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1、文教新聞(中英雙語)20090204 (按此收聽)(收聽期限90天)1. 幫助大專畢業生、及高階失業人員提升就業力,教育部提出8項促進就業措施,包括:讓95到97學年大專以上畢業生可以到企業、教育基金會實習,並協助創業、高階失業人員有機會到高中職擔任教學助理,或到大專校院擔任技術教師,或是到國立社教機構擔任專案助理;另外,大專以上失業及休假人士,也可以報考碩士在職專班。To help college students and unemployed people in senior positions for enhancing their ability of being employed,

2、Ministry of Education offers eight measures-college graduates who graduated during 2006 to 2008 can go to enterprise or educational foundation for practical trainings; people who are out of work or start an enterprise will get chance to be teaching assistants in senior high schools, vocational schoo

3、ls or colleges, and assistant of special cases in national associations. Additionally, unemployed people who graduated from college or people who are on unpaid leave can apply for exams of on-the-job master classes. 2.搶救失業,政府研擬發放教育訓練券。教育部次長呂木琳表示,目前初步規劃是,只要大專校院畢業,失業超過3個月的民眾,都可以到國內公私立大學再進修,每個學分政府補助1千元

4、,一年最多10個學分,至於具體實施方式還沒有定案。To save unemployment, government plans to issue tickets fo educational trainings. Vice director of MOE 呂木琳 indicated that it is hoped to let people of college academic background who are out of work over three months be able to get further study in national or private colleg

5、es with official support of one thousand dollars for each credit. Each of them can take ten credits at most every year. However, the practical measures for the plan have not been confirmed.3. 大專校院積極推展服務學習,除了納入必修課程,列為畢業門檻外,還結合學生專業、幫助更多弱勢機構,協助社區發展,其中,97學年度有中原大學、明新科技大學、致理技術學院等14所大專校院,獲得教育部服務學習績優學校,還有12

6、2名個人獲得績優獎勵。College positively promotes service studying. In addition to bring it into required curriculum, it combines students majors to help more less-privileged associations and support community development. Including 中原 Christian University, 明新 University of Science and Technology, 致理 Instituti

7、on of Technology, fourteen of colleges gained excellence schools reward on service learning held by MOE. Besides, one hundred and twenty-two of people were awarded for their personal achievement. 4. 第七屆全國高中職智慧鐵人創意競賽開始報名了。今年鐵人賽首創電子報,並將展開第五屆國際邀請賽,邀請新加坡、日本、韓國等國外學生隊伍參與七月下旬的總決賽,而同時拿下國內及國際賽的雙料冠軍,將可獲得30萬元獎

8、金。The application for the 7th Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest begins holding. E-paper was issued for the first time this year, and the 5th international invitational contest will be held. Teams from Singapore, Japan, Korea and other countries will be invited here for the final in July. The ch

9、ampion who wins internal and international contest can get three hundred thousand dollars of reward. 5. 台北市中小學聯合運動會,將從後天(五號)起跑,今年共有4000多位選手參加競賽,運動會聖火今天點燃,結合環保、科技的大會主軸,聖火也採用電動火炬,以跑步、捷運、腳踏車等交通方式傳遞,營造活力台北,健康城市的意象。 Joint Sports Meet for Taipei City Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools will start h

10、olding from February 5th. More than four hundred of players will take part in the competitions. The scared fire was lighted up today. Combining with ideas of environmental protection and technology, the electric fire was delivered by running, MRT and bicycles. It is hoped to form an image of a vital

11、 and healthy city. 6. 台北縣跆拳道代表隊,由跆拳道協會推薦,獲得 行政院體委會同意,將組隊代表國家參加2009美國跆拳道公開賽。台北縣長周錫瑋昨天(3號)為代表隊授旗,由總領隊黃志雄立委接受。黃志雄要求無論是社會組和青少年組選手都要全力拼戰,並吸收面對不同國家選手的國際比賽經驗。Taipei County tae kwon do team which was recommended by Taekwondo Association with approval of Sports Affairs Council will represent Taiwan to partic

12、ipate in 2009 US Taekwondo open tournament. Magistrate 周錫瑋 gave the flag to the team yesterday and the leader legislator 黃志雄 received it. 黃 encouraged the players to take great efforts to confront with the competitions and gain experiences of international contests from other contestants. 7. 台北國際書展今

13、天(4)登場,今年有41個國家、906家出版社參展,共有300場的演講與簽書活動。總統馬英九將出席開幕典禮,親自頒發第二屆台北國際書展大獎的年度之書;下午三點泰國主題館,也會由國寶級的木偶戲劇團,帶來精采的開幕演出。Taipei International Book Exhibition will be held from today. Forty-one countries, nine hundred and six of publishers will take part in it. Three hundred of speeches and activities will take p

14、lace as well. President 馬英九 will present at the open ceremony and deliver award to the praise winner of the 2nd Taipei International Book Exhibition Award. National treasures, a theatrical company played by carved wooden figures will have performance at three pm. in Thailand theme hall. 8. 經濟衰退造成消費者

15、節衣縮食之際,去年業績受到重創的美國旅遊聖地,現在都打破仿效零售業作風,有的大打折扣,有的凍結門票價格,以招徠觀光客。 業界人士表示,九一一事件以來,美國觀光業從未出現像去年那麼糟的業績。從2007年11月到2008年11月,旅館的住房率下跌10%。九一一之後的一年,旅館住房率只比前一年下跌6%。During this time when consumers economize on clothing and food due to economic depression, America, which was famous for its tourism but greatly damage

16、d in business achievement last year has made great discount on their business to attract more tourists. The operators said that the business achievement last year is the worst one since 911. From November 2007 to January 1st 2008, the housing rate of hotels has decreased ten percent. The one after 911 is only six percent less than that of the form one year.



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