《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学设计

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《《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学设计(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 课型:New presentation 【学习目标】1. 重点词汇: joke, comedy2. 重点短语: comedy shows3. 重点句式:What do you plan to watch tonight? What comedy shows do you like to watch?【教学重难点】 询问他人对事物的观点。【自主学习方案】一预习课本P35页新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1 喜剧_ 2 笑话_二 认真预习Grammar Focus-3c,找出下列词语和句型。1. 喜剧节目 2.看

2、新闻 3. 不能忍受 4.弄清 5. 你今天晚上打算看什么? _6. 你喜欢看什么喜剧节目?_【课堂导学方法】Step1情景导入T: We have learned some words and some important sentences. Do you remember them ? First lets have a dictation.环节说明:通过听写检查,让老师了解学生对本单元所学知识的掌握情况,从而督促学生更加努力的学习。 Step2完成教材Grammar Focus的任务1.学生大声朗读Grammar Focus的句子。2.小结训练。Step3 完成教材3a3c的任务。1

3、学生自己完成对话,集体核对答案,然后与搭档练习。2 学生根据实际情况回答问题。3.根据3C表格内容,在班上做调查并填表。 Step4【课堂检测】一用所给单词的正确形式或首字母填空。1.Which is (educational),soap operas or news?2. They plan (live)in the countryside, because the air there is fresh.3. Jim hopes (show) his talents in the talent show.4. Would you mind (help) me with my English?

4、 5. Last week we had a (discuss) about talent show.6.What about (watch) the talk show?7. I p to go to Beijing on vacation.8. I h youll feel better soon.9. -Do you know Home with Kids(家有儿女) -Yes, its a s .二连词成句。 1. dont, I , mind, shows , really, talk. 2. your, of, sitcoms, what, sister, think, does.

5、(?) 3. what expect you learn news do from to (?) 【课后延伸】一 完成句子1. 他们正在讨论明天的歌唱比赛。 Theyre tomorrow singing competition.2. 我喜欢追随故事看接着会发生什么。 I like to the story and see what next?3. 通过看新闻,我们能弄清世界正在发生什么。 By the news, we can whats around the world.4. I hope to be a teacher one day. (写出同义句) I hope that I a teacher one day.5. I plan to watch the news tonight.(改为一般疑问句) 6. He expect to watch comedies.(划线部分提问) does he expect to ?7. I like news because I can learn a lot from it .(划线部分提问) you like news.8. I think game shows are wonderful.(改为否定句) I game shows wonderful.



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