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1、 青浦区- 年九年级第二次学业质量调研测试(二模) 英语试卷 . (满分:150 分考试时间:10 分钟)Par 1 Lsening(第一部分听力)I.isteninmpehsio(听力理解)(共30分)A.Listenandcsherigtpitre(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)._2._._4._5_6._B.Listntothdalouanchosetheestertotequesonouhear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(分)Apring B.Summer .Autumn D.Winter.8A.IewYork.B.IonC.InWahigonDInL

2、onon.9A$. B$9. .5. D.$210.A.Aatress.B.ibrarianCAhoassistant.Aclerk11.Aaschoollibry B.AtrestauranC.Atapolicestatin. D.tasupermaret.1A.He. B.rk C.ddie. DLy13A.Themanspdsltofmeyongas.B.Themanisingmonyfornewcar.C.hemanisrpairingsparentscrDThanmakingmoneyothenecar.14.A.Shewllcanclhertrain B.hewilltcherra

3、i.C.Sewillsoptran. D.Sewillgetoffheri.C.Lsentothepassageadtlwhehrteolowsttementsetuerals(判断下列句子与否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表达,不符合的用“F”表达)(分)1hemilacampaiintheillaemaksodiriequiely16Mruntletthsoldierhaeholidaybecauseenthemwel.7Mr.unorriedautsolirscaetdidntcomebctothecamponti18.Sevensoldierssaiheibsebrokedand(h


5、ewup.24.Bnotajbnth_ndhadhisownpcethee.25.Thabyboyssohppyoseeheodteddybearwicgavehmto_Part 2 Phneti,Vocaua nd Grammar(第二部分语音,词汇和语法)II. ooe e bet answr(选择最恰当的答案):(共2 分). Whicho th olwi rds matches thesud/if/?. lah . leaf C. lfe . le27 Whichot olowingunerlidparts is ifferentii pronnciatio rom tother?.

6、You wll alet rein eae. B Shall I ask for a larg tek?. Icecei hg inat and ugar D. Who is wea insoling o class?2. Cld ou de_fvor an pickup a fro scol toda?A. he B. an C /29. It a rporedth pwerful typhoon it te hlippi_ _Noveber,. in B. t C.n D. of30 Its amzin hat my opinin on t probe i imilar _y tahers

7、.A. of B or C t . to31. o eoplego o cofee shpsto met riens, _a ju wanttoave a cup ni coffA anoher B. he othr C. othrs . the ohers32.hefootbal playeftetreel_t they wohgmeuk B. lucky C. ckily Dunl33 odeed sevealitms ofclthing nne on aoao ou da ago,bu_aearrived.A. non . neiher C both .ither Get all the

8、 things you havpacked, _it m toset off fothcampingsie.A r B. C and D. so.ane is s s tha she won join our scool choi _she is sked to A. if B. unlss C. becaue . whe36 Dont talk to h elderl ike ta,Jon. We _espectd be kid tothem .can B my C. nee D. shuld37 Mabein the nar future,studnts _ ho hroghe Inter

9、nt. std . as tdd Cis sudyng . wll sudy. The sporsnsuddnl _dow wi a running the ,500-meterrace.A. oud fll . fel . was fling hdfalen9 Mr. We lwas epectedhi on _a ve pat in tecssesAtng B. ke C. te Dt tak40. 一I dnt I kowh use thelest sftwarA.So o B So am I. C. Niter do. D ether amI41. 一_did i take u to

10、prepar is g ailmeal?Abot ix hus.How lon B. How son . How ften D. o man ties4. People _to set f frwrs aon the ct ofthe cit las rg Fesival.A. werent lowed . wont lod .wilalow D. didtallow. d _a advtiement has prmisedAo the ai-leaner aly work Bhe airleanerealyworks Ctat the air-cener elly wok D if the aireanerlly wos44.- ay Ihve a looat y



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