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1、Unit 7 International charities1. 我太虚弱,走不动了。Im too weak to walk any further.2. 剩下五公里have five kilometers left3. 了解关于一个叫做联合国儿童基金会know more about a charity called UNICEF的慈善组织的事 4. 帮助为每个人建立一个更好的世界help build a better world for everyone5. 它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。 It provides basic education for children in poor a

2、reas.6. 为女孩和妇女的平等权利工作 work for the equal rights of girls and women7. 阻止一些严重疾病扩散prevent the spread of some serious diseases8. 你已经做得很好了。Youve done a good job.9. 没钱进行医学治疗have no money for medical treatment10. 给某人做手术do an operation on sb.= operate on sb.11. 被用作培训中心be used as a training centre12. 负担不起做某事

3、cant afford to do sth.13. 受邀到飞机上学习有关眼科手术be invited on board to learn about eye operations14. 在我上一次访问期间during my last visit15. 以为傲be proud of sth.做某事自豪be proud to do sth. be proud that16. 你还有其他想要对我们读者说的吗?Is there anything else youd like to say to our readers?17. 现代医学modern medicine18. 发展迅速develop qui

4、ckly19. 被治疗和治愈be treated and cured20. 继续某件事carry on with sth.继续做某事carry on doing sth.21. 得到一些治疗get some treatment22. 在街上分发传单给人们hand out leaflets to people in the street23. 许多东西在乐施会商店出售,包括书。A lot of things are sold in Oxfam shops, including books.24. 联合国的一部分be part of the United Nations25. 为孩子们把世界变成一

5、个更好的地方make the world a better place for children26. 组织其他的活动 organize other activities27. 防止他们得病 prevent them from getting illnesses28. 牙疼 get toothache29. 它很疼。 It hurts.30. 你有这样的感觉多久了? How long have you felt like this?31. 让我检查一下 let me have a check32. 没什么严重的 nothing serious33. 一天三次饭后服药。 Take this me

6、dicine after meals three times a day.34. 几天后你将会好起来的。 Youll be all right in a few days.35. 没有时间可以再紧张了。 No time to be nervous any more.36. 一个公司的秘书 be a secretary of a company37. 害怕某事 be afraid of sth.害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth./ be afraid to do sth.38. 决定去做某事 make up ones mind to do sth.39. 帮助有眼疾的人复明 help people with eye problems see again40. 她不如以前那么有钱。 She does not have as much money as before.



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