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1、老外经常说的50个俚语Be in the air将要发生的事情Clear the air消除误会Cost an arm and a leg极其昂贵A bad egg缺乏道德的人In the bag稳操胜券In the balance未知的,不可预测的Drive a hard bargain极力讨价还价Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉Tighten ones belt节衣缩食 Kill two birds with one stone一石二鸟Be in a black mood情绪极差New blood新成员Feeling blue感到无精打采Get to the bottom o

2、f something弄清真相A piece of cake轻松的事 Pay a call拜访 By chance偶然, 意外的Round the clock夜以继日的Keep ones cool保持冷静In a tight corner处于困境 Keep in the dark隐瞒Fall on deaf ears不加理睬的, 不听取 Take things easy放轻松Eat like a horse吃得很多Have an eye for something对事了解得清楚Catch ones eye吸引某人注意 Turn a blind eye熟视无睹Keep eyes on照看Lose

3、 face丢脸Lead the field处于领头地位Give a hand提供帮助Get out of hand失去控制 Learn by heart牢记On hold尚未办理的事情A dark horse出乎意料的赢家 The bottom line本质内容Live it up狂欢一场Look forward to期待着Bear in mind记住Be in the mood想要做某事Have a mind to想做某事, 计划做某事 Over the moon欣喜Get a move on赶快Over and above除这外, 额外的 Get the picture了解某事Be out of the pocket花光了钱的Keep somebody posted传达消息In the long run最后, 最终On the shoestring生活拮据Lose track of失去消息, 失去线索



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