2023年耶鲁大学校长在清华百年校庆上的致辞Greetings on the Occasion of the Tsinghua Universi

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《2023年耶鲁大学校长在清华百年校庆上的致辞Greetings on the Occasion of the Tsinghua Universi》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年耶鲁大学校长在清华百年校庆上的致辞Greetings on the Occasion of the Tsinghua Universi(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2023年耶鲁大学校长在清华百年校庆上的致辞Greetings on the Occasion of the Tsinghua Universi Greetings on the Occasion of the Tsinghua University Centennial Celebration Posted 星期二, 04/26/2023 - 20:18 by Fishville Richard Levin Yale President Richard C.Levin April 24, 2023 Beijing, China President Hu Jintao, President G

2、u Binglin, distinguished guests, faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends: It is an honor to bring greetings on behalf of the many universities represented here. And it is a particular honor to reinforce in the presence of Chinas leaders the high regard in which Tsinghua is held by universities

3、 around the world.In its first century, Tsinghua has played an integral role in the development of China. Many of its 170,000 graduates have become leaders in their fields.The first two Chinese to be awarded the Nobel Prize Chen Ning Yang and T.D.Lee were both educated at Tsinghua. Profeor Qian Xues

4、en, Profeor Zhu Guangya, and Profeor Qian Sanqiang, among other Tsinghua graduates, have made important contributions to Chinas scientific development.We at Yale are especially proud of our role in your early history.Four of the first five presidents of Tsinghua studied at Yale.Everyone who visits T

5、singhua is impreed by the rapid pace of investment in new facilities and the growing strength of the faculty. Tsinghuas contributions in science, engineering, environment, and sustainable design are known around the world, and its entrepreneurial efforts in educating leaders in busine and public pol

6、icy are much admired. Tsinghua is consistently recognized with the most State Science and Technology Awards of any of Chinas universities.Tsinghua has been at the forefront in forging partnerships with institutions around the world. You have longstanding and succeful collaborations with MIT, Johns H

7、opkins, the University of Michigan, and Columbia University.Tsinghua has also been a leader in forging collaborations with industry.You have joint research centers with more than 30 companies, including Toyota, United Technologies, and Boeing.Yale is fortunate to be Tsinghuas partner in some of thes

8、e important collaborations. The Yale-Tsinghua Program in International Healthcare Management, established in 2023 as part of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative, is providing advanced training to 500 women from rural China.And a Yale-Tsinghua collaboration with the China Aociation of Mayors is hel

9、ping municipal leaders meet the challenges of sustainable development in the 21st Century.Universities around the world salute Tsinghua for its commitment to send its students overseas and to host students from abroad.Over 3,200 Tsinghua students go abroad annually, and each year Tsinghua hosts more

10、 than 800 visiting students, in addition to the nearly 2000 who are pursuing their degrees. In this way, Tsinghua is contributing importantly to improving the understanding of China by future leaders around the world and to improving the understanding of the world by future leaders of China.Tsinghua

11、s extraordinary progre is emblematic of a major development that we who represent universities from around the world have been watching with great interest: the rise of Chinas universities. As barriers to the flow of people, goods, and information have come down, and as the economic development proc

12、e proceeds, China has increasing acce to the human, physical, and informational resources needed to move its universities to the highest level of excellence. Increasing the quality of education around the world results in better-informed and more productive citizens. The fate of the planet depends o

13、n our ability to collaborate acro borders to solve societys most preing problems the persistence of poverty, the prevalence of disease, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the shortage of water, and the danger of global warming.Having better educated citizens and leaders will help us to confront t

14、hese challenges.I close by quoting from President Hus speech at the National Conference on Education held in Beijing last July. Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation and social progre, and the basic means to improve the all-around development of individuals. It carries hundreds of mi

15、llions of families expectations for a better life.For 100 years, Tsinghua has been dedicated to fulfilling these expectations. On behalf of the worlds universities, I offer heartfelt congratulations to Tsinghua University as it begins a second century in pursuit of a better life for its graduates, a

16、nd a better world for all humanity. 耶鲁大学校长在清华百年校庆上的致辞 中国大学飞速发展的一个象征 耶鲁大学校长 理查德莱文 人民日报 ( 2023年04月25日 06 版) 很荣幸代表今天出席大会的各国大学带来对清华百年庆典的祝贺,更有幸的是今 天将和中国国家领导人一起见证世界高校对清华的高度认可。 100年来,清华大学在中国的发展历程中扮演了不可或缺的角色。在清华17万毕 业生中,许多人成为了各行各业的领军人物,这其中有中国国家领导人,首获诺贝尔 奖的两位华人杨振宁和李政道先生也曾在清华学习,清华培养的钱学森、朱光亚、钱 三强等著名学者为中国的科学事业发展作出了突出贡献。耶鲁引以为荣的是,在清华 大学建校初期,两校就有紧密联系,清华的前五任校长中有四位曾在耶鲁学习过。 任何到访清华的人都会对清华的发展速度留下深刻印象。清华在理学、工程、环 境和可持续设计方面世界闻名,获得国家科技成果奖的



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