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1、1.1 About this manual1.1 关于此手册hapter 1 - Introduction第一章 绪论10This User Manual describes your new Measure Web Tension System. When you have read the manual, you will have the necessary knowledge for mechanical and electrical installation, commissioning, operation, preventive maintenance and basic fau

2、lt tracing of your measurement system.。该手册介绍型幅面材料的张力测量系统,阅读该手册须具备对测量系统的认知,包括机械和电气安装、调试、操作、定期检修和根本故障查寻。注:对于不同产业来说,幅面材料所指不同。幅面在钢铁工业中是指带钢;纺织工业是指布匹;造纸工业是指纸张;塑料工业是指塑料薄膜To get the best reliability and precision out of your measurement system, study this User Manual first.阅读用户手册可使你的测量系统获得最正确的牢靠性和周密度。1.2 Ho

3、w to use this manual1.2 怎么使用手册This user manual comprises two main parts.此用户手册有两个主要局部。1.Information about the Tension Electronics:1. 张力传感器的信息。- System and safety information (chapter 1)- 系统和安全信息第一章- Installation, commissioning, maintenance, operation and fault tracing (chapters 2-6)- 安装,试车,维护,操作和故障查寻

4、2-6 章- Technical data (appendix A)- 技术数据附录A2. Information about Designing the Load Cell Installation:压头的安装- Vertical-force sensing load cell PFCL 301E (Appendix B)微型垂直力压头PFCL 301E (附录 B)- Horizontal-force sensing load cell PFTL 301E (Appendix C)微型水平力压头PFTL 301E (附录 C)- Radial-force Tensiometer PFRL

5、101 (Appendix径向张力计PFRL 101附录D- Horizontal-force sensing load cell PFTL 101 (Appendix水平力压头PFTL 101 (附录 E)Each appendix contains detailed information about one of the above load cell types when used in web tension systems with Tension Electronics PFEA111/112.每个附录均包括上述幅面张力系统使用到的PFEA111/112测量装置的具体信息。1.2

6、.1 Getting started1.2.1 开头You can use the Fast Setup sequence to set up your system for basic measurement.使用快速启动去建立根本测量系统。The Fast Setup guides you through a minimum number of steps to set up the tension electronics.快速启动可用最少的步骤去建立张力测量。Perform the action in the following sections:。执行操作以下局部: Section 3

7、.6 Step-by-step Commissioning Guide3.6 调试步骤l Section 3.7 Performing Basic Settings3.7 演示根本设置l Section 3.8 Performing a Fast Setup3.8 演示快速设置For extended functionality, use“Performing a Complete Setup”.用“演示完全设置”可了解扩展的功能See Section 3.11 Performing a Complete Setup.演示完全设置1.2.2 Saving actual data and set

8、tings at commissioning保存试调试时的实际参数和设定试车完成后,将数据填入附件F 中的表单并保存,以供将来使用。Whencommissioning is completed you canusethe form in AppendixF, Where actual commissioning data and settings can be filled in and saved for future use.1.3 About this System (关于这个系统)Your system for tension measurement consists of:张力测量系

9、统由以下构成: Tension Electronics压力传感器PFEA111 or PFEA112张力测量装置PFEA111 or PFEA112 PFEA111 is a cost effective compact and user friendly tension electronics providing an accurate and reliable fast analog SUM signal from two load cells for control and/or monitoring. The display can show the SUM, individual A

10、 & B and difference signal. The small size and DIN-rail mount make this unit very easy to integrate into many types of electrical cabinets.PFEA111 是一款高效紧凑的张力测量装置,且用户界面完善。可用于监控来自两路元件发出的高精度和高牢靠性的快速模拟SUM 信号,显示器可分别显示A 和B 及差值信号。该装置可以很便利地安装在电气柜的DIN 导轨上。 PFEA112 provides the same functionality and user fri

11、endliness as the PFEA111 with the addition of fieldbus communication via Profibus-DP.PFEA112 和PFEA111 一样,只是增加了Profibus-DP 局域网通讯。 PFEA111 是一个本钱低、构造紧凑、用户简洁理解的压力传感器,为了把握、监视只要供给一个来自两个负载中心准确的牢靠的类似SUM 信号。显示器能够显示 SUM 信号和个别的微小差异的信号。其小规格的和 DIN 导轨组成这个单元格外简洁和电气柜构成一个整体。 PFEA112 供给和 PFEA111 同样的功能用户也简洁理解,它们的指令通过

12、Profibus-DP进展传输。Covering a wide range of applications the Tension Electronics comes in three versions (The PFEA 113 is described in a separate manual), with different levels of performance and functionality. All three versions have multi-language digital display and configuration keys. The configura

13、tion keys being used for setting different parameters and to check the status of the tension system. The2x16 character display can present sum, difference or individual load cell signals. All three versions are available in both DIN-rail version (IP20-version, unsealed ) and enclosed IP 65-version (

14、NEMA 4) for mounting in more severe environments.应用于广泛领域的张力测量装置有三种不同的版本PFEA 113是独立的手册,各具有不同性能,全部三个版本都支持多种语言数据显示器和设定键,设定键可设定各个参数,也 可检查张力测量系统的状态。2X16 字符显示器可以显示当前的和值、差值或各路独立信号。全部三个版本都可以轻松地安装在DIN 导轨上,并且符合 IP65 标准(NEMA 4)以应对更严酷的环境。Load cells of type PFCL 301E, PFTL 301E, PFRL 101 and PFTL 101张力单元压头?规格PFC

15、L 301E, PFTL 301E, PFRL 101 and PFTL 101.The equipment is intended for use in a wide range of manufacturing processes where a web of any kind of material, e.g. paper, plastic or textile, is transported in a machine. The only requirement is that the web is wrapped over a roll. The force on the roll i

16、s proportional to the web tension. The resulting force is transferred through the bearing housings into the load cells. The load cells create a signal is proportional to the force acting in the measuring direction of the load cells. This signal is processed and amplified in the tension electronics and



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