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1、Remarks by the President Obama on theDeathof Muammar Qaddafi奥巴马总统在获知卡扎菲死亡后发表讲话THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the government ofLibyaannounced thedeathofMuammar Qaddafi. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people ofLibya, who now have the opportunity to determine

2、 their own destiny in a new and democraticLibya.奥巴马总统:各位下午好。今天,利比亚政府宣布了穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(Moammar Gadhafi)的死讯。这标志着利比亚人民一个漫长而痛苦的时期的结束,他们现在有机会在一个崭新、民主的利比亚决定自己的前途。For four decades, theQaddafiregime ruled theLibyanpeople with an iron fist. Basic human rights were denied. Innocent civilians were detained, beaten an

3、d killed. AndLibyas wealth was squandered. The enormous potential of theLibyanpeople was held back, and terror was used as a political weapon.40年来,卡扎菲政权以铁拳统治利比亚人民。基本人权遭到剥夺,无辜民众被关押、毒打甚至杀害,利比亚的财富被挥霍。利比亚人民的巨大潜能遭到压制,恐怖被用作政治武器。Today, we can definitively say that theQaddafiregime has come to an end. The l

4、ast major regime strongholds have fallen. The new government is consolidating the control over the country. And one of the worlds longest-serving dictators is no more.今天,我们能够肯定地说,卡扎菲政权倒台了。该政权的最后一个主要据点已被攻陷。新政府正在巩固对整个国家的掌控,全世界当权最久的独裁者之一不复存在。One year ago, the notion of a freeLibyaseemed impossible. But

5、 then theLibyanpeople rose up and demanded their rights. And whenQaddafiand his forces started going city to city, town by town, to brutalize men, women and children, the world refused to stand idly by.一年前,一个自由的利比亚似乎是无法想象的。但利比亚人民挺身而起,要求得到自己的权利。当卡扎菲及其武装开始从一个城镇到另一个城镇暴力镇压那里的男女老幼时,全世界拒绝袖手旁观。Faced with t

6、he potential of mass atrocities - and a call for help from theLibyanpeople - the United States and our friends and allies stoppedQaddafis forces in their tracks. A coalition that included the United States, NATO and Arab nations persevered through the summer to protectLibyancivilians. And meanwhile,

7、 the courageousLibyanpeople fought for their own future and broke the back of the regime.面对可能爆发的大屠杀以及利比亚人民求助的呼声美国以及我们的友邦和盟国阻挡住了卡扎菲武装的攻势。一个包括美国、北约(NATO)和阿拉伯国家在内的同盟在整个夏天一直为利比亚民众提供保护。与此同时,英勇的利比亚人民为自己的前途而战,将卡扎菲政权打得落花流水。So this is a momentous day in the history ofLibya. The dark shadow of tyranny has bee

8、n lifted. And with this enormous promise, theLibyanpeople now have a great responsibility - to build an inclusive and tolerant and democraticLibyathat stands as the ultimate rebuke toQaddafis dictatorship. We look forward to the announcement of the countrys liberation, the quick formation of an inte

9、rim government, and a stable transition toLibyas first free and fair elections. And we call on ourLibyanfriends to continue to work with the international community to secure dangerous materials, and to respect the human rights of all Libyans - including those who have been detained.所以,这是利比亚历史上的重大一天

10、。暴政的阴影已经解除,有了这个巨大的希望,利比亚人民现在有一项伟大的责任:建立一个包容、宽容和民主的利比亚,这是对卡扎菲独裁统治的最有力的谴责。我们期待着利比亚宣布解放,迅速组成临时政府,并平稳过渡到利比亚的第一次自由和公正的选举。我们并且呼吁我们的利比亚朋友继续与国际社会合作,保障危险材料的安全和尊重所有利比亚人的人权,包括那些在押人员。Were under no illusions -Libyawill travel a long and winding road to full democracy. There will be difficult days ahead. But the

11、United States, together with the international community, is committed to theLibyanpeople. You have won your revolution. And now, we will be a partner as you forge a future that provides dignity, freedom and opportunity.我们并不抱任何幻想。利比亚要实现充分的民主还要走漫长而曲折的道路。前面还会有艰苦的日子。但美国,与国际社会一道,坚决支持利比亚人民。你们赢得了你们的革命,在你们

12、建设一个给人以尊严、自由与机会的未来的过程中,我们将是你们的合作伙伴。For the region, todays events prove once more that the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end. Across the Arab world, citizens have stood up to claim their rights. Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship. And those leaders who try to deny th

13、eir human dignity will not succeed.对于该地区,今天的事件再次证明,铁腕统治终将走到尽头。在整个阿拉伯世界,民众站起来要求自己的权利。年轻人对独裁政权发出有力的谴责。那些试图否认他们人性尊严的领导人是不会成功的。For us here in the United States, we are reminded today of all those Americans that we lost at the hands ofQaddafis terror. Their families and friends are in our thoughts and in

14、 our prayers. We recall their bright smiles, their extraordinary lives, and their tragic deaths. We know that nothing can close the wound of their loss, but we stand together as one nation by their side.对于我们在美国的人,今天让我们缅怀曾经在卡扎菲恐怖统治下丧生的美国同胞。我们的思绪与他们的家人和朋友在一起并为他们祈祷。我们回忆他们灿烂的笑容,精彩的一生,以及悲惨的死亡。我们知道任何东西都无法

15、弥补这种损失带来的创伤,但是我们作为一个整个国家伴随在他们身旁。For nearly eight months, many Americans have provided extraordinary service in support of our efforts to protect theLibyanpeople, and to provide them with a chance to determine their own destiny. Our skilled diplomats have helped to lead an unprecedented global respon

16、se. Our brave pilots have flown inLibyas skies, our sailors have provided support offLibyas shores, and our leadership at NATO has helped guide our coalition. Without putting a single U.S. service member on the ground, we achieved our objectives, and our NATO mission will soon come to an end.将近八个月来,许多美国人提供了杰出的服务,支持我们保护利比亚人民的努力,让他们有机会决定自己的命运。我们娴熟的外交官帮助带动了史无前例的全球反响。我们英勇的飞行员飞越利比亚上空,我们的水兵在利比


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