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1、牛津英语四年级下册Module4 Unit 10 My gardenTwo seeds 教学设计学习目标: 知识与技能:1.能够理解并且听说读核心单词seed leaf grow。2.正确地朗读故事。3.在语境中,熟练运用核心词汇,并能够介绍植物外形和描述生长过程.过程与方法:以阅读教学为主线,运用创编对话等方式,让学生来讨论和描述植物的生长过程。情感态度价值观:在“Enjoy a story”的主题中,帮助学生了解植物的生长过程,认识到植物顽强的生 命力,并激发学生热爱大自然。重点难点:重点是新单词seed leaf grow的认读及拼写难点是描述植物的生长过程。教学流程:教师行为学生学习活

2、动设计意图StepI、WarmingupA.Greetings. B. Self- introductionC. Enjoy some pictures1. Which flower do you like? Why?2.GuessWhich flower do I like?Answer the questions.运用一些美丽的花的图片,让学生说出他们的喜好并给出原因。训练学生运用已有的认知来组织和表达语言的能力。同时使学生迅速进入英语学习状态。StepII、Presentation1. Enjoy a video.What is the video about?2.Teach the w

3、ord “seed”Today we will learn a story about two seeds.Show the title.(1) Watch and order3.Lets look at the two seeds.(1)Read and answerQ1: What colour are they?Q2: Are they big or small?(2) What do they need? 4.Look at the two seeds in this photo.(1) Are they happy? Why ?Read with emotion.“We are sa

4、d.We are thirsty.”(2) They are thirsty. But how can they drink water?(3) And they are happy now. Can you guess what they will say?(4) Listen and fill in the blanks.(5) What do they need?5. The two seeds drink the rain water and they are full now.Look ! They wear sunglasses and enjoy the sunshine. So

5、 cool. Right?(1) Can you guess what they are talking about?(2)Listen and fill in the blanks.(3) What do they need?6. Find differences(1) Show the picture 1 and 4. Let students find the differences and learn the word leaf- leaves(2) Complete their dialogue.(3) Listen and fill in the blanks.(4) Read a

6、nd act.8. Show the picture 5(1) Ask students to pay attention to their leaves.Are they still small?(3) Read and act9. Show the picture 6(1)Q1 : Are they big or small? Q2:What colour are they? Q3: What do they have?10. Show pictures 4 5 6 together, Read and act.It is about seeds.Enjoy the pictures of

7、 different seeds.Order the pictures.“We are seeds.We are small and brown. We live in the soil.”They need _the soil.No, they arent. They are sad.It rains. They can drink the rain water.Read with emotion.“It rains. We are _. We drink _.”They need the rain water.Make a new dialogue.They need the sun.An

8、swer the questions.Learn the word leaf and grow.“We grow and grow.Look at us! There are two small leaves on our heads.”Lets act. We have big leaves.Answer the questions.Lets act.观看视频了解种子的生长过程,让学生有一个更加直观的感知。认识不同种类的种子。观看视频并且排序,让学生对故事有一个初步的整体的感知。 通过阅读本小段文本并回答问题,考查学生的信息提取能力。这个问题的提出,并且板书,为后续植物生长所需要的条件,埋下

9、伏笔。增加种子悲伤的图片并提问,能够充分发挥学生的想象力。让学生有感情地朗读,体验种子当下的心情。留白,让学生创造性地回答。发挥学生的想象力,自主回答。听音,填空。考查学生的听力。板书植物生长的第二个条件。给学生部分提示,让学生自己去组织创编对话。小组活动根据所给出的图片提示,发挥想象力,创编对话。利用学生的已知单词green yellow,拼读出grow.利用tea eat 来感知字母组合ea 的发音,拼读出leaf.让学生动起来,在动作中更直观的感知grow的含义。后三幅图以grow and grow为主线,活动多以act 为主。让学生亲身感受和体验。Step III,Post-task

10、activities1. learn more2. Look and matchSummary:3. Read and match P534. Role play5.The seeds are very strong. They can grow in very difficult conditions. Enjoy the video.4.HomeworkSunflowers always follow the sun.There are many seeds in the flower.Match the phrases with the pictures. Role play the story.Enjoy the video.介绍有关向日葵的知识。考查学生短语与图片的配对能力。渗透做题技巧,找到关键词。小组活动。让学生自己表演,切身感受,亲身体验。认识到植物顽强的生命力,并激发学生热爱大自然。 板书设计:


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