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1、青少版新概念英语 2A阶段检测题unit2 第一部分 听力 一 听单词,从A,B,C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或词组。( )1.A. next to B. look forward to C. come round( )2.A. newspaper B. armchair C. sandwich( )3.A. reading B. visiting C. doing( )4. A. noisy B. strong C. cool ( )5. A. hundreds of B. thousands of C. one二 听录音,选出与你听到短文相符的内容。( )1. A. The sun is

2、 shining. B. Its raining. C. Its cloudy.( )2.A.Pauls reading a book . B. Pauls drinking a cup of tea. C. Pauls reading a newspaper.( )3. A. Karen is picking strawberries. B. William is picking flowers. C. Karen is picking flowers.( )4. A. Robert is working. B. Robert is very busy. C. Robert is watch

3、ing TV.第二部分 笔试 三 根据本阶段所学词汇,将下列单词 或词组补充完整。1._ 村庄 2._ 喧闹的 3.wait_ 等待 4. _ forward _ 盼望,期盼 5. 来到附近 6.好运 _7. 在旁边 8. 幸运儿9. 回家 10. competitor 四 填入正确的词语。1. Lucy is waiting for her _in the Baggage Hall . 2. Look! Karen is sitting in her _.3. Tom is eating a _.4. William is watching _.5. There are thousands

4、of _ here . 五。选出正确的答句,把字母代号填到问句前的括号里。( )1.Where are you? A. I want her to call me at 4:30.( )2. What is she going to do? B. She is a nurse.( )3.What do you want her to do today? C. I am in the garden.( )4. What does your mother do? D. Oh, it is mine. ( )5.Whose pen is this? E. She is going to sleep.

5、六。选择填空。( )1.- What are you doing? -I am _ you in the coffee bar. A. wait for B. waiting with C. wait with D. waiting for ( )2. -Im _music. How about you? -Im drinking coffee. A. listening B. listening to C. hear D. hearing ( )3. Im _ to you from the Excel Center in London. A. speaking B. talking C.

6、telling D. saying ( )4.- Are you looking forward _ a new bike? -Yes, I am. A. with B. to C. at D. for( )5.- What do you want? - I want ?A. a coffee B. some teas C. a cup of coffee D. a cup ( ) 6. - is drinking coffee?A. Which B. who C. where D. What ( ) 7. She is watching TV, ?A. Does she B. is she

7、C. doesnt she D. isnt she ( ) 8. Let _ introduce Paul Bruce. A.I B. me C. my ( ) 9. There a pen on the desk.A. is B. are C. am ( ) 10. -What are you doing? -I a bus.A. wait for B. waiting for C. am waiting for七。翻译下列句子。1.祝你周日好运。_2.你很期待周日吗?_3.人们像老朋友一样说说笑笑。_4.他们正在吃午饭。_5.Robert 和Paul 正在踢足球。_八。用现在进行时完成下列

8、句子(一空一词)1. What _ you _ (do)?2. I _ _ (sing) an English song.3. What _she _ (drink)?4. He_ _ (drive) a car.5. -_ you _(fly) a kite? -Yes, _ _.6. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?7. _you _ (ask) questions?8. We_ _ (play) games now.九。阅读短文,判断对错。I am Nina. I am from China. I am twelve. My school isnt big ,but

9、its beautiful. There are four people in my family. I often go to school in my fathers car. He is a doctor. I go home by bus after school. My mother is a famous photographer(摄像师) and she takes a lot of pretty(漂亮的) pictures . I have a pet(宠物). It looks like a snow ball. It has a short tail(尾巴), two lo

10、ng ears and red eyes. It can run fast. Its pretty and smart. I like it very much.( )1、I am from the U.S.( )2、My mother is a doctor.( )3、I am twelve.( )4、I dont like my pet.( )5、My school is very beautiful. My name is Gao Ping. My English teacher is Julia. She is from England. She has two children, a

11、 son and a daughter. Her daughter is Betty. Her son is Dick. Julia and her daughter are in China, but her husband Paul Smith is in England. Her son is in America. Paul is a policeman. Dick is a college student. Betty and I are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English. ( ) 1. Julia and Paul are Bettys _ A. teachers B. students C. parents( ) 2. Dicks is my good friend. A. father B. mother C. sister ( ) 3. Dick and Betty are_ A. sisters and brothers B. sister and brother C. sister and brothers ( )4. Bettys father is a in



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