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1、高一英语必修二模块检测试卷第一卷一、单选题(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)1.Everyodis gonto cimb e ountn . an go to , mom ? _ Wat til youare ol enugh ,dear. . Will ou BWhy nt? . I ope so . D. m afrid not2rs.aylr has 8ear-olddaugherwho has gft for pinng. Sh haswon tnaioalprizes. A. a; a. an; th. an; aD. th; a3 In od gy,kins _ ramids _

2、hymbol f hir righ.A. took; for.tok ; a looked on;as D.oked; a 4. amsorrits _my wrto make a final decisinon the projet.A. e B. abov C. beond D.of5. It as no unilh got home_ancy realized eha lost her key.A.wen B. h .befoe D.where6.d apprecite _if you wul ike to each me how to earn ngish.Ahat B it . th

3、is . on7. Waking alng th seet,I hard somee _fr help.A. shous B. houti C. sho D. o shout8.I t north, smmer is longandcool atngh _wnt is shrtad cod . whn B. though whil D. ness9 The Nrth Ilan i famus oran ea of hot srns, some_trw hot water ig inohe airA. hih B. that C.for ich .where0.ue agiclure houd

4、depen high techoloy_ traditionlmethodsA. as og as B. well as . asfar a .b11. _Ican se te etthg wuld e to _ high techol from broadAa far s ;bring about B as wel s ; bing in Ca frs ; bring in D as wllas ;rig abot12 erfarwnted heto docto, but finally se became aEnglishteaer he _ er fathrsil.A wnt aains

5、t B.goes r C.go thogh D. repard fo3.hat all e doet?Wy nt _r.Backf help?H can always gi gooand_ adice.A trn to ; maica .tun ff ; prcticalC. tun to; racica D. turn to; tchnica1. Itwas durig th Second Wrld War, _he was sl a child, _the famly moved Hon Kg.A. that;whe . when; hat C.that; htD when; wh15.

6、The olor TV sts madin this copany are _high qalty ad they sell well bohat ome andarod. abot B. t C.against D. of二、完形填空(共20小题;每题分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2-35各题所给的四个选项(A、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。W fid direntkinds of nas tewr ome anmas, such as igers ad lios, le big forest ndhy rald 16 aima Setheslike sheepand gs a

7、e17 b men and heyead dosti anmas(家养动物) Thee animasar very iffnt fromoe aother,ut e ca 18 into wobig grop: thos thaeaothr animalsnd hose at earass adeaves. nmals kethe belong ohe st ou Aals ae 0gratuse ohumn beingen 21 wlanima for teir ur and met.mestic aimal ae me imortant to mn. Withou hem, le wl e

8、 23 Pp mak useo anial in many 24 Cws an pigs re usef o ens 25 Theygive8 of e 26 n everyye Skin of some anmas cn be27nt xpeive vercoats a shs, ich ar wam and comfortable and 28 long m The are very welmein 29 cunrie. Wol, hich inowone of h mot iporantmteral fril(纺织)30 , omes from soe ertin31 From cos,

9、 we getmlk And we shouldn 32 that somedoei anmal r kept or anport(运送). Many people 3ride hrses. Arabs ridn celsthattravelin desesfordays who 3 In some plcesials are stll used toplugh il. 5 scla thatme just cant lve ithouthee anima. 16 AilB. seius . terrie D.fighting 1. A. trapped BraedC.oldDkp18. A.

10、prate. ide C. turn D.change19. A hice. tger d D. goa0 Awit B o C for D. f1 A hut B. disoer C. ris D e for2 A. quite vry C evenD. oe23 A. smoth . dificult C. esy D. pefec4A.way B. rous . paces kinds25.A. if B. workC mily D. food6 Aeal B mea C dinnr D aimal27. A ut B. turnedCmad .hangd8 A. lat . costC take dess29. oolB. cldCwarm Dfeign30 A. busnessB worr C usry Dfactry31. shep B oat Cco nimal32A. orget. ree . eal D. otice33.A. lwa ardl C ill D just. A. esti B drikg C sleepngD. stoing35. A Tht B. TisCIt D So三、阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分0分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3



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