英汉对照 增广贤文《增广贤文》汉英对照

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英汉对照 增广贤文《增广贤文》汉英对照_第1页
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英汉对照 增广贤文《增广贤文》汉英对照_第2页
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《英汉对照 增广贤文《增广贤文》汉英对照》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英汉对照 增广贤文《增广贤文》汉英对照(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英汉对照 增广贤文增广贤文汉英对照少儿文学启蒙:增广贤文汉英对照有盐同咸,无盐同淡。人间私语,天若闻雷;暗室亏心,神目如电。一毫之恶,劝人莫作;一毫之善,与人方便。终身让路,不枉百步;终身让畔,不失一段。难合亦难分,易亲亦易散。口说不如身行,耳闻不如目见。只见锦上添花,未闻雪里送炭。When you have salt, share the saltiness,When you have no salt, share the tastelessness.Wickedness in darkness is as clear to the godsAs if it were illuminated

2、 by lighting.Human whispers are as loud as thunderWhen listened to by heaven.Even a tiny bit of malevolenceShould be avoided,Even a tiny bit of benevolenceEnables you to provide people with convenience1.If you always give way to others in your life,You will hardly go a hundred steps all together.If

3、you do not struggle for as tiny bit of a field,You will not lose the border.What is difficult to put togetherIs difficult to pull apart,Those who easily get closeWill easily get estranged.Talking is not as useful as acting.Hearing is not as reliable as seeing.Only adding flowers to brocade is often seen.(1) A concerned famous saying goes like this:Providing people with convenienceEquals providing yourself with convenience.第 页 共 页


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