做某事,故填to buy。 (4)句意:她的旧的看起来不漂亮。nice是形容词,前面用系动词,看起来漂亮look nice,doesnt后面用动词原形,故填look。 (5)句意:当Angela到达青岛时。get to+地点名词,到达某地,时态是一般现在时,主语是单数Angela,所以get用单三gets,故填gets。 (6)句意:她喜欢沙滩上收集不同的贝壳。collect shells,收集贝壳,like doing sth./to do sth.喜欢做某事,collect的ing是collecting,故填collecting/to collect。 (7)句意:她将去海里游泳。swi

11、m in the sea,在海里游泳,be going to do将要做某事,故填swim。 (8)句意:她计划参观一些博物馆。参观博物馆,visit museums,plan to do,计划做某事,故填to visit。 (9)句意:她希望她可以在假期间玩得高兴。enjoy oneself,玩得高兴,can后面用动词原形,故填enjoy。 (10)句意:她想告诉他关于她的假期。tell sb. about sth.,告诉某人关于某事,want to do sth.想要做某事,故填to tell。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注

12、意句型、搭配、短语及语境。3选词填空 call, like, play, nineteen, write(1)_ other girls, Kay enjoyed herself in the park. (2)Do you know the young boy _ Wang Junkai? (3)Mr. White _ music in a club when he was 20 years old. (4)Two weeks ago, the famous writer _ an interesting story for children. (5)In the _ century, ma

13、ny Chinese workers went to work in America. 【答案】 (1)Like(2)called(3)played(4)wrote(5)nineteenth 【解析】【分析】call 打电话; like 喜欢;play 玩;nineteen 十九;write书写。 (1)句意:和其他女孩一样,凯在公园里玩得很开心。like,像,介词。位于句首,第一个字母大写,故填Like。 (2)句意:你知道那个叫王俊凯的小男孩吗?call,动词,叫作;过去分词called,被叫作,过去分词短语作定语修饰the young boy,故填called。 (3)句意:怀特先生20

14、岁时在一家俱乐部演奏音乐。固定短语,play music,弹奏乐曲;由语句when he was 20 years old可知,此句要用一般过去时,故填played。 (4)句意:两周前,这位著名作家为孩子们写了一个有趣的故事。固定短语,write a story,写故事;由two weeks ago可知,要用过去时,故填wrote。 (5)句意:19世纪,许多中国工人到美国工作。century,世纪,第几世纪要用序数词,nineteen的序数词是nineteenth,故填nineteenth。 【点评】此题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定短语与基

15、本句型。4选词填空 take, two, buy, market, enjoy, underground Today is 1st June. Betty and Jenny are in Paris. They arrived _ days ago. Yesterday, they visited the Louvre Museum. And in the evening, they _ their dinner in a French restaurant. This morning they went to the street _. Betty loved them. And she _ her grandma a present. In the aftern


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