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1、教 案 设 计课 题Unit 4 Serving Customers教者李 细 琼授课班级授课时间8使用教材英语服务类,职业模块教学目标知识与技能Learners should be able to give and take customers orders过程与方法 Learners should be able to give suggestions to customers情感、态度与价值观 Understand the duties and communicative skills of an attendant 教材分析本课是第四单元的第一二课时,包括listening1和dial

2、ogue1,具体内容是在餐饮等服务场所中与顾客有礼貌地交流并提供服务。教学重点Learners should be able to give and take customers orders教学难点Learners should be able to write about working experience教学方法教法分析讲授法、情景教学法学法分析小组讨论法课 型专业理论课课时2课时教具多媒体【教学过程组织】Teaching processStep One :Lead-in First, the teacher show some picture about serving places

3、.-Where do people need service?-people need service at(in) .Step Two: Listening 1.listening1. Tick in the boxes the food and drinks you hear.2.Game: dialogue-What would you like to order?-Id like a sandwich.-Anything to drink?-A cup of tea,please.3.Listen to dialogue and tick in about food and drink

4、.4.Check the answers.Scripta. A: What would you like to order? B: Id like a bowl of chicken soup and a sandwich.b. A: What would you like to order? B: Id like a hamburger and a cup of milk.c. A: What would you like to order?B: Id like a pizza and some French fries.Step Three: SpeakingDialogue11.The

5、first listen to the tape. 2.Then learn the new words and sentencesWaiter: Are you ready to order, Madam? Guest: Yes, I am.Waiter: What would you like? Guest: Id like a hamburger.Waiter: Would you like something to drink? We have orange, mango and apple juice. Guest: Id like a glass of orange juice,

6、please.3.Read the dialogue with partners and then find out useful sentences.Step Four: Role PlayPractice the dialogue by using the pictures below and see if you can say more.Some students act the dialogue.【小结】Step Five: Summary and Production 1.Make a short summary of what weve learned today.(1)key

7、vocabulary. (2)sentence structure 2.Remember how to give and take customers orders【作业及思考】Step Six: Homework 1. Practice dialogue 1 with your classmate after class. 2.Remenber the new words3. Copy key vocabulary five times in English ang one time in English. 板书设计Unit 4 Serving customersA: What would you like to order?B: Id like A: Are you ready to order, Madam?B:Yes, I am.教学反思 为了让学生更好的掌握服务点餐,采用情境教学让学生分角色进行句型的操练,学生掌握较好。


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