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1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题In the long run, the new system, which is uniform and simpler, will save money.问题1选项A.In the course of long experienceB.On account of financial difficultiesC.With the view of enriching the peopleD.In the light of economic reckoning【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。In the long run

2、表示“从长远看”;A项In the course of long experience“在长期经验的过程中”,B项On account of financial difficulties“因为财政困难”,C项With the view of enriching the people “以富民的观点”,D项In the light of economic reckoning“根据经济计算”。句意:从长远来看,统一且更简单的新系统将节省资金。因此A项正确。2. 单选题Invasive species arent speciesthey can also be pathogens. Such is

3、the case with the West Nile virus. An inosquito-bome virus identified in the West Nile subregion in Uganda in 1937hence the name West Nile wasnt much of a concern to people elsewhere until it broke out of Africa in 1999. The first U.S cases were confirmed in New York City in 1999, and it has now spr

4、ead throughout much of the world. Though 80% of infections are subclinical, those who do get sick can get very sick. The virus can led to encephalitisinflammation of the brain and nervous systemand even death, with 286 people dying from West Nile in the U.S in 2012. There were more than 5,500 cases

5、reported that year, and the scary thing is that as the climate warms. West Nile will continue to spread.Thats the conclusion of a new study from a team of researchers in the U.S, Britain and Germany, including those at the Center for Tropical Research at UCLAs Institute of the Environment and Sustai

6、nability. In a study published in the journal Global Change Biology, the researchers took climate and species distribution data, and created models that try to project the spread of the virus as the globe warms. West Nile virus is carried by mosquitoes, and infected insects transmit the virus to hum

7、an beings with a bite. But birds play a role tooif bitten by an infected mosquito, birds can generate high levels of the virus in their bloodstream, and can then transmit it to uninfected mosquitoes, which in turn can infect people. The biggest indicator of whether West Nile virus will occur is the

8、maximum temperature of the wannest month of the year, which is why the virus has caused the most damage in hot southern states like Texas.The UCLA model looks only at climate data, and doesnt take into account the kind of control methods that can be used to combat West Nile on the ground, including

9、pesticide spraying and land-use changes that deny mosquitoes the pools of stagnant water they use as breeding sites. Thats important to remember while climate change can raise the risk of typically tropical diseases like West Nile or malaria, smart control efforts can offset at least some of that da

10、nger. But the UCLA study underscores the fact that climate change operated as a threat multiplier for tropical diseases, one that will allow pathogens to invade new territoryand ultimately, us.61. What is the meaning of the underlined part of the sentence in the first paragraph?62. The living condit

11、ions of bees will be improved with respect to the following aspects except _.63. According to the passage, the critical factor for the virus being spread is _.64. According to the passage, the research of UCLA imposes emphasis on _.65. The title of the passage would probably be “_”.问题1选项A.They are n

12、ot serious.B.They are unexpected.C.They are subject to clinics.D.They yield no symptoms.问题2选项A.the plantsB.the grasslandC.the quality of beesD.the disease treatment问题3选项A.the temperatureB.the infected birdsC.the mosquitoesD.The hygiene问题4选项A.spraying pesticideB.mosquito controlC.climate changeD.chan

13、ge the land use问题5选项A.Danger of VirusB.Climate change and VirusC.Invaded SpeciesD.Introduction of Virus Control【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】61.【试题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“第一段的划线部分是什么意思?”。从第一段Though 80% of infections are subclinical, those who do get sick can get very sick.(尽管80%的感染是亚临床的,但是那些确实症状明显的


15、题答案】A【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“病毒传播的关键因素是什么?”。第一段最后一句There were more than 5,500 cases reported that year, and the scary thing is that as the climate warms. West Nile will continue to spread.(那一年报告的病例超过了5500例,可怕的是随着气候变暖,西尼罗河病毒将继续蔓延)和第二段第四行the researchers took climate and species distribution data, and created models that try to project the spread of the virus as the globe warms(研究人员获取了气候和物种分布数据,并创建了模型,试图预测随着全球变暖病毒的传播方向),可以推断病毒传播和温度有关;B选项“被感染的鸟类”和C选项“蚊子”只是传播的一个途径,D选项“卫生”文中没有提到。因此A选项正确。64.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“UCLA的研究重点是什么?”。最后一段提到The UCLA model looks



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