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1、2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题One afternoon while she was preparing dinner in her kitchen, Anne Peters, a 32-year-old American housewife, suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied by shortness of breath. Frightened by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed fo

2、r help. Her husband immediately rushed Anne to a nearby hospital where her pains were diagnosed as having been caused by panic, and not a heart attack.More and more Americans nowadays are having panic attacks like the one experienced by Anne Peters. Benjamin Crocker, a psychologist at the University

3、 of Southern California, reveal that as many as ten million adult Americans have already experienced or will experience at least one panic attack in their lifetime. Moreover, studies conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States disclose that approximately 1.2 million adu

4、lt individuals are currentlysuffering from severe and recurrent panic attacks.These attacks may last for only a few minutes; some, however, continue for several hours. The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarity to those of heart attacks that many victims believe that they are inde

5、ed having a heart attack.Panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where people normally would not be afraid; they suffer shortness of breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, sudden fits of trembling, a feeling that

6、persons and things around them are not real; and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy. A person seized by a panic attack may show all or as few as four of these symptoms.There has been a lot of explanations as to the causes of panic attacks. Many claim that psychological stress could be a log

7、ical cause, but as yet, no evidence has been found to support this theory. However, studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks and people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks.It is reported that there are at least three signs that indic

8、ate a person is suffering from a panic attack rather than a heart attack. The first is age. People between the ages of 20 and 30 are more often victims of panic attacks. The second is sex. More women suffer from recurrent panic attacks than men. The third is the multiplicity of symptoms. A panic att

9、ack victim usually suffers at least four of the previously mentioned symptoms, while a heart attack victim often experiences only pain and shortness of breath.It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a persons life. All the same, it can unnecessarily disrupt a persons li

10、fe by making him or her so afraid of having a panic attack in a public place that he or she may refuse to leave home and may eventually become isolated from the rest of society. Dr. Crockers advice to any person who thinks her is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical exa

11、mination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first. Once it has been confirmed that he or she is, in fact, suffering from panic attack, the victim should seek psychological and medical help.1.According to the passage, panic attack is( ).2.One factor both panic and heart attacks have in

12、 common is( ).3.It is indicated in the last paragraph that panic attack may( ).4.Dr. Crocker suggests that for panic attack sufferers,( ).问题1选项A.both frightening and fatalB.actually a form of heart attackC.more common among women than menD.likely to last several hours问题2选项A.a feeling of faintness.B.

13、uncontrollable movementsC.a horror of going madD.difficulty in breathing.问题3选项A.make a victim reluctant to leave home any more.B.threaten a victims physical well-being.C.cause serious social problems for the victims family.D.prevent a victim from enjoying sport anymore.问题4选项A.physical fitness is not

14、 so crucialB.a medical checkup is needed to confirm the illness.C.psychological and medical help is necessaryD.nutritional advice is essential to cure the disease.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据C选项“妇女比男子更普遍”可定位到文章第五段 “However, studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks and

15、 people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks.”,中文翻译为:不过,研究表明,女人得恐慌症的比男人多,酗酒者和吸毒者更容易得恐慌症。故选C。2.细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章第四段 “Panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where people normally wou

16、ld not be afraid; they suffer shortness of breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, sudden fits of trembling, a feeling that persons and things around them are not real; and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy. A person seized by a panic attack may show all or as few as four of these symptoms.”,中文翻译为:恐怖症患者表现出以下症状:他们常常很容易受到惊吓,在一般人不会害怕


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