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1、1. Everyone is to have a copy of this article, read it thoroughly with the help of dictionaries and other references;2. After reading, everyone is to write in English a review of 400+words, in which you are to state your comprehension of this school of philosophy, and to use this instrument to inter

2、pret at least 1 highly publicized event/incident. Type it out decently(make sure you have eliminated all typing errors and format mistakes) in the format of MS. Word or WPS and send it into this very mailbox in the form of attachment.3. Due date: 0:00 September, 2nd 2010.4. This is an article for cr

3、itical reading. I dont mean to preach this philosophy at all.Hierarchy of Needs of Abraham Maslow http:/ (From the First Edition of A First Look at Communication Theory by Em Griffin, 1991, McGraw-Hill, Inc. This text-only version of the article appears on the World Wide Web site . A facsimile of th

4、e original article is also available in PDF format.) Think of someone who fits the following description: loving, fair, realistic, relaxed, self-sufficient, spontaneous, creative, and nice. Make sure he or she also has an honest directness, a playful spirit, a history of successful risk taking, and

5、a way of moving through life that seems effortless. This is the kind of extraordinary person Brandeis University psychologist Abraham Maslow considered when he devised a theory of motivation fifty years ago. They are a rare breed-the Olympic medal winners of the human race. To Maslow, it made sense

6、to examine the finest specimens of the species. So in order to discover exemplary qualities in the human race, he studied the lives of Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Frederick Douglass, Martin Buber, Albert Schweitzer, and a few dozen others representing his defini

7、tion of the brightest and the best.THE THIRD FORCE: A REACTION TO PESSIMISTIC DETERMINISMMaslow realized that his method was a radical departure from the two standard psychological approaches to the study of human nature. The Freudian psychoanalytic school emphasized peoples destructive tendencies.

8、Consistent with the survival-of-the-fittest views of Charles Darwin, Freud saw no moral difference between people and animals. We may walk upright, but theres no reason to believe well act that way. Maslow thought that Freuds pessimism was a logical result of looking at the dark side of the human ps

9、yche. The study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy.精选文档1 The behaviorism of B. F. Skinner offers little more hope. Since students of motivation spend most of their time studying the behavior of white rats, its no wonde

10、r they construct need models based solely on hunger, thirst, sex, and the avoidance of pain. If we must do animal research, Maslow asked, why not study the playfulness of monkeys or the affectionate loyalty of dogs? He was also critical of behaviorists tendency to ignore unique characteristics. When

11、 they finally get around to looking at people, they lop off individual differences and reduce warm bodies to cold statistical averages. Maslows hierarchy of needs offers an alternative to what he saw as the depressing determinism of both Freud and Skinner. To call attention to the differences betwee

12、n his optimistic view and their denial of human freedom and dignity, he labeled his approach the Third Force. Maslow was convinced that when scientists finally examined the noble examples of human development, they would discover that people are basically trustworthy, self-protecting, and self-gover

13、ning. Our innate tendency is toward growth; we are even capable of love. Maslows theory is bullish on the human race.DEFICIENCY NEEDS MUST BE SATISFIED FOR GROWTH TO OCCURMaslow was not stupid. He could read the newspaper as well as anybody else and was saddened by the daily reports of inhuman decei

14、t and violence. But that was exactly his point. Lying, cheating, stealing, and murder are not what he thought human nature was meant to be. These are aberrant behaviors that occur when legitimate human needs are thwarted. To borrow a line spoken by a gang member to Officer Krupke in the 1962 Academy

15、 Award winning movie West Side Story, Im depraved on account of Im deprived.2 According to Maslows theory, there are four types of needs that must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. As Figure 10.1 shows, the needs are arranged in a hierarchical order. The upward climb is made by satis

16、fying one set of needs at a time. The most basic drives are physiological. After that comes the need for safety, then the desire for love, and then the quest for esteem. Note the softening of terminology used to describe the move up the ladder. Were driven to satisfy the lower needs, but were drawn to meet the higher ones.Figure 10-1 is



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