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1、人教版英语(新目标)七年级 上册 期末基础知识分类型复习练习题代词(pro n.)第一人 称单数第二人称 单数和复数第三人称单数(三单)第一人 称复数第三人称 复数人称代词我你/你们他她它我们他们主格Iyouhesheit :wethey宾格meyouhimheritusthem物主代词我的:你的/你们的:他的她的它的:我们的:他们的形容词性myyourhisheritsourtheir(一)翻译成英语:1 . 我是 2.我父母 3. 跟我来4.你可以5.你的电话号码6.谢谢你7.他有8.他的姓氏9.听他说10.她喜欢它。11.她全家照12.帮助她13.它吃14.它名字15.看见它16.我们想

2、要17.我们最喜爱的水果18.加入我们19.他们唱歌 20.他们旧电脑21.画出它们(二)选词填空:1. What sname? (you / you name is Bob. (my / I / me)2. erasers are indrawer. (her / she)3. Can(you / your ) do(you / your ) homework?4. is a cat.n ame is Mimi. (It / Its)5. brother can speak Japanes&He s / His / He)6. Please takekeys to school.are on

3、 the table.(they / their / them )st7. is thirteen years old.birthday is March 1 . (He / His /Him)8. favorite vegetable is tomato. (Her / She)9. Can you help? (we / us / our) Please taketo school. (they / their /them)10. can steebaseball .It behi nd. (My / I / me /my)(二)完成句子:1. A: What s thhat?B: is

4、a dresser.A: How do you spell , please ?B: D-R-E-S-S-E-R.2. A: What are these / those?B: are tomatoes.3. A: Does Cindy like salad?B: No, doesn t.4. A: How much are his shoes?B: are 100 dollars.5. A: Is Alan your friend?B: Yes, is.6. A: Do you have a soccer ball?B: Yes, do.7. A: Who is that girl?B: i

5、s Jack s sister.8. This is David and this is Tim. are our friends. We often help 9. Those are strawberries. Sally likes .10. The pants are nice. I ll take .二 名词的格(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:a) 单数后力卩s如:Lucy s rulemy father s shirtb) 以 s 结尾的复数名词后加 如 : his friends bagsc) 不以 s 结尾的复数后加 s 如: children sesho 并列名词中,如果把

6、加在最后一个名词后,表示共有,如:Tom and Mike s ca汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加 sTom s and Mike s(汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车(2) 表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of+名词”来表示所有关系:如: a picture of the classroom a map of China翻译:1. 汤 姆 的 背 包 _2. 我 朋 友 的 生 日 聚 会 4. 她 两 个 兄 弟 各 自 的 电 脑3.他们父母亲的房间5.戴维和保罗的两个家庭 6.露西和莉莉家的书橱 7.男 士手表 8. 一 张 吉 姆 家 的 全 家 照9.一 幅

7、 中 国 地 图 10. 一 本 英 语 字 典三 冠词复习( art. )1. 种类:(1)不定冠词: a / an a unit / an uncle 元音开头的可数名词前用 an :an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock /an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an houran old man / an interesting bo

8、ok / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /(2)定冠词: thethe egg the plane2. 用法 : 定冠词的用法:(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk. (2)复述上文提到的人或物: He has a sweater. The sweater is new.(3)谈话双方都知道的人或物: The boys aren t at school.(4)在序数词前: Johns birthday is February the second.(5)用于固定词组中: i

9、n the morning / afternoon / evening不用冠词的情况:1)专有名词前: China is a big country.2)名词前有定语: this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:This is my baseball.3)复数名词表示一类人和事: Monkeys cant swim. They are teachers.4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前: Today is Christmas Day. It s Sunday.5)一日三餐前: We have breakfast at 6:30.6)球类 棋类运动前:

10、They often play football after class. He plays chess at home. * 但乐器前要用定冠词: I play the guitar very well.7)学科名称前: My favorite subject is music.8)在称呼或头衔的名词前: This is Mr. Li.9)固定词组中: at noon at night by busExercises:一填空:(在有必要的地方填上冠词,不填的划 “/ )”1. What s this? It s clock.2. What s that? It s alarm clock.W

11、hat is it? It s _ MP4.3. What color is the jacket? It s orange. It s orange jacket.4. Jim s mother is Mrs. Green. She is teacher.5. Those pens are in pencil case.6. Here s interesting family photo.7. When does Lily go to bed in evening?8. “ h” , “ o” and “ w” are in the word“ how”.9. This is my Engl

12、ish book. Every day I read English for hour.10. Where is bag? It s under table.11. I often go to school at 7:00.12. Take things to your brother.13. They like playing football. My favorite subject is .PE. .14. Do you have Ping-Pong bat? Yes, I do.15. Do you want to see action movie? No, I want to pla

13、y chess.16. When s his sisters birthday? It s Aptrhil. eleven17. My teacher says English is useful for us, and I also think it _s usefulsubject.18. A: Let s play soccer. B: I don t have soccer ball.A: Well, let s play(鼓rum That sounds good.19. How much are two hats? They are 10 dollars.20. Do you ha

14、ve Art Festival at your school? Yes, we do.21. When do people usually eat breakfast? They usually eat it in evening.22. Rick often goes to see Beijing Opera onweekends.23. Can Tom playpiano钢琴)? Yes, he can.Can he play it well? No, he can t.24. Please listen to teacher carefully.四 动词复习 (v.)(一)一般现在时1、Be 动词的一般现在时Ec动词要根据句中主语的人称和数而变化。它有三种形式:am, is , aream跟在I后面,is跟单数主语,are跟复数主语及单数 You后面。如:I am a teacher.My brother is at school.Lucy and Lily are in Class One, Grade Two.You are a g



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