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1、 7B牛津英语期末测试卷一、单选:(共5小题,计5分)( ) 1. -Whts _ aoay? - Its June 29t. A. 不填 B. a C.an . h ( )2. Whc of te folowig itis ist apital o a country? A Syd B. NewYrk . Too D.Par( )3.Cn yo joi us t afteron? Sorry, can. I ta ar o ylit str becue y motheiut. . c B. ay C would . have o( )4. Dontworry abu meI n yselfA

2、lok afte B lookfor . akcare D. lk ou ( )5.nysit inrot Ay, btbhind Simn .So Sany sit _ Amy _ imon A. next; t Bnex to; bsde C betwe;and oppsi; ( )6.My favoure T-ht _ abot 0 yu. A. uss cots . spnds D.py( )7-_does yourahr ake you to go swimin? -l .How oftn BHow uc C. How long D. Hwmany( )8._? -Yes, plea

3、sedike alfa kio mea. A. Would yo lik soeat o sh B Whabout somehingto rink C CanI elyou D. D want o at sme meat( ) -M I speak o Mary?- _ A.Yes, Im ay. . Ye,oua speak C. aking. Whoreyou ( )0. Jim, wth his aets,_ ing bac to Tokyo nex wek. .i .are C. wil be ( )11 -Is hs _ donay? -o. It ist_. Its_. is,hi

4、s, he . , is, hers . his, hs, hs . hi, e,hers( )2. _of t students as py on he paygu. A. Non All ot D.e( )13.It v cold outs. Mst ofthe amilie kephe indo _. . open B. opened close D. losed( )14. In ring, o il _ehiser fe bree,if ou _ arefull A. ea,liste . listn, er Chear, isten to D. lisen to,har( )15.

5、- Ho oyo lie thisD? - _.Iejoi y much. A.Itslike ab. B.Is ninteresting a . C. I aot aimls.D. Its very fun. 二、 完形填空:(共0小题,计10分) London is uch aonderl city. Itisveryarg. The hmes Rivr(泰晤士河) un 21 t city from wt o eas So the ity ha 22 ats, thSouh and he oth. In heoth are importa bilins, op, bigk d inter

6、stig ples. Th weather n Lndnis good. In wntriti not verycol and i smmer it isnt very hot 2 hcit i nea thesea. Pope 24 tha Londnis a foggy(多雾的) cityand itoft rais. It isru.Lastear, when I 5 in Ld, I me neoe tickes(做浓的)f in te year.oucouldnt 6 you hand infon of yor facas and bue movedalo wththeir lght

7、son. When eveing el, he wather(气候) gt even wose(更恶劣), 27 theusn cas ted. I h 8 mprtamti on the teride ofthetown, ut asno ey 29 a a. Ihato arive tere ( ) 16 A. abot .trough C. n D. long( ) 17. A to B. our C.five D. sx( ) 1. A: becau B.r C. s D. But( ) 1. A speak B tl C.say D. Talk( ) . A. e . m C. wa

8、s D er( ) 21.A. oo B. ook at C. see . saw( )2 . Ech B.Evey .N Al( ) 3 A. B an C h D. /( ) 4.A. to fnd B.fd . finding D ok or( )25A. alk B nfoo C. bu .by car三、 阅读理解: (共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)NaePrsonalIrmatiNormanthunel orn in1890in Canal doctol iein 139 in hinal CmetChnain 1938CelneDiol BonMotreal, Cnadal

9、In 1997, san y artWill Go On or te filmTitanicl Asingn stThmEdnl rni 147, Kenucky, the USAl Mader 1,000 ivetonl Dedin 193BillGtesl Born i 1955 thUSAl Wroteusiness he Sed of houghtl Os icosoft CmpanyMarwanl Bn in 18 in te USAl A el Died in 190l Wro omSwyr( ) . r Cnad.A. Bil GeBMk Twain CThomEdisonD. Celi ion( ) 2. The wasbor in 1835. invnrB singe. docoDwriter( ) 28 My er WillGo Onis e nm f a .book. song . storyD.fil( ) 29. D. ethuneoed in Cin fr ut year.A. B.4


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