人教版高中英语选修七课时作业:Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ GrammarWriting Word版含答案精修版

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《人教版高中英语选修七课时作业:Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ GrammarWriting Word版含答案精修版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修七课时作业:Unit 2 Robots Section Ⅲ GrammarWriting Word版含答案精修版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)2.3 新提升课时作业.用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1The little childs wish is _(take) to Disneyland.2Te next thing _(do) is _(get) the students organized in small groups.3They asked _(send) to the west of China to work as teachers.4I am glad _(give) a chance to improve my English.5It is a great honour for him

2、 _(elect) a model worker.6She asked _(give) some work to do.7He was the last person _(ask) to speak.8I wanted _(tell) the result earlier.9Five persons are reported _(kill) in the big fire.10Can you tell me which is the car _(repair)?答案:1.to be taken2.to be done, to get3.to be sent4to have been given

3、5.to have been elected6.to be given7.to be asked8.to have been told9.to have been killed10.to be repaired.完成句子1在未来的几个月公司的新车就设计出来了。The companys new car is going _ _ _ in the coming months.(design)2新机器人需要测验。The new robot needs _ _ _ _.(test)3当Tim去理发时,他拒绝父亲陪伴。Tim refused _ _ _ by his father when he wen

4、t for a haircut.(accompany)4她很漂亮但不喜欢被这么多人羡慕。She was very beautiful but she did not like _ _ _ by so many people.(envy)5这座桥是由石头建成的。The bridge _ _ _ stone.(make)6据说他的小说已经出版了。His novel is said _ _ _ _ already.(publish)7这些书不允许带出教室。The books _ _ _ to be taken out of the classroom.(allow)8被人嘲笑是可怕的。It is v

5、ery terrible _ _ _ _.(laugh at)9他期望能被邀请参加聚会。He expected _ _ _ to the party.(invite)10我们仍旧有许多困难需要克服。We still have many difficulties _ _.(overcome)答案:1.to be designed2.to be tested out/testing out3to be accompanied4.to be envied5.is made of6.to have been published7.are not allowed8.to be laughed at9.t

6、o be invited10.to overcome.单句改错1We set about to clear up the mess._2As is stating in the article above, the extreme climate changes have done great harm to the country._3The children ought to take good care of in the nursery._4The boy is to be blamed for his mistake._5Its no use to argue with him._6

7、The party to hold next weekend is very important for her._答案:1.to clearclearing2.statingstated3.takebe taken4.be blamedblame5.to arguearguing6.holdbe held.阅读理解AScientists have created a “humanlike robot” that can dance and do the housework. Mahru has been developed to imitate humans and can move its

8、 lips, eyebrows and pupils(瞳孔). The machine can also move its upper and lower body freely and automatically stop itself when walking. In addition, it has been programmed to give out two kinds of pleasant smells to match its emotions. The 1.5 m tall robot was produced by researchers at the Korea Inst

9、itute of Science and Technology(KIST)and is the first South Koreandeveloped machine of its kind. “Mahru will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework,” You BumJae, leader of the development research team, said, “Mahru can dance while walking on its legs and is able to w

10、ork in place of a human.” Through an advanced motion capture system, Mahru can follow a variety of human movements and move its hands freely enough to deal with any obstacles that may get in its way when walking. Statefunded KIST showed the robot during a presentation at its head office in Seoul. Pe

11、ople here were treated to an entertaining demonstration which saw the robot show off the full range of its skills, most notably a series of dance moves. The research team added that they had designed another Mahru, this time with sensors(传感器) allowing it to distinguish between faces and objects. The

12、 showing of Mahru came a week after researchers in Japan said they had created the“most humanlike” robot in the world. A team at robotics department of Osaka University in Japan claimed that “robogirl”, Repliee R1, “looks, moves and interacts like a human,and has silicone(硅胶) skin that feels almost

13、human to the touch.”1What does the underlined word “interacts” in the last paragraph mean? ATo fight with others. BTo act on each other. CTo have a word with others. DTo make robots by itself.2“Mahru” made by KIST can do the following things EXCEPT _. Aexpress certain feelings by smells it gave out Bmove its body freely Cstop automatically when walking Ddance


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