初中英语北师大版七年级上册Get Ready B Your Friends Part 1 教学设计

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《初中英语北师大版七年级上册Get Ready B Your Friends Part 1 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语北师大版七年级上册Get Ready B Your Friends Part 1 教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Get Ready B Your Friends Part 1 教学设计教学目标在本课学习结束时 ,学生将能够:1. 通过阅读短文和对话 ,获取有关Kevin和Lili家庭成员的信息 ,能够说出家人之间的称谓和职业情况;2. 运用人称代词及有关家庭成员信息的词汇 ,口头介绍自己的家庭成员;3. 通过欣赏公益广告 ,体会家庭的重要性 ,热爱自己的家庭。学情分析 本节课的授课对象是初一的新生,他们刚刚迈入中学校门两个星期, 在语言能力方面 ,经过四年的小学学习 ,他们已经积累了一定的语言知识 ,有着极强的求知欲和表现欲 ,但由于年龄小 ,又加上生性活泼好动 ,喜欢直观形象思维 ,对游戏 ,竞赛 ,

2、特别感兴趣;并且初一是中学生学习英语的根底阶段 ,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣 ,因此在本节课中我就此设计了多种教学活动 ,以期取得两者兼得的效果。重点难点 【教学重点】学习介绍家庭成员及不同职业的单词及家庭成员的性格 ,爱好。突破措施: 运用学生们熟悉的人物 ,引出介绍家庭成员的相关词汇。在听前活动中对词汇进行预处理。【教学难点】根据提供的有关家庭成员的信息 ,正确使用人称代词和所学词汇介绍自己的家庭成员。突破措施:通过先让学生进行半开放性活动模仿 ,复述进行语言的积累与运用 ,到达最终过渡到全开放活动运用当堂课所学语言介绍自己的家庭成员 ,在真实环境中运用英语进行交流

3、的目的。教学过程 .【导入】Get Ready C Part I Stage 1 Warm-upStep 1 : Everyday EnglishQs: Whats the date today?How many people are there in your family?. Students answer teachers questionsPurposes: To active the words of family membersStep 2: T brings in some pictures and asks Ss to talk about the family members

4、 in each picture in order to lead in the topic of this periodYour Family.Students talk about the family members.Purposes:To lead in the topic: Family【Stage 1设计说明】这局部听前活动的设计源自对本节教学内容和学生特点的分析 ,为之后的听力输入和口头输出做了两方面的准备。话题引入:展示学生非常喜爱的电视剧中7口之家的家庭照 ,让学生说出家庭中每个人的称谓 ,以此激活学生头脑中已有的词汇 ,并由此引入话题。【讲授】While-listening

5、 Stage 2: While-listeningStep 1:1. T shows Ss some pictures of Kevins family members and asks Ss to predict and listen for general ideas.Q: Who is Kevin?Students predict and listen.Purpose: To practice predicting and listening for gist2. T asks Ss to listen again and find the details Qs:How old is K

6、evins little brother?How old are Kevins grandparents?What do they love doing?How many people are there in Kevins family? Students listen and answer the questions.Purpose: To practice listening for details3. T asks Ss to play a game(Guessing game) “Who is he/she?( T asks Ss to choose the numbers from

7、 1 to 9 and to read the sentence about the family member and guess who he/she is.)Students play a game.Purpose: To consolidate.4. T asks Ss to read and find out their favourite sentences from the passageQ: Which sentence do you like best?Students read the text and find out the sentence.Purpose: To h

8、int Ss to recognize love from family【Step 1设计说明】本节教学内容的第一篇听力材料的听中活动的这四个环节的设计 ,先是基于学生有强烈的好奇心这一年龄特点 ,我设计了让学生预测人物的活动 ,同时调动了学生的兴趣 ,由此引入第一篇听力材料 ,让学生带着好奇心 ,完成细节的捕捉 ,之后又利用“九宫格游戏的形式 ,再次稳固听力材料中的内容 ,完成语言以及知识的内化过程 ,最后 ,带着学生回归课本 ,再次阅读文字的过程中 ,去体悟家庭中爱的情感 ,从而到达在学习中自然的对学生进行爱的传统美德教育。Step 2:1. T asks Ss to listen to

9、an English song “Be What You Wanna Be Students listen and get some words about jobs.Purpose: To arouse interests and react the words of jobs2. T calls back the answers and hint the Ss to have a brainstorm about jobs. Students go over the words of jobs by brainstorm. Purpose: To listen for specific i

10、nformation3. T asks Ss to read all the words after teacher. Students read aloud.4. T asks Ss to listen and find out the jobs of Lilis family members. Students listen and complete the dialogue.5. T asks Ss to listen and read after the mp3 Students listen and read.6. T asks Ss to read the dialogue in

11、actors Students read the dialogue in actors.Purpose: To internalize7. T asks Ss to find out the information about Lilis family members Students read and find out the information.Purpose:To practice Ss skill of reading for details and understand the detailsStep 3:1. T asks Ss to role-play Lili in Ex2

12、. Introduce the family members in the photos.Example:This is my grandpa. Hes a doctor. He is 68 years old. He knows a lot about Chinese medicine. That is2. T invites some pairs to share their workPurpose: To internalize what they have learned and use them correctly and properly【Step 2-3设计说明】 本节教学内容的

13、第二篇听力材料的听中活动的这9个环节的设计 ,我主要关注了以下几点:在课前对学生的访谈中了解到 ,学生们都非常喜欢英文歌曲 ,为此有学生特意提出要选出英语音乐课代表 ,专门负责带着同学们学唱英语歌 ,因此在此环节引入中 ,我设计了以一首活泼 ,优美 ,其歌词又恰恰与第二篇听力材料中所涉及的职业有关的英文歌曲作为“敲门砖 ,并顺势以“头脑风暴的形式扩展 ,激活了学生们已有的有关职业的词汇 ,为下面的环节做好铺垫。在此环节中 ,我渗透了一些阅读技巧的训练 ,即阅读对话并摘录相关家庭成员的信息 ,并最终以此为依托 ,鼓励学生以Lili的口吻将对话转化为文段 ,用英语口头表述出来 ,让学生在不知不觉中

14、完成了语言的内化过程 ,逐步训练学生用英语获取、处理和传递信息、表达简单的个人观点和感受的能力 ,从而逐步提升实际语言运用的能力。【活动】Post-listening1. T introduces teachers own family by presenting teachers family photo.Students communicate with teacher.Purpose: To create a real language environment.2. T hints Ss to sum up how to introduce a family( Age, Relation

15、ship, Jobs, Hobbies)3. T asks Ss to prepare their own family introduction. Students pair work.4. T invites some pairs to introduce their families with their family photo Students present their introduction orally.Purpose: To practice using English in real settings.【Stage 3设计说明】听后活动的设计表达了对教学内容进行了深挖 ,对本环节中教学活动的设计 ,我特别关注了如下几点:以我的真实的家庭成员介绍为例 ,再结合本节课的两篇语言材料 ,鼓励学生通过参与 ,观察等方式 ,发现 ,归纳出介绍家庭的几点要素。结合任务型教学及新课标的理念-尽可能多的为学生创造在真实的语境中运用语言的时机。我在设计小组活动时尽量做到让任务真实有效。首先 ,是对本节课教学效果的有效检测 ,能够通过活动的成果 ,检查本节课的教学目标是否达成 ,学生在本节课是否有所收获。在本节课听



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