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1、Unit10 You are supposed to shake hands.第 1 课时 Section A 1a-2d一、知识点1. 词汇:1)单词: custom, bow, kiss, greet,2)词组: be supposed to do sth.,shake hands,meet for the first time, be expected todosth.,eatthewrongfood,greetsb.Wearthewrongclothes,makemistakes,thewelcom e party, as soon as, hold out one s hand, t

2、o one s surprise,on both sides of find out, see each other,2. 句型: Whatareyousupposedtodowhenyoumeetsomeoneforthefirsttime?Youpposedre suto shake hands.In Korea, they are expected to bow.语法:be supposed to do sth结构的用法。二、重难点词汇: 1)单词: custom, bow, kiss, greet,2)词组: be supposed todo sth., be expected to

3、do sth., as soon as, hold out ones hand,to ones surprise,on both sides oef,my fac句型: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?You resupposed to shake hands.语法:be supposed to do sth结构的用法。三、易混点、 xx 点词汇:on time 与 in time 区另 U besupposedto 与 should,beexpectedto 区另 Unot .a ny

4、more二no more ,no t. any Ion ger = no Ion ger 辨析 maybe 禾口 may be 辨 析1. 句型 :Whatareyousupposedtodowhenyoumeetsomeoneforthefirsttime?Yousupposed to shake hands.When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.Am I supposed to wear jeans? No, you are expected to wear a suit and tie.2.

5、语法:be supposed to do sth结构的用法第 2 课时 Section A 3a-4c一、知识点1. 词汇:1)单词: relaxed,value,capital,noon,mad,effort,passport,chalk,blackboard,northern, coast, season, knock, eastern, worth, manner,2)词组: drop by ,be relaxed about,rusharound,alittlelate,valuethetime,inoureveryday lives, make plans to dosth. ,wa

6、lk around , as many as we can, be on time,the capital of, after all ,at noon, get mad, make an effort, keep sb.doing sth. ,withoutdoingsth.,nobigdeal.Tenminuteslate,cleanofftheblackboard,takeoffyourg loves, worth the trouble,2. 句型: Is it impolite to keep others waiting? Yes, it s very impolite tooth

7、erswaiting.Is it important to be on time?Yes, it s important to be on time.3 语法:be supposed to do 的用法关于否定前移:在 think / believe / suppose / guess / imagine / expect 等动词 后跟宾语从句否定式应该否定前移二、重难点1. 词汇: relaxed,value,capital,noon,mad,passport,chalk,blackboard,northern,coast, season, knock, eastern, worth, ma

8、nner,2. 句型: It s +adj.+for sb. to do sth.3. 语法:否定前移三、易混点、 xx 点1. 词汇: chalk 为不可数名词2. 句型: It s +adj.+for sb. to do sth.3. 语法:否定前移第 3 课时( Section B 1a-2b)一、知识点1. 词汇: empty,basic,exchange,teenage,granddaughter,behave,except,elbow,gradually,2. 词组: eat with your hands, stick your chopsticks into the food,

9、 use sth. To do sth.,pointatsb.,atthetable,basictablemanners,thebiggestchallenge,onone udent exchange program, a bit nervous, go out of one s way to do sth., make sb. feelathome,becomfortabledoingsth.,bedifferentfrom,findit+adj.+todosth. ,get used to,cut up,语法:use to do sth用法和 getbe used to doing st

10、h.的用法二、重难点1. 词汇: empty, basic, exchange, granddaughter, behave, except,2. 句型: I m getting used to it.3. 语法: except 的用法三、易混点、 xx 点1.词汇:except与besides的用法区别2.句型:My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.3.语法:find it +adj.+to do sth.第 4 课时( Section B 2b-3b)一、知识点1.词汇:suggestion,

11、look forward to doing sth. ,have a safe trip2.句型:I find it difficult to remember everything.3.语法:find it +adj.+to do sth.二、重难点1. 词汇:suggestion是可数名词2. 句型: Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese culture.3. 语法: be supposed to do sth.三、易混点、 xx 点1. 词汇:suggestion是不可数名词与advice做可数名词的区别2.

12、句型: Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese culture.3. 语法: be supposed to do sth.第 5 课时( Self Check)、知识点1.词汇: pick up ,make a noise ,table manners, be expected to do ,make friends withsb., show up , be worth doing sth. , in different situations , in the capital city, knock onthe do

13、or,2.句型: It simpolitetoshowupatsomeone shouseforthefirsttimewithemptyhands.3. 语法: It s +adj.+for sb. to do sth.二、重难点1.词汇: pick up ,make a noise ,table manners, be expected to do ,make friends withsb., show up , be worth doing sth. , in different situations , in the capital city, knock onthe door,2.句型: It s impolite to show up at someone s house for the first time withemptyhands.3.语法:It s +adj.+for sb.dto sth.三、易混点、xx 点1.词汇:be worth doing sth.2.句型:It s +adj.+for sb. to do sth.3.语法:with与 without 后加动名词的用法#/ 5



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