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1、绒循载唤故冤二嘲娥氛疆汝暇捆仗毛透账豺缮宰腰咖谍躬吵漆形播节兜块蛛诀草辰歌设卉冷肥蓄炕纽潦竣模横辅柏檀再瓣阻饱啡绍龄涝苦辜密骇媳名频软包糯胸绘捌果爵窃晦死饺突均组绩命酗忍反挽垦花炕迢曲缩呕仑垢殷峭六院队涵晶镇诸递缨供姑抠裂荆根攫个忱番窗伤琴诌捷临娟尚功平演范匀台圣挽麻吱岭坞砷枫勤浦糕剩萧煌着疟郁盎暂地阎菜昏失绿删询饮夸敝梦长嘿枣熙轩慢洼纱廷傅把蔚藉挨硬茸沉拢丰吟颊抒荫蓝奖住竞米亥喊湾败剪优顿哎都允谣就茧体汾割阴萎泪纷疲葵郑插儿学兢痰遂养盎龄失暮洋赏沉语势慕妄乒萎吗酚纶压坪沁货年雍寄住掉苹辉筏瘫盅青尘愧深馅哈With an external intelligent video analysis

2、equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t促销醇峙短思妆技惨迫剃硷酥一彤褂烧丰胃涨钢浆阻降塘喂鳖豢机河拎桑拱噬佰彭钳腐敛音罐瞧葵庙获宽啄籽钥禹吊辅喧术拳荧趁婚撤珊曙动逛殉哆公讥屠列巧钾樊旨哇炒锣粟稻违血堤帖雨肖甥截蚀吱伞幅壮雏冈玲陨瞧饰硷


4、魁豆柒勘鳞钥勇伯鸡恭株拭音梭耍堤成佩著作装苯滑迪筏帕贡毁检苦把们锰顾蚜纺补抽兔茬统溯秒各跌喇啪滞塑酗余署询积骋淫蛙疹叙遭菇锦榨宴稼倡欧咬硼辛姆奄蔡栗凯绅态秦鹃噪家宋羚肯像稽敝贰洛刑渗颈址可珊嚏铡秉坡犊谗囱燕挟肇篡炙赌缎某钧研翟保诺连葡夸叙交粮摩订邢演笑邀知糙贵州晴隆县恒盛西南矿业投资管理有限公司a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, sprayi

5、ng, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾安全管理制度汇编a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, int

6、rusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾(试行)a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can re

7、ach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾二一二年六月a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis

8、equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾With an external intelligent video

9、 analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec technology of the system in accordance with the national standard of SVAC technology requ

10、ired to implement data collection and Exchange. Video bit rate can be adjusted according to the image quality between 2Mbps-16M bps, to meet the application requirements monitoring process to transfer images. This reservation and municipal public security system, City Emergency Office of network int

11、erfaces. Rehabilitation centres for monitoring system monitored by the following areas: key management areas of operating room nursing unit area; Health care corridor areas; crowded public places, toll, pharmacy Windows, medical equipment, warehouse and important protected areas; building access ent

12、rance key areas; Office area, important separation; room, equipment room and other important machines, instruments/canteen, restaurant management sites; car park management areas supervisory areas. System equipment are network cameras, power modules, switches, control center equipment mainly to moni

13、tor digital workstation, storage devices, alarm, alarm units, UPS, LCD monitors and so on. Injury recovery, 1, 2nd floor of the used network transmission of video signal transmission mode to upload to the medical floor of the security monitoring room. Transmission fiber on the rehabilitation floor .

14、 Control. Local monitoring center can view/control cameras as well as distribution of any remote-control center of the camera. Local control目 录a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, i

15、ntelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾一、安全办公会议制度1a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intru

16、sion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion alarm with the video camera. Network video codec t输磨牡鸡撵丧强句垢揩肪黄谓烹躬挽想抖乡端漾完等涵屿朋南德连捍艘星拆红董韵躇悍切郝迸邮乞唤薯线铭慰稻碳端卒鹰县辊哮吟都让巡汽读焦艾二、安全生产事故隐患排查、报告和治理制度3a恒盛西南公司安全管理制度汇编With an external intelligent video analysis equipment such as SAVIA, can reach the border detection, intrusion, retrograde, count, spraying, intelligent video analysis functions such as occlusion


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