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1、外研版三年级下册英语教案全册(一年级起点)第一模块教学分析题目Module1 People (人物)题材(主要)内容熊猫Panpan对自己三个好朋友Maomao, Xiaoyong, Parrot的介绍和描述。模块教学目标语言知识目标功能描述性格特点。语法(句子结构)一般现在时的陈述句:This is Hes / Shes.语言技能目标词汇听说 读写nice, shy, quiet, loud, helpful,always, but,a bit ,plus,twenty,more句子能够听说认读抄写或仿写下列句子:This is Xiaoyong.Hes very clever.But he

2、s a bit quiet.Whats like? Hevery.能够仿说和运用下列句子:This cant do her . Im going to help学习策略对所学内容能主动练习和实践,在词语与相应事物之间建立联想。文化意识使学生了解英美国家传统的歌谣。情感态度培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使其感受在快乐中学习英语的情感体验。任 务用本课句型描述自己和周围朋友的特点和能力。自我描述;介绍自己的家人。第一课时Xk b 1.ComModule1 Unit 1 Shes nice.一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标能够运用句型:This is Hes / Shes. Shes very But

3、 shes a bit能够掌握单词:nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit.能够介绍人物,说出人物的特点。2、情感态度目标 培养学生对同伴友善的态度,了解朋友的特点和能力。二、教学重点及难点用本课句型描述自己和周围朋友的特点和能力。自我描述;介绍自己的家人。三、 课前准备教学卡片、人物头像、教学课件四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1 GreetingHello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Step 2 Presentations and practice1新授clever(1)由做算

4、数题引出clever(2)进行发音教学 v /v/(3)引导学生不断用 Im clever.进行自我评价以巩固此单词的学习。2 复习 naughty(1) 由卡通人物Jerry的一段录像引出单词naughty(2) 用句子 Hes very naughty. 练习单词。并板书句型This is Hes very (3)出示5幅卡通图片,请学生用新学句型进行描述。3 复习nice新授a bit(1)由 Snow White 引出nice(2 )T: Whos nice in our class? Ss show their opinins.eg Wang Hong is nice. etcT:

5、Snow White is nice ,but shes a bit shy. 引出单词shy,两人进行操练。在此基础上进一步学习短语“bit shy”操练。(3)课件出示词组,引导学生自主练说a biteg a bit shy , a bit nice , a bit clever, a bit naughty4 新授talkative和quiet(1)运用句型Shes very But shes a bit描述Snow White.(2)给出3幅卡通图片,小组运用所学句型练习描述卡通人物的性格特征。(3)出示影视人物的图片,学生自由谈论其特点,教师自然引出单词loud,(4)谈论影视人物引

6、出单词quiet,并进行发音教学 qu /kw/ T: Whos quiet in our class?S: XX is quiet. Step 3 Consolidation and extension1 Game(1)课件出示6幅卡通人物的图片及性格特征,师领读,复习单词(2)再此出示课件,一幅一幅图片出示,请学生根据记忆,说出卡通人物的特征以次练习描述人物的特征。2 Watch a dialogue(1) 让学生看教学光盘对话并且教师提出一个问题:Panpan has got 3 friends. Who are they?(2) 用单词卡片nice , shy, clever, nau

7、ghty, talkative, quiet, a bit复习单词,同时给六个学生。(3) 再观看教学对话,并让学生将单词卡片放到相应的人物头像下面。(4) 学生根据单词卡片的内容,描述每个人物的特点。(5) 学生分组集体描述每个人物的特点。. 通过这种方式,使学生学会怎样描述一个人物的特点。3 Introduce a friend(1) 教师介绍自己的一个朋友做示范。(2) 学生在小组内介绍自己的朋友。(3) 反馈。Step4 SummaryT: Im very glad to be your teacher. Some of you are a bit quiet. Some of you

8、 are a bit naughty. Some of you are a bit talkative. Some of you are a bit shy. But all of you are very nice and clever.Step 5 Homework1 Listen to the dialogue and try to read it .2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2.Step 6 Blackboard designModule 1 People Unit 1 Shes nice This is Hes ver

9、y Shes very But shes a bit Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot nice clever loud a bit shy a bit quietnaughtyTeaching Notes:第二课时Module1 Unit 2 Im going to help her.一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标学会helpful, plus, twenty, more等词语,能够运用本课所学介绍自己,描述他人的性格。2、情感态度目标 通过学习,让学生知道“金无足赤,人无完人。所有的人都是既有不足,也有很多优点。”二、教学重点及难点简单叙述他人的困难和自己打算提供的帮助。

10、三、课前准备 单词卡片、课件。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.Enjoy a poem P5. What are these children like?2. Revision: Teacher do the actions and let the Ss say the words.( clever, nice shy, quiet)Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Describe a student in the class. Let the students guess who she is.Then let the students to

11、describe their friend in the class.2.出示parrotT: What is parrot like?Ss: Hes loud and hes very very naughty.T: Whats he like in our story? Lets watch the video.引出课文。3.教授helpfulWho is helpful in our class?4. Whats the matter with the little girl, lets watch again.Ss: Because this little girl cant do h

12、er Maths.T: Yes, so parrot is going to help her.板书句子I have some math problems. Who can answer.课件呈现数学题:T:What is ten plus ten?What is 7 plus 7?And one more?教授more.5.Let the students ask some math questions, and practice in pairs.6.Sum.Although parrot is loud and naughty, he is helpful.金无足赤,人无完人.7. Li

13、sten and repeat.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Parrot is going to help other people. Who are they? Lets take a look.Practice in pairs and then show the performance.2.Play a memory gameFirst, teacher do a demo for children. Then let the students practice in groups.Step 4 SummaryAll of you are n

14、ice and help. 所有的人既有不足,也有优点,用放大镜看别人的优点,用望远镜看别人的缺点,取人之长,补己之短。Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the dialogue and try to read it .2. Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4Step 6 Blackboard designUnit 2 Im going to help her.This little girl cant do her Maths.Im going to help her.helpful moreTeaching Notes:第二模块教学分析题目Module 2 London (伦敦)题材(主要)内容讲述将来可能发生的事情教学目标语言知识目标功能描述性格特点。



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