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1、2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The wreckage of the exploded car _ the traffic.问题1选项A.interferedB.interpretedC.disruptedD.corrupted【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项interfered“妨碍(有损害)”;B选项interpreted“解释;作口译”;C选项disrupted“妨碍,扰乱(使维持正常状态有难度)”;D选项corrupted“腐化”。句意:汽车爆炸的残骸_交通。根据语境,这里指汽车爆炸扰乱了正常交通,C选项disrupted“

2、妨碍,扰乱(使维持正常状态有难度)”符合题意。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题The results were to _ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.问题1选项A.revealB.have revealedC.be revealedD.have been revealed【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查时态和语态。句意:结果本应在昨天公布,但我们什么也没有听说。were to表示过去将来时,根据reveal的动作按照计划在昨天就应该被完成,确定用完成的状态和被动语态,D选项have been revealed符合题意。A选项reveal是动词原形,B

3、选项have revealed只表示完成,C选项be revealed只表示被动。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Do women tend to devalue the worth of their work? Do they apply different standards to rewarding their own work more critically than they do to rewarding the work of others? These were the questions asked by Michigan State University psychologis

4、ts Lawrence Messe and Charlene Callahan-Levy. Past experiments had shown that when women were asked to decide how much to pay themselves and other people for the same job, they paid themselves less. Following up on this finding, Messe and Callahan-Levy designed experiments to test several popular ex

5、planations of why women tend to get less in pay situations.One theory the psychologists tested was that women judge their own work more harshly than that of others. The subjects for the experiment testing this theory were men and women from the Michigan State undergraduate student body. The job the

6、subjects were asked to perform for pay was an opinion questionnaire requiring a number of short essays on campus-related issues. After completing the questionnaire, some subjects were given six dollars in bills and change and were asked to decide payment for themselves. Others were given the same am

7、ount and were asked to decide payment for another subject who had also completed the questionnaire.The psychologists found that, as in earlier experiments, the women paid themselves less than the men paid themselves. They also found that the women paid themselves less than they paid other women and

8、less than the men paid the women. The differences were substantial. The average paid to women by themselves was $2.97. The average paid to men by themselves was $4.06. The average paid to women by others was $4.37. In spite of the differences, the psychologists found that the men and the women in th

9、e experiment evaluated their own performances on the questionnaire about equally and better than the expected performances of others.On the basis of these findings, Messe and Callahan-Levy concluded that womens attachment of a comparatively low monetary value to their work cannot be based entirely o

10、n their judgment of their own ability.1. The experiment designed in the passage would be most relevant to the formulation (表述) of a theory concerning the _.2. How is the research of Messe and Callahan-Levy related to earlier experiments in the same field?3. Which of the following statements is suppo

11、rted by the facts stated in the passage?4. The work of Messe and Callahan-Levy tends to support which of the following notions?5. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.问题1选项A.generally lower salaries received by women workers in comparison to menB.reluctance of some women to enter profes

12、sions that are traditionally dominated by menC.anxiety expressed by some women workers in dealing with male supervisorsD.prejudices often suffered by women in attempting to enter the workforce问题2选项A.It suggests a need to discard methods used in earlier experiments.B.It tends to weaken the assumption

13、s on which earlier experiments were designed.C.It suggests that the problem revealed in earlier experiments may be more widespread than previously thought.D.It helps to explain a phenomenon revealed in earlier experiments问题3选项A.Men tend to pay themselves more than they pay other men for the same wor

14、k.B.Women tend to pay men more than they pay other women for the same work.C.Men tend to pay women less than they pay other men for the same work.D.None of the above.问题4选项A.Women are generally less concerned with financial rewards for their work than men are.B.Men are willing to pay women more than

15、women are willing to pay themselves.C.Payment for work should generally be directly related to the quality of the work.D.Women judge their own work more crucially than they judge the work of men.问题5选项A.it is not always reliable to measure womens ability by how much they earnB.women would rather attach importance to sacrifices than ask for repayment for their workC.women tend to assess their ability of work by their own self-worth rather than monetary valuesD.women generally remain indifferent to how much money they should obtain from their


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