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1、2020X学年广东省广州市花都区六年级(上)期末英语试卷六、选出下列每组中不同类的单词。1. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词() . 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.( ) 3. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词( )4. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词()5 选出下列每组中不同类的单词.() 6. 选出下列每组中不同类的单词( ) AhildrsyB.fesvaC.Choyang estival七、选出最佳答案7. lie hi tl,_itcofoable.() 8. Mike ftn elp hmoth_housework.( ) 9. he e_res onmy nes fr( ) A.a little

2、ByC. fe10 y grandohr knos he secet_go helh.( ) 1. _o the countrysde toorro( ) 12. he chlren ike_snowenn wite.( ) 13. Today i Toms irtd,n bought some resents r_( )4 Evrything_cla i helare kitche( ) 15 e_eatto u ilyfod.( )16. We should bru_teth wica d.( )17. I cant wat to_e fod with bst finds( )18 Mr

3、Chen_ smll vig whe he ws nn years old( ) 9. Chies ppe playfunlanterwordguessig games a te_( ) .Qigmig estval.LanteFstivalC.ragon Ba estival20. _ I tikI he a smahahe( ) How ae you?B.Wherea yo om?.Whs themtter wih you?. I cut the vegetables too ftan ad a brk figer etrda._( ) AItKB.Im srry to har tht.o

4、nct the vegeabe八、补全短文和对话22请选择适当的短语补全短文,从题中AF 选出最佳选项A.wch thsercesB. an yer of apinss.t 5th dayof the D take pat inE.eerateiF. u rice, beansThe Dragon Boat estvalis o(1)_lunar oth ,usally in JuneChnse pople()_oreember Quu anfamlis wi(3)_nd ot thing in a amboo leaf to mak zogzi. Iome arts the cuntry p

5、eope ma swet z.I he pas, tey mke alyns. oun me(4)_thra ot aces. hathow the festival ets i amMany peple love to (5)_ a cheer ther favoue eam Tewinnng eams il(6)_d o ck23. 请选择适当的单词补全对话,从 A 中选出最佳选项. soundsB differenC becauD wntE.hlthyF.feDid: Hi,L Wei Whedid ouothis weeked?Li ei: ()_to myun faritheouty

6、.Dvid:Di u liehe i inthe contry? ei:Yes, I did.hefe inthe cutrywavery intrting.I s very(2)_fo u life nhe citDad:Cnyou el me oeth bout it? Wei: Of course.t was uiet i te coutr,(3)_tere wereo so ans.David: Whatdidyoudo ther?LiWei: Icld do mayts on te farmIn the mrnn, I helpedmy uncle(4)_th s. In te at

7、rnoon, mikd t cowI aso pnedvgetbles in the elIwsso apaid:That(5)_gret. ei: I tink counr le is (6)_fe九、阅读理解.(分)24 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,A 表示符合,B 表示不符合w York, Lno nd oth big cities re ecitingaces to live in.eremany nteresting thins to see and do.o can o tifferentkins f muum ad hees.You n o buything fom

8、allovr the worldut tere are som problms i big cits, oo. It i epeive liveere, and re ae to nyeol insoe plcesofbigitie. Evry year many peole go to theciies o fnd jobs,o studt good shoos and get ood mical care(医疗护理) But somees thesepeple cannt find work or a good p to liven Asit is hardokeepthciis saea

9、d ceaSoeeoplenjiving i big iies, othrs o not. Befoe on oa bi ity, the houl ink bout he problem ofivithe(1)Nw Yor and Ldon are eciting plac tolive in_()Youcnnotbuy tings rm all over the orld in eYork_(3)It cap o livein i citie._(4)Eeryrmany eple g o theiis forjos, chools or mediccare._(5)Everyon enjy

10、 lving in bigctie._ 2.阅读短文,选择最佳答案Itwa seen olok the mrnn. Blly t t te breakfas able,rinking his ong juice. Are yougoing to et oebad se is ohr,s BlackNo. am not ur. I et ilsai Bily ou have a feaked Ms BakYe I hink I ud stay at o tday said Billy Why to s dotorin hospil said MsBlac.No.I sty hmeandtakea

11、 od rest. Tha ill hlp aidBllyWhn si tis, hismotherknwat he mattews Bilysclass was goin o have a mhs testhat a. Sheook hi tperat.Itwas 7. Itwas normYouon aveafeer thnk your shoul to choolw, sh saidI am ureu will ee ber tete ahs tes. (1)t was_n morningA :00. 7: 00C. 8:0 (2)Blysaitat_.A.e s ungry. head a tothahe. hehada fvr.


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