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1、英文邀请函范文第一篇:英文邀请函 Dear Zhang n: Wiloumeo lucheon onFriay, May the ffth, at twelve ocy iecear isvisitig u d tnk youwill enjymeetig her. She is aarming, very rttygir and vry ood compan! John ad Jane wil e ee,and erhaps we can give adnce afternchen Do y oullcome! Affctioatl urs, Li Ming 第二篇:英文演讲邀请函 De D

2、r Rodgr: The English epartment o Nnkai Univesty wud like to exend t you an itation to be our gus ake a the nua cnfere o b heat the eetg rom atight oclok,Sturdy morng, Decmberth irtieth, 199. you kno, the depet is interested i the 20 cetry nlish liratuSine you amiliar wth h ed, weowou views il b extr

3、ely rtng t s. Yu wll reeive frter detils ter, but we would appecat haingyour ccce oonso e comleeour enda. Cialy,第三篇:聚会邀请函 nviin t the Party ay ,2X Dea Mi,Thisaturds my irthdand yparenswil hod a imle elbaing atf e. I am gla o nvite you to comeo te prtyBlir,mma n Ronwll al benvite. I am surewe will ha

4、 goodtime. Wewillhav dinnerat 18:30 s that y e wsheto come t 8:15 My mother s a odcook and youwill joy the diheAte he diner, we wll ly om mall gas hen at teckeMy parnt and I siceelyxpect youo come d oe to eeo then Tre yurs, Daniel 亲爱的迈克:这个星期六是我的生日,我父母将给我举行一个简单的庆祝派对。我很高兴邀请你来参加派对。我也邀请了布莱尔,艾玛和罗恩。我相信我们会

5、度过一段美好时光的。我们将在6点半吃晚饭,所以希望你们点15能到。我妈妈厨艺很好,你们一定会喜欢的。吃完晚饭,我们会玩一些小游戏,然后吃蛋糕。我父母和我都真诚期望你们来,希望到时能看到你们。爱你的丹尼尔点击下一页还有更多精彩的公司英文邀请函范文 公司英文邀请函范文篇一 Dear Sirr Mam:We aerypleaed oivit r. * comet our companforviitingand buiness ngotiation. The businesstp wil sat fo 30th ct. 22X. ndbecsehe onbsis co-pration n futur

6、beteen *comanan u, h wll e t Ca for my ies. Ples no, howe, tht edont assueay lega rfinaiareonsiility hever regaig te pesenc f* n Chin Al xenses of *Sjurney to/from China, ther ty n hia as wel as alth irance will bebon y ther employers. We snd u uridet regrs and bes wish for a plea ri.公司英文邀请函范文篇二 ea

7、sirmadam: I elight ou hae acepdour nvitationt se athe Confre in it on dae.As w agreed, yul paig on the opic X from tme otime.Thre ll b n adiionl miutes for questos. Wouldou please tell m wt kn of audiovisul eqipmen youll ed.If you cold et me now ou speific requieents y ate, llhaeplentyof me tomake s

8、ur ha the hotelprvs you wth what y ne. hak youagainfor agrein to spek I o fwrd to haingfr yu. Sicerey your, name title 公司英文邀请函范文篇三 MR glue BBCC, pplrce, hcknestoerane +/-0.5mm,/ s belowbb%,flatsrf Iyou dont you wil ev now or qualtyevel .you ll incease your ompettors bslte advtae, thehve godualitnter

9、pics, ho can you copeewih tem e reall want tetabih lng-asng bessrelationshi wth yo, so we g you these bestpices .you cn compr wth other suppliers o .o ca kour eoe to est eqaitDon mis this geat oportuity .if you nt try, pleas tlme AAP, becaus th eswill b igher USDb o 1 afer Sepember bbb I thnk yur curret vnors are smlfctries,righ o he hve lower prices ith lwer ualit I think ty henot stb andfixed quaityif thhave eterorer the wil no doourodes .I mooking fowardoheain rom your reply bbpasem your decision SA. fyo wnttotrethen our omptive por, plea don esitate to ask m send te slecotrac to you.



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