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1、必备英语七年级英语语法填空首字母填空试题集一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空1阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 After six days of spring rain, a _(run) river appeared near Nancy Browns farm. When she tried to get her cows to a _(high) ground, she fell down and hit her head on a fallen tree. Then she fainted(昏倒) in the riv

2、er for a few minutes. When she woke_, Lizzie, one of _(she) oldest and favourite cows, was licking(舔) her head. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking _(slow) with Lizzie. The water was now getting higher and higher. It was hard _Nancy to move her feet. Finally, all she could do was th

3、row her arms around _(Lizzie) neck. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie successfully pulled Nancy out of the running water and onto a small island in the middle of the river. Even though it was about noon, the rain was so heavy that it took people two _(hour) to find Nancy. Soon she was taken to a hospit

4、al. When the flood left two days later, Nancy went back to the island at once. She _(find) that Lizzie was gone. She was one of the nineteen cows that Nancy had lost. She saved my life but lost hers, said Nancy_tears.【答案】 running;higher;up;her;slowly;for;Lizzies;hours;found;with 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Nancy的牛

5、因为救主人的命而丢了自己的生命的故事。 (1)句意: 经过六天的春雨,南希布朗的农村附近出现了一条奔流的河流。现在分词做定语,表示主动关系,故填running。 (2)句意: 当她试图将她的奶牛赶到高地时。根据上文知道农场被水淹了,故把牛弄到比之前更高的地方才安全,故是high的比较级,higher,故填higher。 (3)句意:当她醒过来的时候,Lizzie,她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。wake up,固定搭配,醒来,故填up。 (4)句意:当她醒过来的时候,Lizzie, 她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。cows是名词,其前是形容词性物主代词,表示她的牛,故填her。 (5)

6、句意: 南希站起来,开始和莉齐慢慢地走。 副词修饰动词walk,slow的副词slowly,故填slowly。 (6)句意: 南希很难挪动她的脚。,故its+形容词+for sb to do,固定搭配,对某人而言做某事很.,故填for。 (7)句意: 最后,她能做的就是把她的胳膊搂在莉齐的脖子上。neck是名词,其前是名词所有格,故填Lizzies。 (8)句意: 雨太大了,人们花了两个小时才找到南希。数词two后是名词复数,故填hours。 (9)句意:她发现Lizzie不见了。讲述过去用一般过去时,find的过去式是found,故填found。 (10)句意: 她救了我的命,却失去了她的生

7、命, 南希含着泪说。此处with tears做状语修饰动词said,表示带着眼泪,故填with。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Water is very important to us. We must drink water every day. We cant live _water. At home, we use water _(wash) clothes, to wash dishes, to cook, to clean

8、 the floor, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our_(tooth), to water the flowers and so on. At work, people use water to put out _(fire), to grow vegetables, to make paper and books, to make beer and Coca-Cola and so on. We can also _(swim) in the sea. Water is important to us, isnt it? Water

9、 has no taste _all. Water has no colour. Water is in the river, the pump, the tap and the well. Water is everywhere _us. Water is in the rain, in the river and in the lake. _there isnt much clean water on the Earth. We must save it. How to save water? We can save it at home. For example, turn off th

10、e water tap after _(wash) hands. Lets save water to save_(we).【答案】 without;to wash;teeth;fires;swim;at;around;But;washing;ourseIves 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了水对我们的重要性,并呼吁节约用水。 (1)句意: 我们不可以生活在没有水的地方。 根据 Water is very important to us,可知我们不能没有水,without,没有,故填without。 (2)句意: 在家里,我们用水来洗衣服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。use st

11、h to do,固定搭配,用某物来做某事,故填to wash。 (3)句意:在家里,我们用水来洗衣服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。此处的牙齿是泛指,故是复数,tooth的复数是teeth,故填teeth。 (4)句意: 在工作中,人们用水来灭火。put out fires,灭火,此处的名词fire表示泛指,表示不用地区的火灾,故用复数,故填fires。 (5)句意: 我们也可以在海里游泳。can是情态动词,其后是动词原形,故填swim。 (6)句意:水根本没有味道。at all,固定搭配,和否定词no搭配,根本不,故填at。 (7)句意:水在我们周围无处不在。根据 Water

12、 is in the rain, in the river and in the lake 可知谁在外面周围,around,在周围,故填around。 (8)句意:但是地球上没有太多干净的水。上文提到到处都有水,根据 there isnt much clean water 可知此处与上文是转折关系,故填转折连词,故填But。 (9)句意:例如,吸收后关闭水龙头。after是介词,其后是动名词,wash的动名词是washing,故填washing。 (10)句意: 让我们节约用水来拯救我们自己 。根据let us可知此处是这我们自己,we的反身代词是ourselves,故填ourselves。

13、【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 Dear Tom, I am _ China now. Everything _ (go) well with tile. I hope you and Peter are very well too. _ is Christmas Day today. I think you must get many _ (present). Things in Beijing _ d

14、ifferent. Im very happy _ (see) the white Christmas. There is snow(雪) here and there, _ the snow is very thick(厚的) on the ground. 1 like to go out to play _ the snow with my friends. Now it must be very hot in Australia. Do you often go _ (swim)? I cannot swim here, but Im learning to ski. Its _ (re

15、al) interesting. Please write to me soon.Yours,Daniel【答案】 in;goes;It;presents;are;to see;and;with;swimming;really 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是 Daniel写给 Tom的一封信。在信中, Daniel介绍了自己在北京过圣诞节的情况。 (1)句意:我现在在中国。地点名词 China 前用in,故填in。 (2)句意:我一切都很顺利。不定代词 Everything 在句中做主语,谓语动词应用单数,故填 goes。 (3)句意:今天是圣诞节。代指时间用it,句首单词的首字母要大写,故填 It。 (4)句意:我想你一定收到了很多礼物。 many 后跟可数名词的复数,故填 presents。 (5)句意:北京的情况不同。be different,不同的,固定搭配,主语things是复数


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